...120 credits that include general education courses that provide a general foundation of learning. Courses in this area can include English, mathematics, history, and science. The remaining credits focus on coursework related to building your knowledge and skills in the business side of health care. In addition, you’ll look at how you can select a curriculum track or certificate to expand your career opportunities. What you will cover 1. BSHA Program Overview a. Describe the purpose of the BSHA program. 1) Program Description a) The Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA) Program is designed to integrate a framework of general education courses with a health care curriculum that prepares the graduate with the foundational knowledge needed to enter today's challenging health industry. The BSHA curriculum addresses the basic body of knowledge, understanding, and skills identified as relevant to an ever expanding and diverse health care arena. Coursework includes content in some of the following areas- management, finance, legal and ethical parameters, risk and quality management, human resources, and information systems. Upon completion of the core curriculum health care students have the opportunity to select an area of focus that is designed to expand their professional opportunities. 2) Program aligns to industry and educational standards a) General education courses provide the start to your educational journey and can lead to your success with skills...
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...Read Me First HCS/235 Week Four INTRODUCTION The structure of the U.S. health care system is complex and fragmented. Navigating the system to achieve maximum health outcomes is challenging for most consumers. Two concepts designed to overcome barriers to quality health care are the continuum of care and continuity of care. The continuum of care refers to the variety of health care services across the life span. Continuity of care refers to provider and informational consistency within those services. Integrated delivery systems are health care delivery entities working together to promote continuity and coordination of care across the health care continuum. Continuum of Care The health care delivery components in the public and private sector health care systems provide services from preconception to death resulting in a lifetime continuum of health care services. Health services are available for every stage of life, health, and even death. Your texts organize the health services delivery system into primary, secondary, tertiary, long-term, and palliative care. Within that framework, health care delivery services can be categorized as ambulatory, acute, or long-term. Ambulatory care, such as visits to a physician's office, is defined as care that does not involve admission to an inpatient facility. Preventive care such as immunizations or screening, wellness exams, and other routine care are part of the ambulatory care domain. Medical and surgical...
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...Mercy Nagbe HCS/235 Presentation Professor Nate Garner November 15, 2015 What Is Long-term Care ● Health derives the need for care. ● How long does care last? ● Who will need Long-term care? Long Term Care Ensuring quality care: The decision to put a family member in a long-term care facility, nursing homes or assisted living home can be very difficult, but one of the primary concerns is about whether or not your family member will get loving care and quality care in a safe environment. Residents Rights Respect: Long-term care resident residents are to be treated with dignity and respect. They have the right to select the activities that they would love to participate in. They also have the right to leave the facilities with family or friends after notifying the staff. Restraints: By law it is wrong to use physical chemical restraints on residents except when it is necessary to treat medical symptoms. Who are stakeholders? ● ● ● ● Providers Payers Employers Patients Between patient and employer ● ● ● ● Patients have the expectancy to be offer a wide variety of options for whatever care that can be customized to their special needs. Basic premise is to provide the most options and the least out of pocket cost to consumer. Employers want to maintain their cost and contribution and they want the patient/employee to seek only needed care, and instructions. Patients should seek to reduce their health risk behaviours, i,e. diet, exercise and smoking. Between Providers...
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...Health care Utilization Cheryl Styles HCS/235 August 10th, 2015 Cyndie Miculan Healthcare Reform and Utilization The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has prompted considerable debate. While some believe that the Act will eventually serve as a foundation for the destruction of the healthcare system, others believe that the Act does not provide enough coverage to truly reform the system. In an effort to better understand the implications of reform to the healthcare system the current investigation considers how the PPACA has impacted access to care, how these issues may change care utilization, the concept of universal healthcare, the stakeholders involved in universal healthcare, and the roles emerging in the healthcare industry as a result of reform. Issues of Concern Reform and Access to Care The passage of the PPACA has been viewed by many as a boon to expanding patient access to care. In addition to the fact that the legislation ended the ban on pre-existing conditions—requiring healthcare companies to offer coverage regardless of the patient’s health—the legislation also mandated that all citizens have health insurance. Even though the individual insurance mandate has been highly contested it has provided a means for delivering healthcare coverage to more individuals than at any time in recent history. However, providing near-universal healthcare coverage has had some caveats. In particular, there is growing concern that the large...
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...Defining Terms in the Healthcare Industry Ashley Manazanares HCS 235 May 9, 2011 Ann Teske When entering the field of healthcare, it is highly important to understand specific terms in the industry to be successful. Knowing how certain policies, insurances, and medical care work together is imperative for an individual’s growth. Two major terms that should be looked at and completely defined are Medicare and Medicaid. These two programs supply insurance to millions. It is also significant to understand public health, ambulatory care, long-term care, and what it takes to actually become a physician working in the American medical field. First and foremost what is health? Health is an individuals’ well-being physically, mentally and socially. Improving one’s health and the health of people in same community all around the world is public health. Through education, promotion of healthy living and research for disease and injury prevention, public health is the intent to protect and improve community health. The many achievements of public health in the 20th century have improved the quality of life. There has been an increase in life expectancy, decline in child mortality, and removal and reduction of many transmissible diseases (Turnock, 2004). Public Health has made Americans realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle so illness may be minimized. When an individual does get ill they sometimes see a physician who has been through extensive...
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...Healthcare Terms Alicia Jones HCS/235 June 17, 2012 Barbara Williamson Healthcare Terms Medicare- Medicare is a type of insurance that is mainly set in place for the elderly, over 65 years of age. You can also qualify for Medicare if you are under the age of 65 years old but you have a certain type of disability. There are four different parts of Medicare coverage. There is Part A which covers the patient’s hospital care, nursing homes, or home health care. With Part A insurance most people do not have to pay a premium. Part B covers the medical side of everything including doctors’ visits, medical equipment, and things of that nature. However, the patient does have to pay a premium each month with this type of insurance. Part C covers both Part A and B insurance. It does come with other benefits but most of the time people have to pay extra for those services. Part D covers prescription drugs. It helps a great deal with the cost of prescription drugs because they can really be costly for people. The fund to keep Medicare going is coming out of taxpayers’ checks every time they get paid. This is called FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act). They also get funding from copays, premiums, and deductibles. Medicaid- Medicaid is a type of insurance that is set in place for children, families with low income, pregnant women and other people who qualify. It was established in 1965 by President Johnson to help those that were in need. Medicaid is joined together with both...
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...Health Care Providers and Products HCS/235 April 18.2016 Health Care Providers and Products A health care provider is any individual, institution, or agency that provides health services to health care consumers otherwise known as patients (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Health+care+service+provider). Health care providers are vital because they are trained to provide health services to patients which help treat illnesses, diseases, broken bones, or any injuries or health issues in which they are trained to treat. One type of health care provider is preventive or public health and they provide treatment to prevent sickness and health issues or to prevent issues from becoming worse. Preventive services are measures that are performed in an effort to prevent an illness or injury. Common examples of preventative care are immunizations and yearly physicals. In fact, any screening test done in order to catch a disease early is considered a preventative service, such as routine Pap tests for women or prostate exams for men (http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/preventive-care/preventative-care.htm). Preventive health care services are so important that some are offered to patients at no cost. Since some of these preventative care options are offered for free to the public more people are taking advantage of the services offered and preventing health issues. The services that are often offered for free are flu shots, physicals, and dental checkups. Although...
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...Health Care Terms HCS 235 13 June 2011 HealthCare Terms Doing research and independent reading on health care terms is not an easy task. With a vast amount of information on health care terms and defining these terms in short is not an easy assignment. Researching the term Medicare opened up an immeasurable amount of data on the subject, and I have chosen to write about the different parts of it. Medicare is a federally funded program, which has 4 different parts that include Part A, which is coverage for inpatient care in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities, hospice, and some home health care. Part B, which is coverage for medical insurance to include doctor’s visits, some home care services, and preventive care. Part D, which is coverage for prescription drugs, and Part C which is called Medicare Advantage Plan is available for an extra fee and would include Parts A, B, and D. Medicare is the nation’s top insurer of the elderly 65 years and older and is eligible for social security as well as permanently disabled but younger than age 65. Medicare also covers those with permanent kidney damage or failure and need to do dialysis on a daily basis until a transplant can be done. Although there are many kinds of conditions to be eligible for Medicare, it is also available to be purchased as with any other insurance carrier but can hardly be afforded by the aging population. Healthcare reform could seriously affect the premiums of coverage to the elderly population...
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...Freedom Home Care Andrea Smith HCS/235- Health Care Delivery in the U.S. March 15, 2012 Aaron Love Freedom Home Care The Internet has become a part of everyone’s lives. There is a substantial amount of subjects that people can research on the Internet. Health Care has become a topic that people are researching to look up health services, diseases, fitness programs, etc. One of the many health care delivery system providers in Georgia is the Freedom Home Care. Located in Columbus, Georgia, Freedom Home Care is a State-Licensed private provider that was started by Joe and Hope Robbins. The facility can be found at www.freedom-homecare.com. This essay will discuss the delivery services as well as community information that are provided, resource options that are provided by the website and ways that the site can become beneficial to the writer’s needs. Freedom Home care provides solutions for families that need assistance with the challenges of everyday life. The facility goes through a screening process to find the most qualified staff that will provide quality assistance for the clients. There are professional caregivers who will come to the individuals’ house and help them with everything from bathing to cooking and stay for a few hours a day. The caregivers are available 24 hours a day. From child care to elder care there are trustworthy and reliable caregivers to be there when others such as family members cannot due to busy work schedules. There are numerous aspects...
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...HEALTH CARE UTILIZATION PAPER HCS/235 September 28, 2014 Paul Dereadt With the vast adjustment in health care which came into Law on March 23, 2012, the avenues of health care were expanded. Health Care Reform gave access to affordable Health Insurance and Health Care to the citizens and legal residents with low to middle income. For those who were already insured, the plan included measures to enhance affordability and stability. Whereas, in prior years leading to Health Care Reform millions of Americans could not afford health insurance, most people depended on their employers. Others low income individuals, families and the elderly depended on the Federal Government funded program for health insurance through Medicaid and Medicare. Approximately 32 million people can obtain Health Insurance through the Health Care Market as of October 1st, 2013 into April, 2014 (HHS.com). Small businesses, individuals and low income families are now able to shop in the health care market to compare prices from Federal, State, Local and Private health Insurance Companies. In addition, those who are enrolled will receive tax credits from the government (Austin & Wetle, 2012). One of the main avenues is through Medicare and Medicaid which is funded by the Federal government. This Health Insurance is considered as one of the most reliable coverage that assist Americans to live a more healthy life. According to Austin & Wetle for Medicare seniors 65 years and older, the permanently...
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...Name HCS 235 October 6, 2014 Instructor Whether or not to seek Healthcare There are many factors the effect whether or not a person will utilize their health care options. Some of those items are changeable and some are not. Other factors we perceive as un-changeable but they can be changed, just with major effort on our part. Some of the unchangeable things are your age, gender, and race. There are temporarily unchangeable things such as education, occupation, and location. Also, a person’s beliefs on whether or not they need health care is something that is very hard to change. Things that have the most chance of change is income, available insurance, health care facilities, and transportation. Situation Our situation: John Q. recently moved to a rural community. He works full-time, but qualifies for Medicaid because of his low income. John has high blood pressure and his father recently had a heart attack. Thus, he decided to call and find out which providers nearby accept Medicaid. While there are local doctors, he discovered that the closest primary care physician who accepts Medicaid is a 40-minute drive and appointments must be made 2 weeks in advance due to the number of patients at the practice. In addition, the practice does not offer weekend or evening hours. John usually catches a ride to work with a friend or relies on public transportation. Unchangeable factors “Predisposing factors determining the use of health services...
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...|[pic] |College of Natural Sciences | | |HCS/235 Version 3 | | |Health Care Delivery in the U.S. | Whenever there is a question about what and when assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered the ruling document along with your Instructors Policies and Course Requirements located in our Course-materials forum. You will also find our Course Calendar at the end of this Syllabus. This will assist you with when all assignments and DQ’s are due. Course Description This course provides a broad overview of the various functions of the United States health care system. The historical evolution of health care is examined. The student is introduced to the various forms of provider models and service delivery systems found in private and public health sectors, including ambulatory, acute, mental, and long-term care. The financing aspects of health care and their influence on health care delivery and quality are outlined. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be...
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...Health Care Interview Myrta A Johnson HCS/235 University of Phoenix Introduction For my health care interview assignment I chose to interview Marc Martinez. Marc is a certified nurse’s aide. He works at Princeton Place. It is a long term skilled nursing rehabilitation & transitional, Alzheimer’s, respite & hospice care. Marc will described his duties, how he interacts with others. His length of time in his current position, were is career will be taking him also his education. Overview of Princeton Place Princeton Place is for patients who need assistance with everyday living. Princeton Place is one of the largest assistance living homes in Albuquerque. It has 369 beds and it is divide into six individual units has its own nursing staff. The facility is equipped with a full-time pharmacist, on site physician, dietician service and a full time respiratory therapists. The facility try to make it to make the patients stay as comfortable as possible. The resident are allowed to bring personal item such as picture, furniture and any memorabilia they choose. The facility offers Private room, Cable TV, a game room, they have the resident eat in the dining room at least once a week also they offer services such as a beauty salon and barbershop. They even have a chapel for resident. Targeted Department The targeted department is the certified nurse’s aide department where the resident need the most assistance: All of the employees are trained in first aid and CPR...
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...Orangeburg Regional Medical Center HCS 235 January 16, 2012 Maria Cabanillas Orangeburg Regional Medical Center has been serving the residents in Orangeburg County over thirty years. Over the years they have added more square footage, open the doors for new wings and job opportunities. Not only that it provided close services for the patients, they no longer had to make a seventy mile drive to have a specific service done, it was now done locally. With a great staff and some state of the art equipment this makes this hospital one the best in the area. They even have a website where you can find the many different service they offer on www.trmchealth.org. Besides emergency care, Orangeburg Regional Medical Center provides a large range of services to the community. They offer an admitting/outpatient wing that allow the service into one area allowing space for Same Day Surgery, which was needed to accommodate the increase in outpatient surgery. They offer some many other services like 15-bed psychiatric unit, pediatric unit, Cancer Center for cancer patients with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. They also offer Breast Health Center, Dialysis Access Institute, Radiology Department, Vascular Center, 20-bed Rehabilitation Unit, and Health Plex for outpatient rehabilitation and wellness, endoscopy, community outreach, EKG, neurology, nursing units, pharmacy, sleep lab, wound center, volunteer service, public relation, occupational therapy, joint center, and Biomedical...
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...Orangeburg Regional Medical Center Lakenya Miller HCS 235 January 16, 2012 Maria Cabanillas Orangeburg Regional Medical Center has been serving the residents in Orangeburg County over thirty years. Over the years they have added more square footage, open the doors for new wings and job opportunities. Not only that it provided close services for the patients, they no longer had to make a seventy mile drive to have a specific service done, it was now done locally. With a great staff and some state of the art equipment this makes this hospital one the best in the area. They even have a website where you can find the many different service they offer on www.trmchealth.org. Besides emergency care, Orangeburg Regional Medical Center provides a large range of services to the community. They offer an admitting/outpatient wing that allow the service into one area allowing space for Same Day Surgery, which was needed to accommodate the increase in outpatient surgery. They offer some many other services like 15-bed psychiatric unit, pediatric unit, Cancer Center for cancer patients with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. They also offer Breast Health Center, Dialysis Access Institute, Radiology Department, Vascular Center, 20-bed Rehabilitation Unit, and Health Plex for outpatient rehabilitation and wellness, endoscopy, community outreach, EKG, neurology, nursing units, pharmacy, sleep lab, wound center, volunteer service, public relation, occupational therapy, joint center...
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