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Healing Hospital


Submitted By cfritzlan
Words 1418
Pages 6
Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Catherine Fritzlan Grand Canyon University HLT 302 October 1, 2012 Dr. Sunshine Weeks

Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm The Healing Hospital paradigm is a model that focuses on the holistic approach to health care. It is about loving care and provisions to those that seek recovery and wellness for the whole body on a day-to-day basis. However, the healing model is in contrary to the cure model used in the traditional hospitals that emphasize more on the eradication of illness or sickness through new technology and pharmaceuticals. The healing health care is focused on the return to health and whole being rather than the focus on curing illness and disease. The healing concept advances the idea that aside from addressing physical demands and needs, the holistic approach should also be focused and sensitive to the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient. There are three key components to a healing hospital paradigm, which consist of a healing physical environment, an integrated work design and technology, and a “culture” of radical loving care based (Eberst, 2008). Many challenges will be experienced in the traditional hospital environment when in attempt to implementing a holistic healing approach. This paper will bring to light the components of the healing hospital and the many encounters that are involved in the continuous effort of caring to each and every patient in a healing environment. A healing hospital is more than “just walls, windows and mortar” (Chapman, 2011). It is built with people that have a “Servant’s Heart,” or has the love and compassion to serve in a healing physical environment at all levels in the health care field. The healing hospital paradigm places top priority to the patient’s healing experience through the ancient tradition with

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