...HCA Health Psychology Committee Report Beth Lowery HCA 250 The Health Psychology Committee is committed to enhance the health of patients and to assist patients in obtaining the shortest hospital stay, while improving the hospital's performance with respect to following the appropriate protocols and regimens. To that end, the Committee has established a new Division of Psychiatry, which is staffed by five specialists who are responsible for addressing specific interests of a wide-ranging population and assisting the hospital in treating the "whole" patient. The committee has sought to address a key issue facing individuals who are facing a hospital stay – that is, an overriding fear of hospitals. According to the Child Development Institute (2008), one of the major fears faced by adults and children is that of hospitals. This fear often manifests itself in stress, which can make the illnesses or ailments of the patient worse. Stress impacts the response of the immune system to the physical systems of the body, and psychological interventions can assist the patient in developing coping methods to address these stressors (Sarafino, 2006). The committee's hope is that integration of psychology and health care will reduce the stresses on the patient, enhance their health, increase compliance by the patient with treatment programs, and shorten their hospital stays. Additionally, the patient will be provided with coping skills that will help them deal with their illness...
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...HCA/250 Health Psychology Committee Report By Lynda Joy Green Instructor Remo Obertello 2/6/2011 Health psychology is a specialty area that focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior and social factors influence health and illness (about.com, 2011). The field of health psychology is all about promoting healthy lifestyles as well as prevention and treatment of disease and illness. Gadsden Regional is establishing a committee of five specialists in different fields of psychology: a substance abuse counselor, inpatient-only psychologist, child psychologist, adult psychologist, and a clinical psychologist. This committee will work together to study the mental and health illnesses that arise within the Psychology Department and provide specialized treatment in each area of recovery. The Psychology Department will provide treatment and care for a wide range ages and different abuse areas. Everyone from children to older adults, drug and alcoholic abusers, and people with psychological disorders or those just having problems coping with everyday stress will be able to obtain the help they need. The substance abuse counselor will be responsible for coordinating the use of recovery and structured programs substance abuse. The substance abuse counselor will coordinate with a social worker in order to research the patient’s addiction, addiction habits, frequency of abuse, abuse patterns, and identify thinks that might trigger the patient to abuse whatever...
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...Psychological factors such as behaviors due to chronic pain, stress, depression, and cultural beliefs can have an adverse affect on the body’s physical condition making the treatment of both the patients’ psychological and physiological aspects of health crucial in increasing the success of the patient’s treatment outcomes, one’s adherence to medical regimens and maintaining and improving one’s wellness. Therefore, in the attempt of improving overall patient health, measurable by shorter hospitalizations and improved adherence to medical regimens, a psychiatry division comprised of five specialists specializing in substance abuse psychology, inpatient-only psychology, child psychology, adult psychology, and pain management has been developed with the responsibility of improving patient health through the use of psychological methods. The implementation of these methods are targeted to concentrate on the weaknesses and strengths of those needing psychological help in the hopes of improving the health and well-being of all those involved. Substance Abuse Counselor The substance abuse counselor is one, which helps individuals dealing and suffering from a variety of different addictions such as those of alcohol and drugs. The substance abuse counselor is to counsel individuals who are addicted to these substances, helping him or, she to identify and understand the behaviors and problems associated with his or, her addiction. Addiction can become a very debilitating disorder...
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...Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on The Future of Nursing Robert Loperfido Felician Health Policy and Politics NURS 385 Helena Correia RNC, MSN August 18, 2014 The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on The Future of Nursing The United States is at a significant junction. Health care reforms are being carried out and the system is beginning to change. The largest component of the health care workforce is nurses and the needs to strengthen this group will only improve the delivery of care and the health care system. The IOM and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation established that accessible, high quality care cannot be achieved without extraordinary nursing care and leadership (American Nurses Association, 2014, p. 1). The report calls on nurses individually and as a profession to embrace changes needed to promote health, prevent illness and care for people across the lifespan. The report also calls for support from interprofessional collaborations from physicians, dieticians, physical therapist and other multisector professions to work with nurses to make the changes necessary for a more accessible, cost efficient and high quality health care system. This report expands on the theme that high quality, safe, evidence based patient centered care is a critical role of nursing and that to have a successful health care system rests on the future of nursing (Institute of Medicine, 2010). In 2010 the President signed into law and Congress approved health care legislation called...
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...of the IOM report 2010 The health challenges facing the nation has significantly changed in the21st century. In the present century nurses with more skills, expertise, and knowledge is required to keep up with changing health care. These changes helped the nurses to expand their knowledge and search various opportunities in all aspects of health care. There are some obstacles, which prevent nurses from responding effectively to a quickly shifting healthcare settings and developing health care system. In 2008, a two- year project to identify and resolve the problems facing the health profession developed by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM). This passage will explain the effect of IOM report on nursing education, practice, and nurse’s role as a leader. The IOM report -The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Advancing Health released in Oct 2010. The IOM selected the Com¬mittee on the RWJF to plan on the expectations of Nursing, with the rationale of developing a report and that would make suggestions for an advanced future of nursing. According to this report, there are so many challenge that facing the education in nursing and some resolutions that will be essential to progress the structure. In this present century, the patient’s requirements and health care settings became more multifaceted, the nurses needed to require competencies to convey expert nursing care. To meet this rising difficulty, the IOM committee recommended...
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...Health, Social Services and Public Safety Primary and Secondary Legalisation Human Transplantation Bill- The Committee Stage began on the 17th November 2015. The Committee added twenty two clauses to the bill such as clause eighteen which defines numerous terms in the bill. Food Hygiene Rating Bill- Passed its second stage on the 11th November 2014, and the committee added twenty clauses such as clause eighteen which states the general provisions for making rules for the bill. The committee also asked for views of any outside groups. Tobacco Retailers Bill- Entered committee stage on the 9th October 2013 and received 42 amendments by the committee who published their first official report on the 28th May 2013. All clauses were accepted and it became law on the 25th March 2014 Policy Scrutiny of the Minister In February 2013, the committee raised the issue of cancelled hospital appointments with the Minister as in 2011-12 around 180,000 appointments were cancelled. It took evidence from the Health and Social Care Board and Trusts. As a result, during the summer of 2013, the Trust created a plan to make the information around cancelled appointments more available. June 2011- committee became aware of growing concerns of a specific illness pregnant woman can contract, heard from medical academics and a victim of the disease. It issued a guide to health professionals and asked minister to raise awareness. February 2012- raised issue of the “Community...
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...HEALTH & SAFETY: ACCIDENT RESPONSE, REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION PART NUMBER: SCOPE 923-3012-02 This document tells you how to respond immediately to an accident (an ‘adverse event’), and when and how to investigate and report accidents in the workplace. It helps ensure that the immediate response is appropriate, and that investigations are thorough and dispassionate, and preventative strategies can be put in place to prevent recurrence. AUDIENCE This document is for all employees of SAC. 923-3012-02 SAC Proprietary: Internal Use Only Health & Safety: Accident Response, Reporting and Investigation CONTENTS SCOPE ................................................................................................................................. 1 AUDIENCE ........................................................................................................................... 1 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 2 1 2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 4 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Executive Management Team ................................................................................. 4 2.2 Group Managers ............................................................................
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...Running head: The impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM Report The Impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the future of nursing. THE IMPACT ON NURSING OF THE 2010 IOM REPORT ON THE FUTURE OF NURSING. The institute of medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson foundation formed a Committee to look into ways of making nursing a strong profession where nurses become partners and leaders to improve health care in the period of health care reforms, this led to the creation of Robert Wood Johnson initiative (RWJF) on the future of nursing in conjunction with the Institute of medicine (IOM), The Committee made some recommendations on nursing in the United States titled “ The future of Nursing: Leading change, advancing health” The RWJF and IOM worked on this project for two years.in order to study, research learn and understand the implications for nursing as a profession being the largest component of health care workforce of this anticipated changes in health care. To realize this vision of transforming the health care system into a safe, accessible, patient centered care, this will require improved nursing education before and after nurses are licensed. The RWJF and IOM considered many challenges that face nursing education and proffered solutions that will assist in advancing the health care system, the Committee determined that nurses should be trained at higher levels of education by improving...
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...Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Professional Dynamics NRS-430V February 14, 2016 Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Health care has changed a lot in the past century and continues to keep evolving. Nurses play a crucial part in health care. There are many ways in which nursing has evolved with the times but there are also some areas in which it has not. In 2011, The Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report discussing the future of the nursing profession. The report describes what nursing education, practice, and leadership looks like today and how it needs to change for the future. Transforming Education The IOM reports a nationwide goal of eighty percent of the nursing workforce being educated at the baccalaureate level by year 2020. This is necessary to move nursing practice to a broader set of competencies, particularly in community and public health, leadership, research, and health policy (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2011). This goal is achievable because a lot of the educational capacity needed already exists. Online programs such as the RN-BSN, RN-MSN, and BSN-MSN options are beneficial to those already in the workforce and those with families (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2011). Community colleges in some states now offer baccalaureate degrees (Rosseter, 2015). Hospitals typically offer financial...
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...SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY North Sydney Campus Table of Contents Company Profile: 3 SANTOS MINING 3 Profile 3 Board Composition and Structure 3 Risk Management / Internal and External Controls 4 Code Of Conduct 4 Transparency Issue-Santos 4 SYDNEY AIRPORT 5 Profile 5 Board Composition / Structure 5 Risk Management / Internal and External Controls 6 Code of Conduct 6 Remuneration Committe Issue-Sydney Airport 6 Discussion And Conclusions 7 SECTION 2 7 Answer: (Question1, See Appendix) 7 SANTOS Limited Remuneration 7 Sydney Airport Remuneration 9 Answer: (Question 2, See Appendix)) 9 References 11 Appendix 13 Section 2 Questions 13 SANTOS Remuneration Table & Chart 13 Remuneration Committee Santos 15 Remuneration Committee Sydney Airport 15 Sydney Airport RemunerationTable & Chart 16 Company Profile:- SANTOS MINING Profile SANTOS (South Australian Northern Territory Oil Search) was founded in 1954 and was active in energy business for more than 50 years. Santos is one of the leading oil and gas producer supplying Australia and Asian customers. Santos made its significant discovery in natural gas in the...
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...Medicine (IOM) report was written as a guide to help nurses build a stronger health care system. The Institute of Medicine focused on prevention and wellness. Nurses need to have more education and put into practice the education and training they have received. An associate degree is ok to have but a baccalaureate degree is recommended. A baccalaureate degree has a bigger knowledge of community health. Higher educations have been linked to lower mortality rates. This is one of the many reasons a baccalaureate degree is wanted by employers. Having more availability to health care nurses will play different roles in health care. Health care will focus more on prevention. This will benefit practice registered nurses as they will be able to be the primary care provider. Nurses will be able to use their education. This will include education of patients and families. The Institute of Medicine is a nonprofit, organization whose purpose is to give advice in regards to medicine and health. It works separately from the U.S. federal government and provides “unbiased, evidence-based, and authoritative information and advice concerning health and science policy to policy-makers, professionals, leaders in every sector of society, and the public at large” (“Institute of Medicine, “2013.) In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a special report titled “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” It looks at nurses and where they will fit in the health care system....
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...of the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on the Future of Nursing Education, Practice and Leadership Aaron Peterson Grand Canyon University Profession Dynamics NRS-430V April 14, 2013 The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) 2010 report on The Future of Nursing is a vision for ways to evolve nursing to better impact the changes in the world. The IOM was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences. The IOM consists of a group of experts that discuss, debate, and examine future solutions in regards to the many concerns that the nation faces in regards to healthcare. This group’s primary goal is to improving high quality care, reduce medical errors and increase patient safety. In order to achieve these goals the group focuses the need to advance nursing education, nursing practice and nursing leadership. In healthcare nursing is considered one of the most versatile occupations with many different career pathways, a broadening scope of practice and increasing number of responsibilities. Nurses are considered to be the central part of the healthcare system to provide high quality and safe patient care. We must embrace the changes to improve the healthcare sector and provide care for people in all different settings. “The committee envisions a future system that makes quality care accessible to the diverse populations of the United States, intentionally promotes wellness and disease prevention, reliably improves health outcomes, and provides compassionate care...
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...represent more than 3 million health care members nursing profession is one of the major divisions of work force in United States. Nurses played an important role in setting the 2010 Affordable Act, legislation and creating Medicare and Medicaid programs. There are lot of hurdles inhibits nurses to respond successfully with reforming healthcare system. In order to overcome these obstacles nurses are well educated and well positioned in healthcare system to lead these changes. In 2008, Institute of Medicine and Robert Johnson Foundation appointed a committee to evaluate the need for healthcare transformation. Committee made some recommendations regarding improve education and training of nurses, nurses need to achieve highest level of education, nurses should collaborate with other healthcare professional to redesign healthcare system and accurate planning of work force for data collection. According to the report the committee suggested that many problems facing nursing education system nursing education system need to be advanced. Impact of IOM report on education. In 21st century statistics shows that there are many health issues affecting American population and it will be increased to 20 percent of the population by 2030.In addition to that nation’s health care needs also increasing. Primary goal of nursing education is to prepare safe and quality care of patients. Chronic disease conditions like cardiovascular diseases, mental health illness arthritis and obesity...
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...optimization of health and abilities and prevention of illness and injuries, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, advocacy of care of an individual, families, communities and population”. Nurses are providing care in all different heath care settings like hospitals, nursing homes, schools, medical offices, natural disasters, immunization clinic, research centers, pharmaceutical research and or any health related emergency like Ebola outbreak. Impact Of IOM Report On Health Care Practice The Institute Of Medicine (IOM) IOM (The Institute Of Medicine) is started in 1970. IOM is nonprofit, independent organization. It governs independent of government and give wise, reliable, and legal advice by providing reliable evidence. “The IOM is health arm national academy of science which was charted under president Abraham Lincoln in 1863.Nearly 150 years after national academies of science has expanded in to what is collectively known as national Academies which comprises the national Academy of science, national academy of engineering, the national research council and the IOM”. The IOM gives answer the nation’s most critical questions about health care. The nursing profession and medical field growing fast, nurses playing vital role with patient care. In 2008 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Institute of Medication (IOM) started a two year program to the transform the nursing profession with detail assessment. The committee of IOM on RWJF...
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...Global Health Care Plan HSC/550 Gheorghe Caravelcov Global Health Care Issue The controversial issue of stem cell research has ethical, and moral issues that needs defined as to what can be funded and what cannot be funded. Stem cell research offers insight into some of the most disabling diseases but more research must be completed before the treatments can be used for humans. A controversial issue The stem cell research is controversial because of the ethics concerning the legality of using the cells for research, safety for the consumer, and morally wrong to destroy the embryonic stem cells. Both sides have conflicting...
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