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Health Related Components


Submitted By hattilyns
Words 709
Pages 3
Being Physically Fit
Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining prime health. Becoming educated about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. Factors of physical fitness are important for complete fitness of the body and mind. All these fitness components have a specific purpose and part in being physically fit and healthy. Physical fitness and wellness is far more reasonable than generally perceived. It helps individuals to look, feel and do their best. Obtaining and sustaining physical fitness is a result of many things but a few are physical activity, proper diet, along with proper rest for physical recovery. If you really want to measure the overall fitness of a person you have to take into consideration the five components of physical fitness. For an average person, workout should be based on the five major health related fitness factors: Cardiovascular Fitness, Body Composition, Flexibility, and Muscular strength and endurance.
Cardiovascular Fitness is the ability of the circulatory system or the heart and blood vessels to supply oxygen to working muscles during exercise. Cardiovascular fitness, also known as cardiorespiratory endurance, is an expression that is used to describe a unique form of muscular endurance. In other words, it describes the importance in which the lungs, heart, and vascular system work in order to provide oxygen to the working muscles of the body, so that the effort of the muscle can be maintained. Obviously, there are many factors that can affect cardiovascular fitness including heart rate, stroke volume, and the capability of the muscle cells to take up oxygen out of the blood. There are many benefits of cardiovascular fitness the first being that it strengthens both the heart muscle and the muscles involved in breathing. With this are

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