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Healthcare Spending


Submitted By Symphony22
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Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability
Nurse practitioners should be professional with patients and show patients respect. If a nurse does not show respectful behavior and there is misconduct or incompetence a complaint will have to be filed and the situation will be investigated (APA, 2012).
Nurse practitioners are competent and care for patients in a professional caring manner. Patients sometimes experience non-tolerable performance that is not acceptable from a professional nurse (APA, 2012). Filing a complaint with the state licensing authorities can help deal with the unacceptable problem. If a nurse is doing things that may cause harm to a patient, it should be filed with the correct authorities. Sending complaints to NCSBN will not help file a correct report against a nurse who is not following the correct rules. Using the State Board of Nursing site can give numerous amounts of information on how complaints can be filed correctly. Complaints are taken very seriously by the Board of Nursing (APA, 2012). Nurses who do not practice in a appropriate manner will be terminated immediately and all credentials will be suspended. The board has authority in each state, being able to take action in various bad situations dealing with nurses. The board will take mild formal action if a nurse actions are sufficient for violating state laws and regulations. Each case the board handles have to be taken care of separately considering its own merits. The board will investigate the situation finding out everything they need to know to eliminate the problem. They do give the nurse the opportunity to respond to the situation which has occurred. The registered nurses board protects patients public health and they’re welfare safety. The board protects patients guaranteeing the nurses are safe and will treat every patient with respect and great practice. A complaint can be filed by anyone who thinks a licensed nurse is not being professional (APA, 2012). The board only investigates nurses who are licensed other people pretending to be nurses will be handled by the law. Nurse practitioners sometimes see the patients instead of the doctor because some patients do not want to see the doctor they rather see the nurse. Nurse practitioners are able to right prescriptions and they can give patients the amount they want to give them without the doctors permission. Nurses have to give the right medications to the patients and the right dosage because if they give the wrong amount they could be terminated from their job. They cannot abuse they’re authority when they are writing prescriptions because they will have to deal with the law on that matter. Writing false prescriptions can get a nurse put in prison for a long amount of time and they will mess up their career (APA, 2013).
When the complaint is filed against a nurse the board has to follow a process to get to the correct resolution (APA, 2013). After 10 days of the complaint being filed, the board will send a letter noting they have received the complaint. Complaints that are horrible allegations will get the very bad consequences. The Department of Consumer Affairs Division of Investigation will investigate the manner to see if it can be investigated or closed. If there is a case involving a criminal unlicensed activity the case will be given to a district attorney to prosecute. The investigation will be confidential and private so that the investigation want become jeopardized. Some investigations can become public if criminal action is involved. The review for the complaint will take time to review every piece of information in the case. The board will need extra time if they are in need of it because they have to take care of the situation in the correct manner and find out everything about the situation to keep other patients safe. The board have to keep everything they know documented and they have to investigate the problem in the facility. Investigating the problem will help them to find out what happened in the facility with the nurse and the patient. The patient has to cooperate with the board to keep everything in the correct order if they want their problem investigated. Numerous investigations are conducted everywhere around the world and the board have to keep up with everyone of them. When the board investigates a problem that is very serious and they know the law have to get involved they contact the authorities quickly (APA, 2013).
A nurse can be taken to court and sued if he or she does not observe a patient a patient in the correct manner. Nurses are targets for getting sued in health care industry. Nurses have to take care of each patient and show respect or they can lose their certification (APA, 2012). Becoming a certified nurse takes numerous amounts of hard work. Going to school and paying for the education to become a nurse should not be jeopardized by criminal actions or un-loyalty to a patient. Losing a nursing certification will make things very hard for an individual working in the health care field. Many criminal liabilities will be brought forth to a nurse who is bringing forth criminal activities in a health care facility. Jail time will be given to any nurse who is not keeping patients information private within the facility. Patients information have to be discussed with only the patient and family if they want their information discussed with their family. Nurses are able to see patients most private information and they have to be able not share those things with people that may want to use them in a bad way. Some nurses have been in situations where they have used patients social securities numbers and they are selling them for money and they are now being prosecuted. Nurses who do not use their certification in the correct manner will never be able to get a good job with benefits that will be a great liability they will put at risk. Many people will not be able to trust them with their information or other things that they may think is very private (APA, 2013).
Many healthcare facilities should introduce risk management programs to make sure nurses are giving high quality care. Nurses should communicate well with the patients and other staff members (APA, 2012). When tests are given nurses should follow up on them with patients so they will know what is going on with them. Documentation should be used everyday in a facility because other staff members have to know what is going with the patient as well if the nurse is not there. Documentation helps because there are many patients and remembering their information will be hard if its not written down on paper or put in the computer. Nurses have to give medication correctly because if the wrong medication is given it can become very serious with the law and he or she can lose they’re credentials (APA, 2012).
When criminal charges become filed against the nurse the high authorities with the law will be contacted and the person will be put in jail for their wrong doings. In healthcare the law is very strict on individuals who are not abiding by the law and they work in healthcare. Healthcare is one of the main industries people use when they are trying to get money. Nurses cannot use patients information in the public with other people , HIPPA will step in if they are notified by someone about an individuals action. Rules will help many of these problems stay out of the healthcare facilities, nurses will be able to know that they cannot jeopardize their job and lose everything that is paying their bills. Each state will have a site for the nurses to go to if they want to know about what can happen if they are not doing their job or if they are doing illegal things. Nurse practitioners have to know everything about the consequences that may occur if the rules are not met. Patients have to be taken care of by the staff in any healthcare facility and they have to be given respect. If there are no patients there is no business for the organization. Nurses are paid because the facility have patients. Patients have to give respect as well, if respect is not given then the law will have to step in and handle the situation (APA,2013). Nurses do most of the work in the facility they have to make sure everything is done for the physician (APA, 2012). The doctor is depending on the nurse to get all the paper work done in the facility. Nurses pay a great penny to get their certification and they have to give great customer service in order to keep their credentials (APA, 2013).

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