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Healthy Lifestyle Essay

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Build A Healthy Lifestyle
Schools in America give fast food to students every day for a meal. How can we build a healthy lifestyle? The United States Department of Agriculture gives to public schools cash for every meal they serve. It is $2.57 and for free lunch, $2.17 for a reduced price lunch, and 24 cents for a paid lunch. In 2007, the program cost around $9 billion to cover food costs. Most people do not realize that very little of this money even goes toward food. Schools have to use it to pay for everything from custodial services to heating in the cafeteria. (Alice and Katrina 2). The national epidemic of childhood obesity is well-recognized, yet the effect of community-based programs and policies on childhood obesity prevention is …show more content…
The cost to feed 30 million American schoolchildren a wholesome meal. It could be done for about $5 per child or roughly $27 billion a year on a one-time investment in real kitchens. Although it sounds expensive, every discipline -- whether it is math, science, the humanities -- the learning environment comes to life in the learning laboratory of a garden or kitchen classroom. In the lunchroom, teachers and cooks alike use daily meals to feed students’ minds as well as their bodies, but a healthy school lunch program would bring long-term savings and benefits in the areas of hunger, children’s health and dietary habits, food safety environmental preservation and energy conservation. (Alice and Katrina 2). Breakfast must include milk, vegetables or fruit, and grains. 3 components; grains could be replaced with meat/meat alternates up to 3 times per week. (CACFP Nutrition Standards). In other words, If the government spend more money on the meal per child and in kitchens. The government will invest less money in healthcare because the children will be more healthy and they do not suffer from diseases related to overweight and

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