Premium Essay

Heath-Cott-Lynn Report


Submitted By huskies
Words 1133
Pages 5
Date: 2/18/2014
To: Heathcot-Lynn Foundation Board of Directors
Subject: Overall Review and Funding Decisions of Proposals
The Heathcot-Lynn Foundation has been an innovator in the health and safety sector for many years. Due to the popularity of this foundation the amount of proposals received is astronomical. In a perfect scenario, funding could be given to every proposal, seeing as how perfect scenarios are almost impossible to come by some tough decisions need to be made. My team and I have given much thought to the $3000 we can allocate across the four different proposals.

The most important part for every member on our team to understand is what a good proposal looks like, and what it takes for an idea to be funded. After our team understood that idea they were able to analyze each proposal individually, so individual opinions could be formed to enable constructive input in the larger group meeting. Keeping in mind the evaluation criteria Heathcot-Lynn provided us; need for project, goal, project approach, cost, and impact our team got down to work collaboratively.

The first proposal submitted by the Skyline Coalition comes to us with not just one issue, but two. Right away it is clear to understand the need for, and goals of this project. The first problem arises when looking at the project approach criteria. The proposal doesn’t say how they plan on sustaining the prescription distribution beyond the three month time frame funding would allow. It’s almost impossible to reach a goal if you cannot sustain something so crucial to that goal. Our team also has an issue with the cost of the Skyline Coalition proposal. It seems like more money should be geared toward prescriptions, as opposed to copy paper and three ring binders. If Skyline needs money for paper items now they are bound to need them again in the future,

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