Intro to hedgefund
Belongs to alternative - regulatory comoensation trading
R: accredited standards, like 250000 above, of 1million or more after financial crisis net worth
C: offer them based on how much they earn from client
T: use leverage, so can take long (buy) or short (sell), can do whatever you want with the money
After 2001
Not fixed classification
Futures funds
Event driven
Relative value (arbitrage = riskless)
Funds of funds
1st 4 are named single manager funds, underlying investments that do not invest in another hedgefund
last F: invest in a diversified groups of funds
fund mortality – no of hedgefunds that …. average lifespan of hedgefund – 4.4 years
hedgefund fees***** management fees: collected regardless of fund performance, usually 2% drawn from customer, take reference to the initial year performance fees: incentive fees, eg. Beyond a certain level of money earned, I will draw a % of about usually 20% of the profit.
Usually called: two-twenty fees
You need to
- achieve a high watermark provision – only pay fees only if net asset value increases from previous year. (have profit then have incentive) (only when you exceed the highest value of record like a high score, must break high score
- hurdle rate: fee paid if the fund return exceeds a particular threshold
example: to calculate the performance fee, must minus management fee first then take the percentage
250million increase to 295million
2/25 fee structure
management: 2% of 250m performance: percentage returen
high watermark: effects of incentive fee: result in pervase incentive motivate the manager by putting his interest alighned to invetor’s interest: eg. Manager want volatitlity but investor don’t want
solutiions: optimal contracting
manager can invest part of huis