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Hello Project


Submitted By kinkochan
Words 2941
Pages 12
Chap 4: Thảo luận trường hợp : Các đầu đạn cáp thử lưỡng nan
Đó là buổi sáng thứ hai tại nhà máy lắp ráp cáp chia Bryson của Tổng công ty . Stanton Wong, giám sát chất lượng , đang lo lắng tất cả các ngày cuối tuần về một chỉ thị ông đã nhận được từ ông chủ của mình trước khi rời khỏi công việc vào thứ sáu. Harry Jackson , người quản lý nhà máy và một phó chủ tịch hoạt động, đã nói với Stanton rõ ràng để bỏ qua các khuyết tật trong một loạt cáp ép họ đã sản xuất cho một khách hàng lớn , một nhà thầu quân sự. Bây giờ, Stanton đã tự hỏi nếu bất cứ điều gì anh ta nên nói hay làm .
Tổng công ty Bryson là tập đoàn lớn đứng đầu là một Giám đốc điều hành tích cực những người đã thành lập một hồ sơ theo dõi việc mua và quay xung quanh các công ty sản xuất có hiệu suất thấp . Harry Jackson đã được gửi đến các nhà máy cáp ngay sau khi nó đã được mua lại , và ông đã làm cho tiến triển giải cứu những gì đã từng là một hoạt động bên lề . Từ trong nhà máy là doanh nghiệp hài lòng với tiến bộ của mình .
Harry chạy nhà máy như một nhà độc tài , kiểm soát gần như tuyệt đối , và đảm bảo rằng tất cả mọi người bên trong và bên ngoài tổ chức biết điều đó. Harry sẽ đe dọa trực tiếp báo cáo của mình, la hét vào họ và xúc phạm chúng ở khiêu khích nhất . Ông quấy rối nhiều phụ nữ trẻ trong văn phòng và đã có quan hệ với một trong những nhà quản lý tài khoản bán hàng.
Kỷ niệm hai năm Stanton trong công việc vừa qua . Ông hài lòng với tiến bộ của mình . Ông cảm thấy được tôn trọng bởi các công nhân nhà máy , đồng nghiệp quản lý , và thường thậm chí của Harry . Tiền ông kiếm được đủ tốt mà anh và vợ cảm thấy tự tin để mua một ngôi nhà và bắt đầu một gia đình . Ông muốn có được một danh tiếng như một nhân viên trung thành. Ông đã quyết định sớm rằng ông đã không về để thách thức Harry . Ít nhất, đó là cách tiếp cận Stanton cho đến khi cáp đầu đạn hạt nhân đến cùng.
Cáp đầu đạn hạt nhân là một phần của một hệ thống cầu chì được sử dụng trong tên lửa . Trong quá trình sản xuất , một cáp tròn được hình thành thành một hình dạng ribbon giống như căn hộ bằng cách cho nó thông qua một máy cán và áp dụng nhiệt cụ thể , tốc độ và áp lực . Cáp phẳng sau đó được cắt thành các độ dài và hình dạng cụ thể và vận chuyển cho khách hàng, một nhà thầu quốc phòng .
Là một phần của nhiệm vụ kiểm soát chất lượng của mình, Stanton sử dụng một thủ tục tiêu chuẩn được gọi là một con dấu kiểm tra nhiệt độ cao để đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của sản phẩm . Cáp bị cong một góc 90 độ và được đặt trong một lò nướng ở 105 độ C trong suốt bảy tiếng . Nếu con dấu không de - gỗ ( pop mở ở các góc ) , sau đó các sản phẩm thông qua các bài kiểm tra . Thủ tục này thường được thực hiện trên cáp chạy từ đầu trong khi các nhà điều hành máy cán vẫn còn sản xuất hàng loạt . Bằng cách đó , nếu có một vấn đề , nó có thể được phát hiện sớm và điều chỉnh .
Khi hàng loạt cáp đã sẵn sàng cho lô hàng , Stanton chịu trách nhiệm chuẩn bị một báo cáo chi tiết của tất cả các kết quả kiểm tra . Thanh tra mã nguồn của khách hàng, Jane Conway , sau đó đến nhà máy và thực hiện thêm xét nghiệm mẫu có . Vào những ngày kiểm tra , Jane có xu hướng đến khoảng 9:00 giờ sáng và dành buổi sáng xem xét dữ liệu thử nghiệm Stanton . Thông thường, cô ấy sẽ kéo mẫu từ mỗi lô và kiểm tra chúng . Cô hiếm khi tiến hành kiểm tra con dấu nhiệt cao của mình, tuy nhiên , thay vì dựa trên dữ liệu thử nghiệm của Bryson . Stanton và Jane thường ăn trưa cùng nhau tại một nhà hàng gần đó và sau đó hoàn thành các thủ tục giấy tờ vào buổi chiều.
Với tuần trước , trong một thời gian rất bận rộn , một đơn đặt hàng lớn cho cáp đầu đạn đi vào với một khoảng thời gian quay vòng ngắn . Stanton đã thử nghiệm một mẫu lấy từ một rất nhiều đầu và có kết quả tốt . Nhưng thử nghiệm của mình vào thứ Sáu cho thấy vấn đề . 10 mẫu , hai thất bại. Chiều hôm đó, Stanton đến văn phòng của Harry với các mẫu không cho thấy ông de - cán . Trước khi Stanton có thể nói một từ, Harry gọi là trong quản lý sản xuất và nguyền rủa anh ta ra . Sau đó ông quay sang Stanton và nói: " Chúng ta hãy chờ xem liệu thanh tra nguồn bắt vấn đề này. " Stanton nhắc nhở ông rằng thường là thanh tra nguồn không thực hiện kiểm tra đặc biệt này . Harry trả lời: " Vâng, hầu hết các mẫu được thông qua. " Stanton trả lời: " Có, nhưng một số thất bại. Điều đó cho thấy sự không thống nhất trong rất nhiều việc. Giao thức đòi hỏi một thử nghiệm thất bại được báo cáo cho kết quả như vậy . "
Harry đã quyết tâm của mình . " Đừng nói với tôi những gì tôi có thể và không thể làm được! Quyết định là của tôi để làm , và những gì tôi đã quyết định là chúng ta sẽ thấy nếu thanh tra nguồn tìm thấy sự thất bại ! "Tất cả các ngày cuối tuần, Stanton lo lắng về chỉ thị của Harry. Cáp Bryson đã được sử dụng để sản xuất cầu chì trong tên lửa .
Stanton nghĩ về một vài người ông biết từ trung học bây giờ đã được làm nhiệm vụ hoạt động trong một khu vực chiến tranh ở nước ngoài . Anh ta nghĩ về tác hại có thể đến thường dân vô tội hoặc thậm chí cho các thành viên dịch vụ của Mỹ nếu tên lửa tịt ngòi . Anh tự hỏi nếu có ai trong công ty mẹ có thể giúp đỡ, nhưng không biết ai ở đó để gọi.
Harry being the decision maker of the operations acts like a dictator in where he does not care of the feelings of others, he only wants to accomplish his duties no matter who will be affected.
Statement of the problem: How can Stanton resolve this issue without legal ramifications to his career?
Alternative course of action: • Stanton Wong should fight on what he stands for and should not be afraid to speak up his mind.
o He will be more respected by everyone for standing up on his own principles. o Harry Jackson might realize the attitude that he lacks. o There would be no problem in the Warhead Cable to be produced for the use in missiles.
o There would be a big misunderstanding gap between Harry Jackson and Stanton Wong o Since there is misunderstanding between Harry Jackson (the plant manager and vice president of operations) and Stanton Wong (quality supervisor), the company’s performance might be affected. o The misunderstanding between Harry Jackson and Stanton Wong might go to the knowledge of the CEO of the company, which might make a bad image for the two.
Stanton Wong should fight on what he stands for and should not be afraid to speak up his mind. However, standing in your own beliefs sometimes leads to big misunderstanding between you and the people around you. But with this action, he will be more respected by everyone by standing up on his own beliefs and principles and the problem regarding the Warhead cables will be solved immediately. In an operating company, quality and honesty really matters and as a person with an important position in a company, it is their duty to disclosed every little and big problems that they encounter in their product despite the fact of making it more costly for them. What’s important is that, they are being true to their work and not being influence by those people who are not.
Key facts:
• Stanton Wong is Bryson Corporation’s supervisor.
• Harry Jackson, the plant manager had told Stanson unambiguously to disregard defects in a batch of laminated cable.
• These cables are for military contractor
• Harry control the plant, he always intimidate his direct reports, yelling at and insulting them at the least provocation.
• Stanton use a standard procedure called an elevated heat seal test to ensure the integrity of the product.
• The process of it is that the cable was bent at a 90-degree angle and placed in an oven at 105 degrees for seven hours. If the seal did not delaminate, then the product passes the test. If there was a problem, it could be spotted early and corrected.
• Jane Conway is the customer’s source inspector. She came to the plant and performed additional sample testing.
• Typically, she should pull samples from each lot and inspect them. But she relying instead on Bryson’s test data.

• Stanton tested a sample taken from an early lot and had good results, but his testing on Friday revealed problems. Of 10 samples, two failed.
• Stanton went to Harry’s office and wants to tell Harry the result. But Harry cursd him out. They quarrel with each other endlessly.
Market Stakeholders of Business: engage in economic transactions with the company as it carries out its primary purpose of providing society with goods and services.
• Customers: quality of the good is very important for customer. They want to buy perfect good. eg: in this case, of 10 samples, two did not pass the testing, that means about 20% can not meet the standard of the goods. It is not a low percentage. If someone buy the failure goods, it is not fair for the customer because they spend the same money and gain different result.
• Employees: They contribute their skills and knowledge in exchange for wage, benefits and the opportunity for personal satisfaction and professional development. In this case, I think it can separate into two different employees. One is primary level. In that level, the responsibility of them is to finish the work. So there is no impact on that group. The other one is like Stanton, he wants to point out the defect.
• Suppliers: They provide raw materials, energy, services, and other inputs in market transactions with the firm as they help move the product from plant to sales ourlet to customers. Obviously, no matter what happens, there is no influence on this group unless ban.
I believe that Bryson Corporation has to act ethically, because given the sensitive nature of the faulty product, lives might get endangered. Moreover, the company has to act ethically to fulfill the following reasons: they have to meet the demands of the business stakeholders. 10 country US poll shows that 90% of general public places business ethics standards above traditional corporate goals. Therefore, making faulty cables for the defense customers will likely ruin their reputation hurdling them into legal disputes even! They also have to enhance their business performance, and that means not producing faulty products that might lead to endangering other people lives. Research has shown linkage between ethically responsible behavior and favorable corporate financial performance. Therefore, they have to keep their performance up to par so as not to lose their business and their reputation. In addition, they have to comply with legal requirements, and as such Bryson being a US company, it should comply with US rules and regulations. Such as US Corporate Sentencing Guidelines and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The last two reasons why it should act ethically is to prevent harm or minimize it and to promote personal morality. This will increase vigilance in the company and prevent harmful damage to others. Moreover, as stated in the book, people want to work for companies that do the right thing. If they didn’t act ethically, then the negative repercussions can prove disastrous. In which, the faulty product is a set of cables that are used in manufactured fuse missiles that could if defected prove to be lethal since it might misfire and injure people.

I believe that Stanton Wong is at the mature adulthood stage 5 and 6, where it is believed that people move beyond the specific rules, customs, and laws of their own societies. They are capable of basing their ethical reasoning on broad principles and relationships, such as human rights. Both stages use principle centered reasoning. This is evident in which Stanton is afraid of endangering the innocent civilians and the military soldiers if a missile backfired. Moreover, he’s also thinking about solving the problem by trying to think of someone from corporate who could help him report the faulty cables.
For Harry Jackson, I believe he is at the adolescence, youth stage (stage 2) where self-interest is emphasized and the person is always reward seeking, merely considered with their own pleasure.
Chap 1: Discussion Case One: A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard
1. The main issue of the case is that many employees did not have proper affordable accommodation. The problem arose when Disney opposed the new housing complex that was going to be built next to its resort. The core issue of the conflict is that SunCal, a local developer, wanted to build a the new housing complex on land that has been zoned specifically for tourism related industries or Disneyland expansion
2. The market stakeholders are those who are involved and engaged in economic and/or financial transactions with the company as it provides the society with goods and services. The primary market stakeholders for this case would be Disney, resort business owners, Disneyland employees and the visitors of the park.
Non market stakeholders are those who are not engaged and involved in direct economic exchange with the company however they are nonetheless affected by the company’s actions. Non market stakeholders in this case would be the city council, government and non-government organizations in Anaheim, and Suncal. There groups are those who are not directly involved with the business transactions, but definitely influence the business behaviors, decisions, and actions greatly.
3. Disney – opposed of Suncal Plan
Resort business owners – opposed Suncal Plan
Disney Employees – favors Suncal Plan
City council – mixed and in split reaction
Anaheim community – favors Suncal Plan
Suncal – favors Suncal Plan
4. Disney – the ultimate decision maker
Disney employees – have the power of union to revolt against Disney
City and council – voting power of zoning issue
.Media – holds the power to influence
Public – supporting activists, demanding a government action regarding the issue
Affordable housing should be available to any working family that needs it; but nobody said it has to be across the street from your employer. A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard is a discussion case that combines a factual zoning issue with an emotional affordable housing issue. In this paper, I will discuss the market and nonmarket stakeholders as well as possible solutions to the dispute.
Market stakeholders are people or companies that conduct financial transactions with another company (Lawrence, Weber. 2010). In this discussion case, the primary market stakeholders would be the employees of Disneyland and the tourists that visit the park. In 2005, Disneyland employed approximately 20,000 people and supported over 65,000 jobs in southern California (Disney. 2005). It is estimated that 15 million people visit Disneyland each year (Deioma, 2011).
Nonmarket stakeholders are people or groups who, although they do not engage in direct economic exchange with the firm, are nonetheless affected by or can affect its actions (Lawrence, Weber. 2010). The nonmarket stakeholders in this discussion case would be the city council, the people of Anaheim, and SunCal. The city council has voting power on the zoning issue. The people of Anaheim can influence the city council and also benefit from the $225 million in taxes that Disneyland generates in southern California (Disney, 2005). SunCal is a developer that wants to build condos for a hefty profit but is willing to designate 15 percent, 225 units, to below-market-rate rental apartments.
The issue at the core of this conflict is SunCal wanting to build condos on land that has been zoned specifically for tourism related industries or Disneyland expansion. SunCal offered to allocate 225 units of their proposed 1,500 to below-market-rate rental apartments. This offer by SunCal could be viewed as simply a way to garner support for their zoning exemption. Their offer also brings an emotional response from the public and distracts from the financial facts that future park expansion or tourism would provide. The financial impact of expansion would exceed that of building condos. Affordable housing is obviously needed in this area but may not be the best use of this land. Once a house is built, it doesn’t generate additional jobs. If Disneyland was to expand, that would lead to increased tourism and jobs for the local economy.
There are other possible solutions to the emotional issue of affordable rent. The 225 proposed apartment.

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...Ned Kelly is an infamous bushranger from Australia who is considered by some to be merely a cold-blooded killer and thief, while others consider him to be a hero. What is Ned Kelly is he a villain or hero? This interview will give young Ned another shot to prove himself right. Interviewer: Hello and welcome to news at when, when 1879.we are joined by the famous Ned Kelly himself. How are you Ned? Ned Kelly: Fine, thank you Interviewer: So please tell us Ned where and when you born? Ned Kelly: I was born in a shrub not far off Melbourne. Interviewer: How did you feel when your father died? Ned Kelly: It was a real sad moment knowing that there is absolutely no one to give you money to support the family with seven children and losing a member of the family. Interviewer: What were your emotions when returning from jail in 1874? Ned Kelly: Well there was mixed emotions rushing inside me first I was shocked then scared then sad. I realized that my dear sister had passed away ,my other sister married and my mum on the verge of getting married to some strange man I haven’t met .My world had gone up side down but I had to adapt to the new changes Interviewer: What were your intentions when saving the drowning boy? Ned Kelly: I wasn’t just doing so I would get a good name anyone would do that if they so someone dying. Interviewer: Why did you love horses so much? Ned Kelly: I loved my horses dearly because there were pretty my only friends growing up. Riding them made all...

Words: 461 - Pages: 2

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Writing a Profile: My Friend Jenna

...number. I knock with force three times, and wait patiently. After about ten quick seconds, the door flies open and startles me a little. “Hey! Sorry my room is a little bit messy, I was gone all weekend, and I got back not too long ago” Jennah says. I explain to her that I totally understand, as I was gone all weekend too. I look past her a little bit as I am entering her dorm room. It is a little bit plain, and not equipped with much. As I look to my left at her bed, I do notice something that catches my interest: a Hello Kitty bed comforter. “No way! Jennah, I adore your comforter” I say excitedly. “Hello Kitty is the bomb” she agrees. I am not surprised at the fact that she has a comforter with a character popular among young elementary-aged girls. For the week that I’ve known her, she seemed very free-spirited, and young at heart. I observe her outfit and see something I, for some reason, did not notice when I first entered. She was wearing a Hello Kitty t-shirt. Accommodating her shirt was a pair of black cut-off shorts that looked like she may have chopped them into shorts herself. She was also wearing a necklace with a small metal skull, and few black and white rubber bracelets. The two most prominent things about her, however, were the two lip piercings (known as snake bites), and the blue shoulder-length hair. “So yeah, this is my dorm!” she exclaims in a uniquely...

Words: 1255 - Pages: 6

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Reaction to Pnoys Sona

...of the Nation Address on Monday, July 25, 2015, at Batasan Complex, Quezon City, in front of senators, congressmen, his Cabinet, members of the press, business leaders, diplomats and other very important personalities. The President's final SONA, which marked the opening of the Congress, started at exactly 4:00PM and ended after 2 hours. It earned several rounds of applause from an audience composed lawmakers, government officials, local and international media, dignitaries and other important personalites. PNoy started his speech by showcasing the disparity of his administration to that of Pampanga Representative and former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, whereas he mentioned the fertilizer fund scam, the NBN-ZTE anomalous deal, and "Hello Garci" scandal which happened in the previous administration. He then highlighted the major achievements of his 5-year administration under the "Daang Matuwid" thrust, which includes the improved economy and outlook, increased collection of revenues and benefits of his social service programs, including the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and PhilHealth.. One of the more interesting part of his SONA, however, was his veiled swipes at Vice President Jejomar Binay, the standard-bearer of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) for next year elections.He answered Binay's previous tirades that his administration is 'manhid' and 'palpak' by highlighting the performance of the PhilHealth under his term. He then questioned UNA’s slogan “Gaganda...

Words: 452 - Pages: 2

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Reaction Paper Sona 2015

...Nation Address on Monday, July 25, 2015, at Batasan Complex, Quezon City, in front of senators, congressmen, his Cabinet, members of the press, business leaders, diplomats and other very important personalities. The President's final SONA, which marked the opening of the Congress, started at exactly 4:00PM and ended after 2 hours. It earned several rounds of applause from an audience composed lawmakers, government officials, local and international media, dignitaries and other important personalites. PNoy started his speech by showcasing the disparity of his administration to that of Pampanga Representative and former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, whereas he mentioned the fertilizer fund scam, the NBN-ZTE anomalous deal, and "Hello Garci" scandal which happened in the previous administration. He then highlighted the major achievements of his 5-year administration under the "Daang Matuwid" thrust, which includes the improved economy and outlook, increased collection of revenues and benefits of his social service programs, including the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and PhilHealth. One of the more interesting part of his SONA, however, was his veiled swipes at Vice President Jejomar Binay, the standard-bearer of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) for next year elections. He answered Binay's previous tirades that his administration is 'manhid' and 'palpak' by highlighting the performance of the PhilHealth under his term. He then questioned UNA’s...

Words: 489 - Pages: 2

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Individual or Small Group Student Projects

...Individual or Small Group Student Projects Contacting Community Partners When contacting an outside organization about a service-learning project, you want to make sure to maintain a professional attitude. So how do you make the first call? Below follows a possible introduction to use when calling and making that first contact with an agency of your choice. Hello, my name is _______________________. I am presently enrolled in a ___________course at [name of campus]. My [instructor or Student Success Lead] gave me your name and number. I am very interested in doing a service-learning project for your agency. I want to apply the _________skills I am learning in my _________class to the volunteer position. When can I meet with you to discuss this further? If you have to leave a message, don’t be discouraged. Because many nonprofit and community agencies are understaffed, they might not return your call right away. Persistence is important in regards to making contacts and starting your service experience. More Communication Tips: When speaking to the site supervisor… * Ask about the organization’s volunteer policies and training guidelines. It is possible that you need to fill out additional paperwork with their agency as well as the GU/MSB/UCC paperwork. * Explain the course objectives (provided in your course syllabus) and tell them that you have __ service-learning hours to fulfill for your course. * Tell them your availability. What times are best...

Words: 365 - Pages: 2

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Tim and Funding

...Few memories as a failure on a major project from half a decade ago still vividly remains in memories. As a Research Assistant to Tim, it was my first paid job. Tim, an Engineer, worked in silos and had driver social style to his heart beat. He only communicated the expectations without delving in the details that he had in his mind. Even though the Office space was a closed knit space for 16 students, Tim seldom hung out with people to build personal relationships. He only interacted with others when there was a need. His lack of explanation on why the project was needed had left me wondering regarding purpose and design aspects of the new programming project. I struggled on how to effectively design the project and often sought help from other people, who recommended me that the project needed investment in new programming platform as old platform was incapable of achieving the project objectives. After making almost no progress on the project and wasting time in attempts to make old platform workable, I received a vehement email from Tim, stating that XYZ Inc. was deciding to scale back on funding, as no progress reports were submitted. I was shocked to learn that I was even expected to submit progress reports at the end of quarter on the undertaken project in which I had neither any clue nor communication. As an amiable person, I was too quick to reach an agreement with Tim on project deliverables. I had thought that I would be receiving friendly advice and guidance from...

Words: 444 - Pages: 2

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...and answer document, uploaded to D2L dropbox. You will have to find an IT professional to interview on your own.  Description of this assignment 1. Each student needs to find a candidate for a Post-implementation Review (PIR) report describing an information systems development project. 2. Where can you find an information technology professional to interview? You will have to find an IT professional to interview on your own.    3. If you work for a business or government organization, you should consider interviewing the IT/MIS director for your organization.  If you work P/T or F/T in any reasonably sized organization, it is likely that there are some IT workers around (like help desk staff, programmers, analysts, network technicians or even IT managers). It can even be a friend, relative or acquaintance you know who works in such a job. 4. The following is a list of themes that you could address in the interview: Please do not write this paper in question and answer format. Use the questions below to help guide the interview. ▪ What type of job does he/she do? For whom? ▪ What projects is he/she currently working on for the organization? ▪ What projects has he/she recently completed? ▪ What IT applications has the firm recently implemented? ▪ Were the most recently applications developed in-house, were they outsourced development or were they application software packages that were customized and purchased? ...

Words: 563 - Pages: 3

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Poo on Women: Is This Bad?

...Kempen | C402/C405 | Extend Diploma Mechanical Engineering EDENGM22A/B | Peter Kempen | C402/C405 | | GCSE English | Katherine Davey | G4 | GCSE English | Katherine Davey | G4 | | AS English Literature | Francesca Thomas | A58 | | | | | Archaeology: Unit 1 | Caroline Wilcox | B254 | Archaeology: Unit 2 | Caroline Wilcox | B254 | | Vocational Business assignment completion | Kemi Osoba | A49 | Vocational Business assignment completion | Bekoe Newman | A49 | | Vocational Sport and Travel Tourism assignment completion | Danny Chilvers | A50 | Vocational Sport and Travel Tourism assignment completion | Danny Chilvers | A50 | | AS /A2 GraphicsExtend Diploma Year 2 Final Major Project | Mark Pearson | Art Rooms | AS /A2 GraphicsExtend Diploma Year 2 Final Major Project | Mark Pearson | Art Rooms | Spring Term Revision Schedule 2013-14 Week 1 | Tuesday 8th April | | Morning session 10.00-12.00 | Afternoon Session 1.00-3.00 | | Subject/course | Teacher | Room | Subject/course | Teacher | Room | | A2 Business (China Research Theme) | Nessa | A25 | AS Business | Nessa | A25 | | A2 Economics | Charles | G5 | AS Economics | Charles | | | AS Business | Sarah (11.00-12.30) | A39 | A2 Business (Higher level exam technique) | Sarah | A39 | | AS Law | Amina | A26 | | | | | Vocational Business assignment completion | Kemi Osoba | A49 | Vocational Business assignment completion | Bekoe Newman | A49...

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