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Hello There John


Submitted By viperface86
Words 7670
Pages 31

A G idebook o Becoming a Di ciplined A b Vic o P ide -Kicke

In od c ion o 30 Da of Di cipline 1 - A Fea Fi fo he God 2 - Ri e and Shine, he Clock i Ticking and he Da i Wa ing 3 - Comfo able? No Af e Thi 4 - Will Wanke , Le Me In od ce Yo o Bill Bada 5 - Yo Bod i a Weapon 6-D e o Imp e , D e fo S cce 7 - Do Wha Yo Need To Do 8 - S and Tall and P o d like a Lion 9 - No E c e , No E plana ion , No BS 10 - Keep Tho e Idea W i en Do n 11 - Yo P po e He e 12 - On he Se en h Da He Re ed (B No fo oo Long) Concl ion




Introduction to 30 Da s of Discipline
A young marine recruit w ill get off the bus at Parris Island, South Carolina. The young recruit w ill have led a life void of discipline, pride, physical fitness and strength of character. He has led a lazy life of w atching TV and eating junk food and surfing the internet to play games and w atch pornography. So far he has been unable to tame his vices or say no. He has been unable to stop snacking on fattening foods. He has been unable to stick to an exercise plan. He is not successful w ith w omen because he spends his time on the internet. He dresses sloppily and doesn't take pride in his appearance. When his family sees him after bootcamp it s like he is a brand new man. He stands up straight, proud and tall. His clothing is perfectly tailored, fitting, spotless. His fat is gone, replaced w ith muscles he never had before. He has been reborn through the pow er of DISCIPLINE. 30 Day s of Discipline is the bootcamp. Discipline is the required outcome. For 30 Day s there will be no ex cuses, no whining, no quitting, and no failing. We will set out to do something and we will do it. No matter what. 30 Day s of Discipline is not a support book. Support is for the weak who need it. 30 Day s of Discipline is a strength book. Strength of character, strength of pride, and strength of body . A proud man does not seek support - it is giv en to him. Ev ery one wants to follow and help a proud man. No one who completes 30 Day s of Discipline will ev er allow weakness to take ov er. After 30 Day s of Discipline y ou will hav e the Pride of a Lion. 30 Day s of Discipline is how y ou master y our mind. Y ou master y our mind and ev ery thing else follows. Y ou eliminate the bad habits that lead to laziness, sloth, gluttony and y ou replace those habits that encourage success. Habit and routine are the most important part of accomplishing. Bad habits (the lazy ones) lead to a lazy , unev entful, unrewarding life. Habit and routine are the cornerstones of success. No highly successful man got to the top by mere chance and haphazard, sporadic actions - only through steady habit and daily activ ities does one cultiv ate ultimate success of their goals. Forming a habit or routine is a matter of discipline. Y ou'v e got to hav e discipline to turn a "want-to" into a daily habit. Y ou'v e got to turn bad habits or no habits into good and productiv e habits. Y ou hav e to become not just a new man but a BETTER MAN. The little habits make all the big difference. How many times hav e y ou said: I w ish I could w ake up earlier..





w ish I w ish I w ish I w ish I w ish I w ish I w ish I

could stop eating junk.. could find the time to w ork out.. could talk to girls.. made more mone .. could be an entrepreneur.. w as in shape.. had more confidence..

If y ou "want to" or “wish” to wake up earlier then y ou'v e got to discipline y ourself into waking up earlier until it becomes a habit. “Want-to” and “wish” doesn t mean any thing. It feels a whole lot better to say “I DO..” instead of “I WANT TO..”. They say that if y ou do something 23 times then it officially becomes a habit. We ll be going all the way and doing each new habit for the entire 30 Day s. It s going to be tough. It s going to be rough. It s going to be hard. It s going to be a change. It s also going to be life-changing. It s going to open y our ey es. It s going to make y ou feel like a million damn dollars ev ery day . The only way to turn that “want” into a “do” is to discipline y ourself to do it until it s a habit. We let our bad habits come out and they don t do us any good. They giv e us momentary pleasure and a lifetime of discomfort. We implement good habits which are hard at first, but they become habit and routine and we wonder to ourselv es how on earth we ev er did things differently . It s great to be the Ass-kicker - it s not great to be the Ass-kickee. 30 Day s of Discipline is y our guide to becoming that disciplined Ass-Kicker. Y ou're going to wonder how y ou ev er spent so long in a haze of tv watching and donut eating and waking up 5 minutes before y ou hav e to go to work. Once we start there is no turning back. 30 Day s of Discipline will instill 1 2 new habits that increase productiv ity , heighten y our senses, increase natural testosterone, and just plain make y ou feel like a million bucks.




Here are the 12 Habits of 30 Da s of Discipline: (These habits are to be followed ev ery day for 30 day s unless specifically stated otherwise.) 1 ) For 30 day s there is no snacking. Only 3 meals per day max imum can be consumed. 2) For 30 day s y ou must wake up daily at or by 5am. 3) For 30 day s y ou must take cold showers. 4) For 30 day s there is no masturbation or internet pornography allowed. 5) For 30 day s y ou must do 1 00 pushups, 1 00 situps, and 1 00 body squats per day . 6) For 30 day s y ou must dress y our absolute best ev ery single day . 7 ) Ev ery day for 30 day s y ou will hav e a to-do list that y ou must accomplish. 8) Ev ery day for 30 day s y ou must keep correct posture - stand up straight, chest held high, head held high and make ey e-contact with ev ery one y ou see. 9) Ev ery day for 30 day s y our answers to y es or no questions are "Y es" or "No". Ex cuses and ex planations do not follow y our answer. 1 0) Ev ery day for 30 day s y ou must keep a notebook and pen with y ou. 1 1 ) Y ou must hav e one specific and definite goal. This is something y ou will choose. Ev ery day for 30 day s y ou must do at least one thing to further y our goal. 1 2) Y ou can take a lazy Sunday morning and afternoon, but Sunday ev ening is used to prepare to prepare for the week ahead. That sounds like a lot, w h should I do all of that? Glad y ou asked. Y ou should do all of that because it s going to teach y ou discipline and pride. It s going to help y ou become productiv e and creativ e and aliv e with fire, passion and energy . It s going to turn y ou into a Man of Action. In the nex t 1 2 chapters we will look at each new habit step by step.




1 - A Fea

Fi fo

he God

Habit #1) Eat no m ore than 3 m eals per da and no snacking. E .G , .S , .F .W . C , , ! .I .I ' .N ,

What should I eat? H .C .W ' I F .E .F .H H / ( .Y ' . .T , , .I ' .F .H / .S / ' .E " " . . , , , , .

) .F

Wh do ou sa eat "no more" than 3 meals per da ? 3 .2 . E ( , ' .Y U ) ' ' 7 , I F .F (I.F.). I.F. . 16 , ,




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Is breakfast really necessary? S i i g b ea fa i a g d ic a he da . Ea i g b ea fa a ead e e g eed f dige i g he f d. We d ' a a he da i a , e i h a ba g i e a b e f a i . The h i ha "b ea fa i he i da " b i ' e ac ha , a h. A be b ea fa i c e e ece a a ac i e bad f . Thi f adi i a b ea fa f d, i ' e high i ga a ( a ca e , ce ea , -a e c..) a d he d bef e da e e Y ca e e ea e ea e da if d i e. O e gia ea a igh ha be efi f i g fa a d ee i g ha h gh he da . 3 2 1 ea ea a da i acce a da i acce ab e. ab e. ab e. ab e. i h he a he da a ea f he da i i d ca b h d a e ge a ed. e e ce e a d

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If I m skinny and trying to gain w eight can I eat more than 3 meals per day? Ye . S i e ea a da i a e i g gai ( c a ) eigh eed gai eigh . Thi i acce ab e. ea a ff d. Ea i g e ha 3

Why should I only eat 3 meals per day? Beca e i ' a "I i e ea ea a ea h ee ea hi g a ( e da " a d he ac ) a a f h i e f he da . I gh i h ha . a e di ci i e




2 - Rise and Shine, the Clock is Ticking and the Da is Wasting
Habit #2) Wake up at 5am ev er da for 30 da s: "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, w ealthy and w ise." - Benjamin Franklin Waking up early ev ery day is an absolute necessity to becoming a disciplined ass-kicker. There is so much to be done ev ery single day and early morning is the best time to get things done. When the whole world is sleeping and being lazy y ou're already awake and already kicking ass. There are only so many hours in the day . Waking up in the early morning is when y ou can take care of all the ex tra things y ou need to take care of and prepare y our day with a fresh, clean start. When the whole world is sleeping y ou will be up and awake and taking care of business. Y ou re gonna wake up at the crack of dawn to giv e y ou an edge ev er ev ery body else. Other people sleeping in until 8, 9 , or 1 0 ev ery day is good business for y ou. The longer they sleep the better edge Y OU hav e. Nev er forget that. There aren t enough hours in the day to kick ass. We will wake up early ev ery day to take care of business - whether that be the to-do list, the pushups/situps/body squats, or another goal that y ou hav e set for y ourself. Why should I w ake up by 5am everyday? Because if y ou're used to sleeping later it's hard to get up earlier and requires discipline to do so. Can I w ake up later than 5am as long as I m still w aking up early? Waking up at 7 am is the latest acceptable time. Waking up earlier is better. 5 am is the best time to wake up, it giv es y ou a 4 hour adv antage ov er the rest of the world that starts their day around 9 am.




3 - Comfo able? No Af e Thi
Habit #3) T ake cold showers ev er da for 30 da s: Cold Showers Make Y ou Strong. Taking a cold shower certainly isn t comfortable, it s downright uncomfortable. Forcing y ourself to do it day in and day out requires a strength of character that most people don t hav e. The good news is that y ou can dev elop the character, just get in the cold shower and do it. Y ou will build inner strength but pushing y ourself through it. The benefits of cold showers: Cold Showers are Healthy . Cold showers get y our heart pumping like it does during v igorous ex ercise. Y ou instinctiv ely flex y our muscles under a stream of cold water. The combination of the flex ing and increased heart rate sends more blood to y our muscles which helps to release tox ins in the body . Y our immune sy stem benefits from cold showers as well. Cold Showers Will Wake Y ou Up, they are brisk and inv igorating. The cold water stimulation and the increased blood flow and heav y breathing result in y ou being ready to kick ass and take names. People the world ov er take cold showers to wake themselv es up and get ready for the day ahead. Cold Showers are Mood Enhancing. They help the brain to release chemicals that help y our mood, decrease stress and anx iety and increase energy , and that increased blood flow helps y our sense of calm. Y ou just plain feel good after a cold shower. Cold Showers Make y ou More Manly . As a teenager we were all told that sitting in a hot-tub kills sperm. Cold showers do the opposite. Y es, cold showers can increase sperm count which would lead one to believ e it increases testosterone. Try not to kill someone with that loaded gun. Cold Showers Help y our Skin and Hair. They hy drate the hair and skin better leading to healthier hair and skin. Cold Showers Help y ou Recov er from V igorous Ex ercise. Athletes often sit in ice baths to help speed up their recov ery . Y ou can do ice bath lite and take cold showers. Cold Showers Help y ou sav e Money . Y ou aren t using any hot water so y ou sav e money that way . When y ou take cold showers y ou don t ev er just want to stay in the shower for a long time and relax . Y ou shower for 5 minutes max and get out, ready to take on the world. Y ou can start the water cold and jump right in or y ou can start the water hot and gradually lower the temperature until it is cold. The shower needs to be finished cold, cold, cold.




Wh should I take cold show ers ever da for 30 da s? Because it's unpleasant at first and requires discipline to get into the habit. If ou can train ourself to take cold showers, and ev en start to enjo them, ou can train ourself to do an thing.




4 - Will Wanker, Let Me Introduce You to Bill Badass
4) No Masturbating or Internet Pornograph for 30 da s:

Masturbating to internet porn does not do a body good. Internet porn is like a drug addiction. The endless v ariety av ailable on the internet causes y ou to constantly search for the perfect scene (or “score”). The constant v isual stimulation leads to massiv e ov erstimulation of the brain, that ov erstimulation realeses a dopamine (dope) release into y our brain. In other words, that s y our “fix ”. After all that ex citement, that endless stimuli for the brain, y ou hav e a shut off of energy and y ou become v ery lazy . How many times hav e y ou been about to do something productiv e, decided to hav e a “quick one” and after y ou were done were too lazy to do any thing at all? That s because masturbating to Internet porn saps y ou of precious energy . When y ou giv e up the porn and the endless masturbation sessions y ou hav e a lot more energy and driv e. Y ou want to get out and take care of business. Y ou want to make money , y ou want to hit the weights, and y ou want to go and talk to that cute little blonde in the cereal aisle – and y ou just may hav e driv e enough to do it. Internet porn will make y ou will want to stop hav ing sex – Why bother with sex when y ou hav e ev ery fantasy in the world av ailable at one of y our hands? Japan is a notoriously porn friendly country . Japan is saturated with porn. In Japan there is an entire culture of y oung guy s called “Herbiv ores”. These herbiv ores hav e no desire for sex . All this porn and now the guy s don t want girls, they want sex with their hand, or sex with robots or nothing at all. Japan now has the lowest birthrate in the world. After y ou stop masturbating to internet porn y our v oice may become deeper – Straight from the horses mouth, this is what guy s who hav e stopped masturbating are say ing happens. After y ou stop masturbating to internet porn y ou will hav e more self control and will power – y ou just plain feel better and stronger and more masculine. It s the opposite feeling of masturbating to internet porn. After y ou stop masturbating to internet porn y our Testosterone will likely rise. Hav ing sex with a girl increases y our testosterone while hav ing sex with y our hand and sitting in front of a computer with 5 different pages open decreases it.




After y ou stop masturbating to internet porn y ou will become calmer, more rational, and less anx ious – Again, straight from the horses mouth. Check out the link below to see all the positiv e results guy s are getting. Y ou will become more attractiv e to women - Let s assess the situation. Who do y ou think women find more attractiv e? A) Guy s who spend their time in the dark, jacking off to endless streams of porn, finish after about an hour, take a nap, finally make it out in the sunlight (or not) and can t ev en look them in the ey e. Or B) Guy s who don t spend their time play ing with themselv es for hours, are full of testosterone, not hav ing spilled their precious seed twice that day , hav e a deeper v oice, and hav e the ability to make ey e contact. Easy answer. No masturbating for 30 day s. No internet porn for 30 day s. We hav e ass to kick and we can t kick it if we re sitting in the dark play ing with ourselv es. We want that testosterone flowing through our v eins. We want that driv e that men should hav e but don t when they play pocket pool all day . It s a matter of pride. Would y ou be proud or ashamed if someone walked in on y ou right in the middle? Wh should I cut out masturbation and internet porn for 30 da s? Because it requires discipline and will-power and will make y ou stronger and better for doing so.




5 - Your Bod is a Weapon
5) Do 100 pushups, 100 situps , and 100 bod squats ev er da for 30 da s: A hea h b d i a hea h i d. O b die ca be hea h he B d eigh e e ci e a e he e a f de e i g di ci i e a d i 2 bi d i h1 e: he a e g a d he b fa . 1 00 h , 1 00 i , a d 1 00 b d he eg a a be d i ee e ee e a f he a e fa a d/ ea . e g h. B d eigh e e ci e

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For the already fit readers: 1 00 pushups in a row is the goal. 1 00 situps in a row is the goal. 1 00 body squats in a row is the goal. If y ou starting pushup capability is 50 pushups in a row y ou should striv e each and ev ery day to perform at least 1 more pushup than the last day . Y our goal is to be able to drop and do 1 00 pushups in a row by the 30th day . If y ou are capable of 1 00 pushups in a row then y our goal should be 1 00 pushups immediately followed by 1 00 body squats immediately followed by 1 00 situps. For the less than fit readers: 1 00 pushups/situps/body squqats a day is the goal. This can be broken up into as many "sets" as needed. If y ou can do 1 0 pushups at a time then y ou can do 1 0 sets of 1 0 pushups. Same with body squats and situps. Each day y ou should striv e for at least 1 more in a row than the prev ious day . The actual program of pushups/situps/squats is not that important. What is important is that y ou discipline y ourself to follow it ev ery single solitary day for 30 day s. Accomplishing something y ou set out to do takes discipline and dev elops pride and that s what we want. The pride of a Lion. Perform the ex ercises at any time of the day or night as long as they are accomplished before y our head hits the pillow. How do I perform bod squats? Stand up straight. Squat down as if to sit on a v ery low chair. Stand back up. That s one repetition. Wh should I do 1 00 pushups, 1 00 bod squats and 1 00 situps per da ? Because if y ou aren't used to it it's hard to do and requires discipline to follow through with it ev ery day . As a bonus it will improv e y our strength, fitness, phy sique and mind (ex ercise benefits the mind as it does the body ).




6 - Dress to Impress, Dress for Success
Habit # 6) Dress for success ever single da for 30 da s.
The way y ou dress say s ev ery thing about y ou. If y ou dress like poop people treat y ou like poop. If y ou dress like y ou respect y ourself, other people will respect y ou too. It isn t a matter of being “metrosex ual”, it s a matter of pride. A proud man presents his best self to the world ev ery single day .

For the nex t 30 day s y ou must dress y our absolute best. Think James Bond. That means a dress shirt, tie, suit jacket - the works. Imagine y ou are going to a v ery important meeting that stands to make y ou a lot of money , imagine y ou are going on a date with a beautiful model, heck, imagine y ou a e James Bond and dress like that.

“But it s what s on the inside that counts!”

Y our outsides are the v ery best indicators of y our insides. A slov enly , lazy dress rev eals y our insides to be the same.

A top-notch, sty led dress rev eals y ou as a Man who takes pride in his appearance.

A lazy slob on the outside does the world a huge fav or. They show the whole world they are guilty of sloth. They are holding up a big sign to the world that say s “I don t respect my self. There is no reason for y ou to respect me either.” They hav e prov en that they hav e no discipline, pride or respect. And they don t ev en care. Apathy is for the apathetic. And that s why they are inv isible to good fortune.

When y ou dress like a million bucks people treat y ou like a million bucks.

When y ou dress like a penny people discard y ou like a penny .

Top notch dress changes y our mindset as well. When y ou re dressed to kill y ou re ready to kill. When y ou re dressed to play v ideo games and eat potato chips that s what y ou do.

Hav e some pride in y ourself and dress for success ev ery day for 30 day s.




Wh should I dress for success ever da for 30 da s?

Because most people don't dress well ev er single da , and it will require effort to do so. As ou begin to dress well ev er da ou will notice how well people respond to ou, as well as how dressing well affects our mindset in a positiv e wa .




7 - Do What You Need To Do
Habit # 7) Maintain and complete a to-do list every single day for 30 days.
A to-do list is essential for completing y our goals. It is imperativ e to write down y our goals so y ou can v isualize ex actly what needs to be done. Ev ery single night make a to-do list on y our notebook add 5-1 0 things that must be accomplished the nex t day . From small tasks like going to the bank to big tasks like finishing up gigantic projects. Ev ery thing that needs to be done needs to go on the to-do list. No task is too big or too little for the to-do list.

Complete y our to-do list first thing in the morning – We all know that feeling of dread, of impending doom, when we know we hav e to do something but we don t want to do it. So we put it off and put it off and it just keeps eating at us, making it harder to do the task but still eating us up inside. The only way to get rid of that feeling is to do unpleasant tasks v ery first thing in the morning and get them ov erwith. Do all tasks in the morning, starting with the hardest task and ending with the easiest task. After y ou hav e completed all y our tasks for the day first thing in the morning y ou hav e y our whole day free knowing y ou hav e taken care of business already .

Ev ery day for 30 day s y ou must keep and complete a to-do list with at least 5 to-do items each and ev ery day .

Wh should I keep a to-do list ever da for 30 da s?

So y ou can accomplish stuff y ou nev er accomplished before. A to-do list is going to help y ou kick ex tra ass.




8 - S and Tall and Pro d like a Lion
Habit # 8) Ev er da for 30 da s ou m ust keep correct posture - stand up straight, chest held high, head held high and m ake e e-contact with ev er one. A broken dog cannot maintain ey e contact. It must look away . A proud dog will make ey e contact. Y our posture and ey e contact say ev ery thing about y our self-respect. If y ou hav e none y ou will stand with a slouch, y ou won t make ey e-contact and y ou will not hold y our head high. A proud man will do the opposite - he will stand up straight like a Marine, with his chest and head held high, he will make ey e contact with ev ery one. How y ou stand affects y our mindset. Y ou can get into a Kick-ass mindset just by standing like an Ass-kicker. Ev ery Morning when y ou leav e y our home (dressed in y our best clothing) y ou will stand up straight, head held high, chest held high, and look ev ery one in the ey e. Y ou do not need to stare but y ou will maintain ey e-contact for a second or two before y ou go on with y our business. Don t keep y our hands awkwardly in y our pockets. If y ou need something to do with y our hands place them on y our sides like Superman. Wh should I keep correct posture, stand straight w ith chest and head held high, and make e e-contact w ith ever one? Because if y ou don't already , it will take discipline and to follow through with it ev ery day . Y ou will notice positiv e reactions from people, especially women, when y ou present y ourself as the proud confident man y ou are.




9 - No E cuses, No E planations, No BS
Habi # 9) E e da f 30 da E c e a de a a i d ha e a defi i e a e . a f e a e e .F e he i e a e "Y e " i "N ".

There is no need for the baloney that follows a “y es” or “no” question. A recruit in bootcamp will say "Y es, sir" or "No, sir". He doesn t say “No, sir! But y ou know it s not really my fault, I mean, Kev in ov er here is kinda to blame too. And y ou know we didn t really hav e a lot of time and blah blah blah”.

A y es or no question should not be answered with “well, uh, may be, uh...hmm..well”.

Y ou must say “Y es” or “No”.

For ex ample:

Can ou help me move into m apartment in Monda ?


For questions that are not y es/no questions y ou must answer with a definite answer.

For ex ample:

Q: What do y ou want for dinner?

A: Steak, eggs, and baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon and butter.

Abov e is an acceptable answer.




Below is an unacceptable answer:

Q: What do y ou want for dinner?

A: Oh, I dunno. What do y ou want? Oh, I m not really sure I want that.

That s a BS answer for a BS er of a man. A proud man stands tall and answers questions asked of him with no hesitation, no remorse, and no need for approv al.

Wh should I answ er all questions w ith es or no or a definite answ er ever da for 30 da s?

Because that's what proud men do.




10 - Keep Those Ideas Written Do n
10) Ev er da for 30 da s ou m ust keep a notebook and pen with ou. Wi h he men al cla i 30 Da of Di cipline ill p o ide o ill ha e man idea floa ing a o nd in o head, a no ebook i needed o jo hem do n hene e he occ . Keeping a no ebook i a m ,m ,m . We' e all had ho e geni idea hile d i ing do n he ee , anding in line a he g oce , o iding a ain. And e kno he feeling hen e ge home and fo go ha ha g ea idea a . Tha co ld be a million dolla idea ha e lo . No an mo e, beca e o a e going o i e all o no e do n in o no ebook.

The no ebook ill al o be ed o i e do n a k o need o accompli h o ha A) Y o don' fo ge hem and B) W i ing hem do n help o i ali e hem. V i ali a ion i ke o accompli hmen . Y o ee o el e doing i in o mind and hen o do i fo eal. Yo ill need o e ie he no ebook each nigh befo e bed, e ie no e o-do li ha been comple ed and i e do n o o-do a k fo he ne The no ebook ill be e a impo an on S nda nigh . of Di cipline in o no ebook o o can ee he o make da . e he da

Y o ma an o keep a calende of o 30 Da imeline and he p og e o ha e made.

Wh should I keep a notebook and take notes ever da for 30 da s? Beca e 30 Da of Di cipline ill ha e a po i i e effec on he mind. Y o ho ld no ice e a cla i of he mind and ha e man idea flo ing ha o ill an o no e do n. Y o ill al o need o jo do n o o-do li e e ingle da . When o ha e a no ebook i h o o ill ne e fo ge ha o needed o do.




11 - Your Purpose Here
Habit #11) Work towards our ver definite goal.
This is the most important part of 30 Da s of Discipline. This is wh ou will become disciplined, so ou can ACCOMPLISH what ou need to accomplish, so o can kick the ass that needs to be kicked. Y ou will do 30 Da s of Discipline to light the fire under ou to accomplish our one v er specific goal. Most who are reading 30 Da s of Discipline are not at their desired lev el of accomplishment. There is something missing. In some of us it is our own business, our own entrepreneurial effort. In some of us it is more engaging and fulfilling work. In some of us it is success with women. In some of us it is getting into shape. Whatev er it is, it is desire for something. There is alwa s something ou don't hav e but ou want. But how do ou get it? The answer is v er simple. We get what we desire through the habits that we cultiv ate. If ou want to be an entrepreneur then ou work ev er single da at our goal until ou accomplish it. Y ou dev elop the habit of doing something for our business, no matter how big or small that something it, and ou do it ev er single solitar da . If ou want to hav e more success with women then ou do something ev er single da until ou reach our desired success lev el. To become better with women ou start with simpl sa ing "hi" to ev er single attractiv e woman ou see on the street, subwa , grocer store, g m, elev ator or airport that ou happen to be in. Ev er single da . If ou want to get into shape then ou do something ev er single da to get ou into shape. Good news for this crowd, ph sical fitness is a must and is included in 30 Da s of Discipline with the pushups/bod squats/situps routine and with the no snacking rule. Ev en if ou don't want to get into shape ou will as long as ou follow the routine abov e. Whatev er our personal goal is do something ev er single da to further the goal. Can 30 Da s of Discipline be done if I don't have an e tra, specific goal? Y es, it most certainl can. But it sure helps if ou hav e something else ou are working towards, but the other habits of 30 Da s of Discipline will likel take care of a lot of peoples goals.




12 - On the Seventh Da He Rested (But Not for too Long)
Habit # 12) Y ou can take a la
Sunda m orning and afternoon, but Sunda ev ening is used to prepare for the week ahead. On Sunday morning y ou can wake up later than normal, y ou can hav e y ourself a big old breakfast of pancakes and french toast smothered in sy rup. Y ou can skip the pushups, body squats and situps. Y ou can spend an idle afternoon browsing the internet or watching TV . Y ou can be lazy all morning and all afternoon on Sunday . Sunday night is a different story . Time needs to be set aside on Sunday night to go ov er all the notes scrolled in y our notebook. On Sunday night y ou need to look ov er y our prev ious to-do lists and make sure ev ery thing has been finished in an acceptable way . On Sunday night y ou need to prepare for the week ahead. Y ou need to make y our to-do list for Monday but y ou also need an outline of how y ou want the week to go. Y ou need to write down the plans y ou hav e for the week, what y ou want and need to accomplish, and how y ou will do it. Preparation is key . Preparation is essential. Sunday night will be used for preparation. After y ou hav e prepared for the week ahead y ou can go back to being a little lazy . But remember, Monday is just around the corner. Monday demands y ou wake up early and start the day full of fire, passion and energy . Monday is the start of ev ery thing. We start Monday with energy and we don t stop until Saturday night. Does a la Sunda give me free reign for pornograph and masturbation? Pornography is a no. For any thing else, use y our best discretion and judgement. Can I dress la il on Sunda ? Y es. Can I eat snacks on Sunda ? Y es.




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Concl sion
The purpose of 30 Da s of Discipline is to help ou achiev e goals set for ourself. Whether the are entrepreneurial goals, fitness goals, goals to become better with women, or whatev er the are. 30 Da s of Discipline will help to bring out the Lion in ou. 30 Da s of Discipline will help ou make ou the best v ersion of ou there is. Y ou will alwa s be ou - so ou should alwa s be the best ou can. 30 Da s of Discipline is a drug-free wa to feel like a million bucks ev er da . With accomplishing something ou set out to do comes pride. What to do after 30 Da s of Discipline: After completing 30 Da s of Discipline ou could certainl go back to our old wa s, but before ou do ask ourself this questions: Which habits ere better for me? "Old habits die hard". That's wh ou will kill them for good with 30 Da s of Discipline and keep the habits that hav e been most beneficial to ou. Now ou know ou hav e the discipline to follow through for 30 da s, ou know ou can become an thing ou want and implement the new habits ou wish to cultiv ate. There is alwa s a new habit, a more productiv e habit, a better habit that we want to implement. With 30 Da s of Discipline ou will learn the power of turning "want's" into "do's', and ou can use that power to implement new habits ev er 30 da s, 1 2 months of the ear. When should I start? Start right now because tomorrow is too late. Put down the potato chips, turn off the tv and let's get down to business. There's ass to kick, and ou're the one who's going to kick it!


by Victor Pride. All rights reserved.






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...Муниципальная общеобразовательная средняя школа № 43 “Phone Conversation” Методическая разработка урока по технологии «Проблемное обучение». Работала учитель английского языка: Калашник Нелли Николаевна г.Нижневартовск МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА ПРАКТИЧЕСКОГО ЗАНЯТИЯ ПО ТЕМЕ “Phone Conversation”-2 часа. по технологии проблемного обучения уровень полусамостоятельной и самостоятельной активности. Что такое проблемное обучение? • Проблемное обучение- относится к активным технологиям обучения. • В его основе лежит решение какой-либо задачи, проблемы (от греческого problema- «задача, задание»). • В широком смысле проблема – это сложный теоретический вопрос, требующий изучения и разрешения. В науке это - противоречивая ситуация, выступающая в виде противоположных позиций в объяснении каких либо явлений, объектов, процессов и требующая адекватной теории для ее разрешения. Принципом  проблемного обучения является отсутствие знаний для решения определенной проблемы в готовом виде, что и создает необходимость в их добывании. У учащихся должно возникнуть чувство неудовлетворенности имеющимися представлениями и знаниями.  Они должны прийти к ощущению их ограниченности. Phone Conversation Aim: 1.Develop language abilities in listening, reading, speaking, practicing speech patterns on the theme. 2. Develop mental abilities through comparing, analyzing, logical thinking, evaluating, solving...

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