...Who should profit from the HeLa cells in particular, and medical advances in general? Does the Lacks family have any claim to the money that has been made from HeLa? Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one. ~Chinese Proverb I find the question of who should reek the benefits of the HeLa cells in the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks to be not just be a simple he or she answer (if that makes any sense), but I find this question really asks something deeper. The questions I believe this is asking us is if it was legal for dr. George Otto Gey to do what he did and if so was it morally and ethically correct to for him to do so. As for the claim question, two questions really have to be answered, and they are: I.) Do the Lacks legally have any claim to the money that was profited from the HeLa cells? II.) Do the Lacks morally (without legal matters being taken into consideration) have a claim to the money that was profited from the HeLa cells? Legally Right or Wrong Now to elaborate on the legal aspects of this question; was it legally acceptable for the HeLa cells to be taken without Henrietta’s permission/knowledge and used for research and profit? From an excerpt from the Columbia Science and Law Technology Review it gives a similar case that was argued in the Supreme Court (circa 1980’s). In the following excerpt it will show the more than likely ruling to a HeLa case (had one taken place). Given the current state of the law, the Henrietta...
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...Ethical issues: The main ethical issues in this case is that researches at Johns Hopkins Hospital used Henrietta’s cell in multiple researches and send her cells to other researchers around the world without her family’s consent. Moreover, the Lackes themselves were used in medical research without informed consent, and Henrietta’s medical records were release to journalists without her family knowing. These are issues because the cells of Henrietta lack were used to create “immortal” cells that provided a steady supply of cells for medical research and allowed to find cure for multiple diseases, and guaranteed the medical industry millions of dollar when her family his struggling to pay for healthcare. Moreover, researchers at Johns Hopkins asked the Lack’s family to give blood sample to test for cancer when in fact, the sample were used solely to identify their mother’s cell. The researchers never contacted back the Lack’s family, and some of them still wonder if they have the same cancer that killed their mother. These issues in this case concern the broad category of consumer confidence issues where employers and employees have responsibilities to their customers or clients. Johns Hopkins, a healthcare provider institution, and its doctors and researchers who are the care giver had responsibilities to their patient Henrietta and her family. In addition, the case is concerned with the specific are of fiduciary responsibilities, and client confidentiality and privacy...
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...2nd Quarter Extra Credit – Honors Biology The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks This assignment is due on or before the 1st Semester Final Exam. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this deadline. You may turn it in at any point before the exam. You have 2 options with this reading….. #1 you can answer all of the questions related to the chapters below, or #2 you can develop your own project to show your understanding of the books concepts. You do this all the time in English class, now you can create your own project to present the many issues in the story of Hela cells. There are several questions to be answered below. Make sure you develop answers to each of the questions using complete sentences. DO NOT simply say “Ch 1 Q 1 No” I should not have to refer back to the question each time you answer a question to see what the question was…. incorporate the question into the answer and elaborate upon your answer when necessary. Prologue: The Woman in the Photograph 1. The author uses several similes to describe cells. What simile does she use to describe the way a cell looks? What simile does she use to explain the functions of the different parts of a cell? What do these similes suggest about biology? 2. What is mitosis? What beneficial biological processes involve mitosis? 3. What simile does Donald Defler use to describe mitosis? 4. What happens when there is a mistake during the process of mitosis? 5. According to Defler, how important was the...
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...the Biomaterials track of Biomedical Engineering at the TU Delft fit perfectly for this purpose. As may have been made clear by my background, my interests vary and range from technical, medical and even business fields. My Bachelor for example, also reflects this versatility of interests. Physics doesn’t focus itself on a single subject. My undergraduate studies gave me a very solid basis in Mathematics, Mechanics, Electronics, and even, because of my major in Nanophysics, some Chemistry. This is something I notice clearly when discussing subjects with peers, where I can easily chime in and give my two cents on most technical subjects. However, even though I can contribute everywhere, I often lack more in depth knowledge. Furthermore, due to the theoretical focus of my Bachelors, I lack skills many engineers do have such as modeling and programming or design skills. With the risk of oversimplifying this: I often understand the building blocks, what is needed for them, and how they are made. On the other hand, I am not very good at using them to build something. Luckily, the Bio tissues and Biomechanics track allows for a lot of freedom regarding the technical field, giving me the opportunity to work away my weaknesses by picking (additional) courses that focus on modeling and design. Going back to my wide range of interests, this is also something that reflects in my future plans. Firstly, I would like to express my entrepreneurial spirit by founding a company that allows for...
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...Thesis: In her novel, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Skloot uses events from the lives of the Lacks family and examples of medical treatment from the time, to construct and defend the argument that minorities and members of lower socioeconomic statuses receive worse medical treatment than upper and middle class non-minorities and are subjected to exploitation. Topic Sentence 01: Many medical professionals at the time, had negative attitudes towards non white, uneducated or impoverished peoples. Evidence: “But Carrel wasn’t interested in immortality for the masses. He was a eugenicist: organ transplantation and life extension were ways to preserve what he saw as the superior white race…”(Skloot 59). Commentary: Carrel, a nobel prize...
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...Obviously the family was going to be skeptical of her due to the past experiences with anyone asking about Henrietta. Rebecca was the first person who really cared enough about the real story of Henrietta and eventually the Lacks family saw that. Deborah was able to see the medical and the personal aspect of the story with no selfish motivation. She genuinely interested about bringing to light what happened to Henrietta. Rebecca saw Henrietta exactly the opposite of an abstraction. She recognized the events and didn’t see Henrietta as an idea. In summary, Elie Wiesel’s words were able to personify the story of Henrietta almost perfectly. He recognized she was seen as just an idea and not a real person. Even people who know Henrietta’s story still see her as an idea and not a real person. They treat her story as just that, a story. Through reading her book, it becomes apparently clear the amount of wrong doing that was done and how it was never compensated. All...
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...The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, involves a great amount of various topics, from race, to gender, to cancer. A woman named Henrietta Lacks was an African American woman battling cervical cancer in the 1940’s until her death in 1951. As doctors tried to help her and find a cure for her, they had to study her cells and the cancerous cells. It was during the study of her cells that they realized her cells never died; in fact, her cells reproduced indefinitely. There are many ways to support the thesis of the book, exploring the ethics in medical research, and this book is relatable and significant to U.S. history involving medicine, race, gender, etc. The book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, was written because the...
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...In the story of The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot the death of the Henrietta was the reason for her familys reoccurring struggles. Henrietta was the homemaker, the one who took care of everyone and she was the one keeping the family together. Right before Henrietta dies she tells her sister Gladys “You make sure Day takes care of them children” ”Especially my baby girl Deborah”. (Page 85-86) Henrietta’s death resulted in neglect, physical and sexual abuse, and the rest of her children suffering their adult lives. The neglect was depicted by the death of Elsie. Gladys tells Day “Henrietta gonna die tonight “ “She wants you to take care of them kids – I told her I’d let you know. Don’t let nuthin happen to them.” (Page 86) Right after Henrietta dies Elsie dies in the...
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...Race or racism would indeed be an appropriate way to interpret The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. This is due to the fact that when Henrietta died in 1951, the United States was still racially segregated. The African-American Civil Rights Movement would not begin until four years later, but would end somewhere in the neighborhood of eight years prior to Henrietta’s story making its debut in the mainstream media. Light had been shed on the issue of racism by 1976, making it a known issue to a vast majority of people. There really is no way of knowing how Henrietta’s story would have been interpreted had it been published at the time of her death in 1951. All one can do is speculate. For example, one speculation could be, if Henrietta’s story had been published at the time of her death, it most likely would not have been interpreted as racist. This is because of the fact that the people living in the United States at that...
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...The solution to Henrietta Lacks The Ethics and Legal Solution Natalie Smith May 26, 2018 Medical Terminology, Law and Ethics 2 After reading the book of “The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks” a few years ago I was very amazed on how doctors back in those days just took bodily fluids and did experiments on patients without their permission. Since Henrietta was poor and doctors didn’t think it mattered if they took her cells it wouldn’t be any issues. Once they found out that her cells were able to be replicated infinitely in a lab they hit the gold mine of medical discoveries because they were able to find a vaccine for polio and breakthroughs in herpes, leukemia and even hemophilia and also were able to better understand numerous diseases that will help...
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...to produce. Vitamin D is the product of cholesterol when struck with ultraviolet radiation from the sun’s rays. 12) Why do many people of Asian descent get the “Asian flush” when they drink alcohol? The main reason why many Asians get the alcoholic flush while other races do not is because European and African ancestors were frequently exposed to alcohol while Asian ancestors were not. As a solution to microbes and sanitation, European and Africans would disinfect with alcohol and some of the alcohol would infiltrate fresh waterways. Tolerance towards alcohol was favored and the abundance for this gene, ALDH2*2, increased. However, in many Asian cities, microbes and sanitation was dealt with by boiling water and creating tea. Most Asians lack the alcohol resistance gene. This gene produces necessary enzymes to break down alcohol but without the gene, alcohol does not get broken down properly. The “drunken effect” amplifies and appears after small amounts. 13) Why are African Americans prone to high blood pressure? African Americans are prone to high blood pressure while native born Africans are not prone to high blood pressure. This more probably explanation for this is the selective pressure for salt retention in African Americans. During the slave trade, slaves were treated with extremely harsh conditions. One of the common reasons why slaves died along this journey was dehydration. Those slaves that survived were better at retaining salts and salt help keep water in the body...
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...Henrietta lack’s mother died when she was four. Henrietta married Day at the age of 14, and had five children, and lived a life of poverty. She lived in poverty in Virginia with her 5 children. Henrietta Lacks was born on August 1, 1920, in Roanoke, Virginia. Lacks died of cervical cancer on October 4, 1951, at age 31. Cells harvested from her body without her knowledge formed the HeLa cell line. Hinretta’s cells have been researched in every manner imaginable since that time. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is much more than a book about the Lacks family. It is also an atrocity that scientists disregarded the basic human rights any human should have, just for the name of science. “Scientist do not like to think of HeLa cells as and actual part of a human who had a life and emotions. So, they gave the cells the name HeLa to dehumanize them. A researcher named Robert Stevenson...
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...Born with the name “Loretta Pleasant” in August 1920 in Roanoke, Virginia; She later changed her name to “Henrietta.” Her mother, Eliza Lacks Pleasant, who later died 4 years after giving birth to Henrietta. After her mother passed away Henrietta along with her father, Johnny Pleasant, and other siblings moved to a family home of Clover, Virginia. There in Clover where Henrietta met her husband Day, they grew up together and got married on April 10, 1941. She gave birth to five beautifully children, where she started to feel pain within her cervix after her fourth child. Henrietta Lacks was a beautiful mother and wife who loved her family, she was known to have a beautiful soul who care for everyone. Henrietta life all went downhill after she made a visit to doctors at Hopkins Hospital, where she found out that she had stage 1 cervix cancer. Mrs. Lacks made a visit to Hopkins Hospital where they ran multiple test, because she had been feeling pain within her cervix. During Mrs. Lacks visit Dr. TeLinde removed tissues from the lump inside her vagina, which her later passed...
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...Michael Diaz Professor Anderson ENWR 105 21 September 2012 Henrietta’s Lack of Human Rights In the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks it speaks of the life of Henrietta and how her cancerous cells have made the medical field much larger and more advanced. But did George Gey take her cells with good intent to help mankind, or was it selfish and greedy of him to go and take what he needed from his patient for his own experiment? This is completely wrong and disrespectful because he literally stole something from her without any form of consent whatsoever. He knew very well that he would be able to get away with it because he is a doctor. When a situation like this occurs it becomes a problem since it comes down to human rights and the need of the scientific community. Human rights should always come first, no matter what the case may be. Most if not all of the things that people did to Henrietta were wrong. The people had a good mind set to try to advance the medical field so that it could be more beneficial to mankind. But, it is only a matter of what extent you can go trying to do so, like injuring or killing someone in the process. In the book, Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, they actually point out what they are doing wrong and that they try to convince themselves that what they are doing is right. They tell you “Like many doctors of this era, Telinde often used patients from the public wards for research, usually without their knowledge” (Rebecca Skloot 29-30)...
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...In 1947, when India got Independence from the British, my great-grandmother was fighting a personal battle with cancer. In those days, medical science offered radium radiation therapy to fight the dreaded disease. When I was a child, over dinner table conversations, dad would share stories of the family’s struggle and sheer helplessness in alleviating the suffering of the aging matriarch. His narrations would be laced with exasperated ‘if only’ and ‘times have changed’, fervently wishing that medical advancements in science had come about sooner than later. As curious as fish, I surfed the Internet, my generation’s answer to the Encyclopedia, and learned about the discoveries made by revolutionary bio-medical engineers in reducing the risk factor of terminal illnesses. The relentless efforts of these innovators have impacted me greatly and therefore, motivated by their social spirit, I have decided to join them in their quest for a cure. Planning my future consciously, I applied for a Bachelor’s of Technology in Biomedical Engineering at the prestigious Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka. The curriculum and practical instruction schedule of the course reassure me that I have chosen my future well. Extensive faculty interactions and seminars have convinced me that my interests stand parallel with my objectives in life. Frugality is second nature to engineering students, and my financial statements advise me to adopt the value earnestly. As such, it is a combination...
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