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Heroin Addiction Research Paper

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Some Treatments You Might Receive When Seeking Help For Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is very difficult to overcome because of the side effects of detoxification from the drug. One effect of heroin is that you need to use increasingly larger quantities to feel the same high. As the amount you use increases along with the length of time you've used the drug increases, the detox reaction becomes stronger. Heroin addiction treatment is a combination of medical detox to help you manage physical symptoms when you stop using the drug and psychological treatment to help you overcome the triggers that make you want to use heroin. Here's an overview of what you can expect when you want to overcome your heroin addiction.

Inpatient Medical Detox

When you begin an addiction recovery program, you'll probably need to enter a medical facility for a couple of days or longer so you can detox. When you stop using heroin, you'll have …show more content…
Other drugs act on the opiod receptors in your body and can be used in place of heroin. They don't produce the same high as heroin, but since they affect the opiod receptors, they prevent severe withdrawal symptoms. One medication is taken daily, and if you are in outpatient treatment, you need to report to the clinic daily to get it or you'll begin to have withdrawal symptoms. Other drugs are longer lasting, and some drugs also have sedative effects to help you stay calm during withdrawal.

Some of the medications used to treat heroin decrease cravings for the drug gradually and other medications aren't helpful during the withdrawal phase, but are useful in helping you maintain sobriety. Your addiction doctor will carefully choose the best medication based on your medical condition, amount of heroin you use daily, and the length of time you've been an addict. You may not need to take medication at all if you can tolerate withdrawal symptoms and are committed to staying

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