Donald Washington
Ashley Shackleford
ENGL 1023
5 March 2013
Usability Test Proposal
* College Students and Secondary School Students. * There isn’t any kind of experience needed, instructions are simple and to the point. * Anyone who have good comprehension skills will be able to complete this process. * 6 Participants.
* In a library, in a group study room.
Anticipated problems * These instructions not working for some because they aren’t comfortable with the method. * Participants are not visual learners, which wouldn’t t help them with the concept of note-taking. * Participants being impatient and annoyed because they have anxiety about the method not improving their overall grade.
Most people don’t know how to study. Having a specific method is the way to do it.
1. First, fold a blank sheet of notebook paper in half (hot-dog style). 2. Then trace a straight line made, by the fold, vertically down the center. 3. Then label the left column “Questions”. Also, label the right column as “Answers” and “Hints”. 4. *Write everything in color. Color draws your attention. 5. Note: If you have a problem with color you can just make your text bold (using a black color pencil).
Note: If you have a problem with color you can just make your text bold (using a black color pencil).
Finally, you are ready to study. Ask yourself the first question, then fold your paper hot-dog style again. This time fold it to where your answers are hidden. So you can just seeyour hints. These methods, of studying, will help you memorize the content easier.