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Submitted By ll1914ecv
Words 1433
Pages 6
Financial Aid Office

2012–2013 Verification Worksheet Independent Student
Your 2012–2013 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was selected for review in a process called verification. The law says that before awarding Federal Student Aid, we may ask you to confirm the information you reported on your FAFSA. To verify that you provided correct information the financial aid administrator at your school will compare your FAFSA with the information on this worksheet and with any other required documents. If there are differences, your FAFSA information may need to be corrected. You must complete and sign this worksheet, attach any required documents, and submit the form and other required documents to the financial aid administrator at your school. Your school may ask for additional information. If you have questions about verification, contact your financial aid administrator as soon as possible so that your financial aid will not be delayed. A. Independent Student’s Information _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Last Name Student’s First Name Student’s M.I. _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Street Address (include apt. no.) _____________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Home Phone Number (include area code) ____________________________________ Student’s Social Security Number ____________________________________ Student’s Date of Birth ____________________________________ Student’s Email Address ____________________________________ Student’s Alternate or Cell Phone Number

B. Independent Student’s Family Information List below the people in your household. Include:  Yourself.  Your spouse, if you are married.  Your children, if any, if you will provide more than half of

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