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Submitted By strawberry22
Words 574
Pages 3
Nail polish----Nitrocellulose

Purpose: To investigate the chemical “nitrocellulose”, which is found in nail polish and assess what it is and how it affects life, health and the environment. Environment: There is a not a green alternative that can do the exact same job that nitrocellulose can do but there is another product called acrylic. Acrylic is a lacquer just like nitrocellulose but there is a discussion about which one is better. Nitrocellulose comes from wood and cotton, so it is a little “greener” than acrylic, it is less artificial. Acrylic is very durable and used a lot on floors. Nitrocellulose is used for touch ups and on furniture. They both have a high impact on our air quality because they are strong and risky chemicals. The volatile organic compound (VOC), which is how the chemical evaporates, is high for both chemicals, so they basically have the same toxic level. VOC creates air pollution and it is not good to inhale too much of it. It also leaves behind the same odour, not the same exact smell, but the same amount. Report: I chose a chemical found in nail polish called nitrocellulose. It is also called cellulose nitrate, flash paper, flash cotton, flash string, guncotton and an old name for it was film nitrate. Some properties of the chemical are white, cotton-like, flammable and its boiling point is between 160-170 degrees. When it dry’s, it is fluffy. The chemical formula of nitrocellulose is (C6H8(N02)205)n. In nail polish, it forms a shiny, glossy film over the nail and it also helps it dry faster. The nitrocellulose is called “a binder” and it is a layer of protection on the top of the nail polish. A benefit of nitrocellulose is that it cures warts. There are a lot of risks that could affect human health; eye contact, skin contact, ingestion and inhalation of nitrocellulose could lead to big problems if they are not dealt with correctly. Since nitrocellulose is highly flammable, there are proper places you are supposed to dispose it. Steam sterilization is good way and burying it in a sanitary landfill is easy. You can also incinerate it or dissolve it in another chemical or mixture.
Should we allow this chemical to continue being used?:
I think that we should continue to use nitrocellulose. It is used in many different things and in many different ways (as you can see below). Although it is flammable and has many risks concerning human health, I think that as long as we are careful with it, it will be fine. We just need to make sure that if we are using a lot of it, to wear a mask and avoid any contact with it. It does cause some pollution but it is made from naturel sources. If we dispose of it in the right ways, be careful when we are around it and wear protection when we are dealing with it, nitrocellulose should be allowed to be used in nail polish and other products.
***Nitrocellulose is used in many different things such as: * Table tennis balls * Guitar picks * Used to paint automobiles * Used to finish musical instruments * Playing cards * Magicians flash paper * Skin applications * Radon tests * Used as a supports in diagnostic tests * Finishes on aircrafts * Nail polish * Salicylic acid * Peeling coal balls * Finishes on furniture, decorations * Hold staples together * Used in rockets * Smokeless powder * gunpowder

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