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History of Leni Riehfenstahl


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Historical content
Growth of German cinema in Weimar Germany • German film industry grew under the Wiemar Republic. • Economic stability translated into growing cinema attendances due to having enough money to pay for a ticket • Called the Golden age for German Cinema • Cinematography was considered highly artistic and used unusual camera angles, abstract shot composition, symbolism and dramatic lighting • At the end of the 1920's German film industry made a significant shift from expressionist inspired films • Expressionism films were losing appeal among film enthusiasts • Germany was swinging towards escapist films and films that promoted German nationalism • German film output peaked in 1930 • Cinema attendances rose throughout the Depression years • Cinema allowed the unemployed to escape the misery of their lives and go somewhere warm.
The Berlin Olympics • Berlin was awarded to host the 1936 Olympics • This presented Hitler with a great propaganda opportunity • He wanted the world to see that Germany was peaceful • As a result of Antisemitism there were calls to boycott the Berlin Olympics • In the months leading up to the games Hitler tried to create an image of a peaceful nation by ordering the media to refrain from attacking the Jews • Olympic Stadium seated 100,000 • German Olympic team were the first to train full-time before competition • First time an Olympic Torch was carried from Olympia to the main stadium. • 49 nations competed in the Berlin Olympic Games • Jesse Owens a US African-American athlete was the star of the games winning 4 gold medals, Hitler refused to congratulate him • Italy’s football team won the gold medal • 9 Jewish athletes won medals
Rise of Hitler and the Nazi party • In 1919-20 the Weimar Republic had to

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