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Hlt 205 Week 7 Complete Latest


Submitted By wiseamericans
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Pages 6
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HLT 205 Week 7 Topic 7 Discussion 1
Describe how state Certificate of Need (CON) programs and Medicare Prospective Payment Systems (PPS) help decrease health care spending. Cite references to support your response.
HLT 205 Week 7 Topic 7 Discussion 2
In the U.S. health care system, what are the two basic challenges to access which will not be resolved by a mere expansion of health insurance to the uninsured? Cite references to support your response.
HLT 205 Week 7 Assignment Policy Interview Analysis
Important Notice:
It is important for students, as they progress through this program, to learn from those currently working in health care. For this assignment, students will interview a health care professional. It is important that you start a search for potential candidates to interview at the beginning of the course as many health care professionals have limited availability due to their schedules. It is recommended that upon finding a candidate for the interview that you schedule a meeting a few weeks in advance. You may complete the interview face to face, over the phone, or through an e-mail correspondence if necessary.
The Interview:
Identify at least 10 questions around governmental policy that are critical to understanding current and future issues in specific delivery settings. Refine your questions so that they are relevant to the person or policy that the interview is based on. Conduct the interview at the agreed upon time in a professional manner.
Summary Paper:
After you have completed the interview, write a 750-1,000 word paper that summarizes your findings. Cite at least two resources in addition to your textbook for this class.

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