...If I was to create a non-profit organization in India, I would aim to solve homelessness. If the problem of homelessness was eradicated, then many other complications would automatically dissipate. In India, at least, 78 million people are homeless, despite the growing economy. Although India's economy is the 130th in the world, the government forgets to look at those who are at the bottom of the ladder financially. More than 90 million people in India make less than $1 USD per day. Homeless children under the age of 18 are subject to child abuse, forced labor, illness and drug addiction, emotional/sexual abuse, all while being stripped to their right to an education. In 2007, the rate of child abuse increased by nearly 8,000, and the number...
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...Homelessness is an ongoing problem around the world, being especially noticeable in Austin, Texas. Specifically in Austin, these people go without food for days on end, all while being surrounded by restaurants wastefully throwing away perfectly good food at the end of each day, because they have nothing to do with leftover food. A charity called “Action Hunger” recently installed a vending machine for homeless people in the UK. The charity partnered with nearby shelter called “Friary” which keeps up with donations to the vending machine. I hope to extend the idea of a community vending machine to Austin, in hopes of help the homeless have access to bare necessities, as well as solving the extreme waste of restaurants’ excess food. The already-active vending machine in the UK is accessible to homeless people through keycards distributed by the partnered shelter, Friary. These keycards are programmed to permit the dispense of up to three...
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...The Homeless in United States: Root of problems, and solutions Imagine feeling lost and not knowing what to do or where to go. We spend each night in the musty weather on a bench, which you call your bed. As you wake up to the chattering noises each morning you decide which public place will allow you to clean yourself up. When you get hungry, you beg people for change to eat a cheap meal or you search the nearest garbage can. For the rest of the day you sit in the city hoping people will notice you and want to help out. Knowing that you are not judged by whom you are but what you are, you realize that most people in society do not understand homelessness, and wonder if the circumstances in homelessness will ever change. Every day in cities and towns across the country, men, women, and children dressed in rags walk the streets, often talking to visions and begging for money. However, many causes are the problems to the homelessness which have theirs impact on children and people should think about finding solutions for the homeless. Homelessness is the condition of people without a regular dwelling. According to National Alliance to End Homelessness, 578,424 peoples were experiencing homelessness in 2014 (2015). There are several circumstances that can cause individuals to repeatedly end up on streets. First, poverty is a difficult one to break. Once an individual falls below a certain income level...
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...Defining the Homelessness as a Social Problem It is estimated that in 2009 1.56 million Americans were homeless at some point. (2011 back on my feet) Most do not have health insurance of any sort, and none have cash to pay for medical care. Homeless people are concentrated in the nation's urban centers and are dispersed throughout rural America, frequently not near the health care facilities that they need. They don't have transportation or real control over their daily lives, since they depend on the routines of shelters, soup kitchens and marginal jobs to meet their most basic survival needs and are social discards. Interactional sociologists would say that the homeless population as a whole is ostracized from higher socio-economic groups because of some actual exchanges (which often discourage or offend the homeless person) that occur between homeless individuals and those in literally any other economic class considered to be better off than the homeless individual. Furthermore, some interactional sociologists would point to the reluctance among some employers to hire individuals who do not possess any physical address and likely lack any academic or prior employment experience. This often-reality is a terrible discouragement for many in the disadvantaged economic classes (specifically the homeless, in this case), and is one factor that sometimes dissuades numbers of homeless people from even trying to seek employment in the first place. A number of obstacles a homeless...
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...Homeless speech told everyone their struggles they had in their past and how society been treating them. Homelessness been problem for Sacramento for while ,however not in this large scale we have now. David become homeless when he got layoff from his job at campbell soup,but later on things got more worse for him. First thing he lost was his House,since he couldn't pay for bills then after that he had to sleep in his car. The next mess up thing that happen to him is that police took his car away with all stuff in it. He went to police department just get his stuff back that was in car,however the police didn't really care and never give stuff back to him. When Chris first became homeless he soon to learn the true struggle of living on streets....
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...Vietnam War. As a direct result of Post Traumatic Syndrome and other mental/medical disabilities many in this group may not have a permanent home to call their own. To define homelessness according to the site for National Health Care for the Homeless Council (retrieved 2014), one of the official definitions for the state of being homeless or homelessness is presented as follows: A homeless individual is defined in section 330(h) (4)(A) as “an individual who lacks housing (without regard to whether the individual is a member of a family), including an individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility (e.g., shelters) that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a resident in transitional housing.” A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation. [Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C., 254b)](National 2014) This is one of the definitions that tries to explain this large sociological perspective based on trends or patterns and the fact that this social situation requires such a broad explanation to attempt to cover all aspects of homelessness. This explanation does show how widespread and complicated the state of being homeless is and how socially there is not one simple...
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...Homelessness in California Introduction Homelessness is a condition or a state where an individual or a family does not have a home to live in. Along with that, the person is deprived of the legal and the social dimensions making him emotionally weak and in the state of isolation. Since the year 1980s, there had been a great shock to the Americans due to the rising homelessness. This led to a burst in the studies and the rising stories related to the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of July 1987. In this act, there was an interference allowed of the federal government into this policy of homelessness, which had created many issues. For many years after that, this issue of homelessness remained on the top of the line in the political issues face by the Californian government. Basically the non-profit organizations focused on improving the life quality of the people in the city, especially those who did not have a place to spend their nights. It is a fact that there should be some very efficient approach to eliminate this homelessness problem, the Californian government has taken some steps and brought in a modest change in their policies to attack this homelessness problem very obviously. Their main change in the policy was to provide housing to the poor and the needy people (Hombs, Mary Ellen, and Mitch Snyder, 1982). Despite this action which the government took, there had been a consensus in the year 1980 which reflected the fact that the homelessness in US...
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...Homelessness: Among Students 1 Homelessness: Among Students Eva Shelton Gen 409: General Education Capstone Instructor: Carl Garrigus October 13, 2014 Homelessness: 2 Homelessness: Among Students There is a growing problem in our world today that some may not be aware of and it definitely needs some attention. The problem is homelessness among students. There are many obstacles associated with homelessness that could affect a student receiving an adequate education. This paper will review some of the problems associated with being homeless and how it affects school age children. Hopefully this review will provide a clearer understanding of the problem because in order to provide help we must understand the situation. Instead of the government cutting expenses associated with educational funds and resources, they must continue to provide the sources and make the public aware of availability. Homelessness: 3 Homelessness: Among Students 1.) Sparks, S.D.,(2014). Schools Still See Surges in Homeless Students. Educational Digest 79 (7), 31. Retrieved...
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...Homelessness in America Tonight, across America, as many as 3.5 million people will not have a safe place to go to sleep. The homeless will be sleeping out in the cold, on a park bench or in the gutter. The lucky ones may be sleeping in a shelter tonight. These so called shelters are sometimes even more dangerous because they are frequently over-crowded and understaffed. But the real question is, in the land of opportunity, where the typical family has more televisions than family members and an average of two cars, why are there so many citizens on the street, struggling to survive from day to day? How are so many people, fellow human beings, sleeping on sidewalks, begging for spare change, and digging through garbage cans just to find food to eat? While the general impression is that the homeless are primarily alcoholics and drug abusers, more than half the homeless are families with children. The vast majority of these have been thrust into homelessness by a life altering event or series of events that were unexpected and unplanned for. There are many reasons these unfortunate individuals are seen living on the streets of our cities. Homelessness is caused by tragic life occurrences like the loss of loved ones, job loss, domestic violence, and divorce. Other impairments such as depression, untreated mental illness, post-traumatic stress disorder, and physical disabilities are also responsible for a large portion of the homeless. Many factors push people into living on...
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...Homelessness in America seems to happen with alarming frequency. Homelessness affects millions of Americans each year, with approximately one third of the population suffering from severe mental disorders. It is a devastating experience for families. Every year, the United States conduct an enumeration of homeless people around the nation. These reports of homeless people conducted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness are based on the definition set by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in what is commonly known as a “point-in -time” count. Point-in-time counts are the only measure that captures unsheltered persons experiencing homelessness. Last year's point-in-time count is the most recent national estimate of homelessness in the United States. As of January 2013, the national count of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness decreases by 11.6% between 2012 and 2013. There is a common misconception that homelessness is an issue that only pertains to single men and women, but in reality over 600,000 families a year will experience homelessness. The problems of family homelessness are not solely restricted to urban areas; rural area and suburban communities are increasingly plagued by the problem. The three main reasons for the abundance of dispossessed families within America are the following: 1) the lack of affordable housing, 2) poverty, and 3) mental illness. In today's society, these causes are the main contributors towards...
Words: 2264 - Pages: 10
...Many Americans live everyday with a risk of being homeless or becoming homeless, America has the highest homelessness rates in the world and the biggest problems are not enough jobs opportunities and outsourcing, not enough affordable housing, and mental illness. PROBLEM 1 Homelessness can be directly related to a shortage of jobs in America due to outsourcing and businesses being shut down. Although most of the population has jobs there is a small percentage that don’t and in that percentage lays the homeless percentage. Long-term unemployed individuals rates have not changed since June of...
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...concerning homelessness in Australia. ‘Polices and programmes to end homelessness in Australia: Learning from international practice’ by Cameron Parsell in the International Journal of Social Welfare will be compared against ‘There’s more to homelessness than ‘rooflessness’’ by James Farrel found in The Conversation. The following essay will go in-depth in what these articles share in similar along with their contrasting views. Within International Journal of Social Welfare’s article it states Australia’s current homelessness policy is adapted from the USA and UK policy through interventions that seek to permanently end homelessness. In the text...
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...Policy by Karen Spuriel Coleman- MBA Abstract Homelessness among youth in the U.S. is disturbingly common, with an estimated annual prevalence of at least 5 percent for those ages 12 to 17. Although homeless youth appear throughout the nation, they are most visible in major cities. Rigorous research on this special population is sparse, making it difficult to capture an accurate and complete picture. Despite its limitations, recent research describes homeless youth as a large and diverse group. Many homeless youth have multiple overlapping problems including medical, substance abuse, and emotional and mental problems. Literature suggests that comprehensive and tailored services are needed that address both the immediate and long-term needs of homeless youth. Where appropriate, services should include assistance with meeting basic needs as perceived by youth as a gateway to other needed services. In addition to serving those already homeless, interventions are needed to prevent homelessness among at-risk youth. Lessons for Practitioners, Policy Makers, and Researchers • As used here, the term “homeless youth” focuses on minors who have experienced literal homelessness on their own—i.e., who have spent at least one night either in a shelter or "on the streets" without adult supervision. On occasion, where warranted by the research being discussed, the term is also used to describe homeless young adults up to age 24. • Homelessness among youth in the U.S. is disturbingly common...
Words: 15735 - Pages: 63
...Scope of Work D.C.M.A. Solutions Nathan Manor, Jonathan Delconte, DeShawyn Redish, Crystal Jones “The Beginning to the End of Homelessness” Project Description Team D.C.M.A. Solutions chose to battle homelessness as a charity event project. Homelessness is a growing problem, not just in America, but all over the world. Crystal and Nathan both relate strongly to homeless veterans who make up a staggering 57,849 of the 610,042 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States. Our team however, is not just concerned with homeless people and families, but also their pets and the millions of other homeless animals in America. This event will drive awareness of organizations dedicated to combating the problem of homelessness in America. Though Washington, D.C has vowed to end homelessness mainly for veterans, we desire to aid everyone through groups like The National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, the National Alliance to end Homelessness, the National Coalition for the Homeless, Pets of the Homeless, Homeless Pets Foundation, The Humane Society of the United States, and Habitat for Humanity. We will call on local restaurants to supply meals, home improvements stores for materials and “fix-it” expos, health and social services for medical and mental healthcare needs, and other agencies who can provide housing, clothing, food, jobs, and emergency aid. We will need transportation and security to assist with participants. We desire to...
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...Running head: HOMELESSNESS Homelessness in America Victoria M. Williams SOC 331, Social Justice & Ethics Cari Lynn Beecham-Bautista, Instructor November 23, 2015 HOMELESSNESS Homelessness in America Homelessness is a multifaceted social problem that is difficult for America to solve. Over the past three decades, there has been an increase in the homeless population in America (“Opening Doors Plan,” 2015). Even when America’s economy is progressing, there is still a high number of citizens who are facing homelessness (“Opening Doors Plan,” 2015). A lack of federal financial assistance, fragmented services and the difficulties in accessing these services have played a major role in hampering the solution to this social problem (“Opening Doors Plan,” 2015). As a result, these factors have necessitated a shift in federal, state and local policies to end homelessness. America has learned that homelessness can no longer be viewed as a short-term crisis where an abundance of emergency shelters can solve the problem. The demand for emergency shelters has always exceeded the supply for them. In order for justice to occur, there is an urgent need for more preventive measures and long-term solutions to end this problem. Homeless individuals and families are a vulnerable population whose rights have to be protected. A just response to America’s homeless problem has to include prohibition of criminalization laws, permanent housing with supportive...
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