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Honors Class Reflection

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Entering the classroom the next Monday, I had arrived later than usual so I stayed for the class following the Honors English class. Both classes had served, essentially, as a study period for the two English classes that day. Overall The teacher works with three different levels of English--honors, regular, and what the teacher calls “the strugglers”. During the honors class, the majority of the class is composed of White children with above average skill in verbal and essay based communications. The honors class is usually who I work with during the rest of the semester. She comments the most that: “even though you all are my honors class, you are my most talkative students.” After seeing the other two classes, I would argue that this is untrue. …show more content…
This I believe was a good sign of furthering English education until I realized an uncomfortable fact--that the majority of the other students in the “regular” and “the strugglers” (what she calls the other class) is comprised of mostly Black and Brown students. They seem to produce and work with the same objectives for the most part, however in the other two classes there might be more modifications that I am unaware of. I did some light grading during all three of the class periods, barely having time to work with any of the students since the classes were so short. By the time the other period rolled around, I had met forty new students in the span of an hour. Near the end, I worked with one student who needed assistance on her introduction paragraph. She had written an informative and clear thesis, however, she was hindered by colloquial terms and other unnecessary information. It frustrated me that even though the classes were smaller, it seemed there was less quality education going into the other two classes. Instead, the teacher seemed more frazzled because of the previous two classes and did not tolerate any excessive talking or

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