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How Did 9/11 Affected America

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“Bush stood a top of a wrecked fire truck, and gave the speech with a bullhorn, ‘I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us soon’” (September 11 attacks, pg.5). During the years of the 1970s to the present, Americans experienced hardships but also patriotism. For example, the attacks on the Twin Towers and fighting in the Iraq War after the Twin Towers collapsed. In addition, Americans also faced more intricate videos for the invention of CGI. (“New Voices, New Frontiers” 1277-1289). Furthermore, an event that had a major effect at the time on Americans was 9/11, at which time George W. Bush was president, causing him to be an important figure in America's history. 9/11 had a huge impact …show more content…
Lastly one invention that affected Americans was CGI editing. It enabled Americans to manipulate moving objects while it happened. Bush, 9/11, and CGI are prominent figures and events from 1970-present that reflect how this time period was truly Revolutionary.
On July 6th, 1964 in New Haven, Connecticut, George W. Bush was born. Bush was the forty third president of the United States of America. He is mainly remembered for the events that happened on 9/11 and the Iraq War. Before his presidency, Bush ran for governor of Texas as a Republican and won. In 1999 he began his quest for presidency and won the Republican presidential nomination (Bio, 1-3). His first two years of presidency, Bush had most of the political majority, but there was also a divide in the government. Even with this problem, he pushed through a $1.35 trillion tax cut to stimulate the economy (Bio pg.3). Even during great times, bad things can happen. On 11 September, 2001, there were 4 hijacked commercial jetliners, and only three of the four planes made it to their destinations. After the attacks, Bush promised that he would do anything possible to prevent another attack. He had

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