...Mark Cheatham’s argument within Andrew Jackson, Southerner is one of sound reasoning and sustainable study. From the presentation of opposite theories as seen on page two with Cheatham’s assertion against Frederick Turner's assessment of Andrew Jackson's home county of Waxhaws to the detailed retellings of Jackson’s rise to prominence in the South; Chatham does a fine job at bridging his theory with relevant historical information, even when facing down counter views. From a normal citizen's standpoint, the idea that Jackson was more of a Southern rather than a Westerner or vice versa means little, though the common debate amongst historians is important for anyone truly wishing to understand the mind of Jackson. For me, the educational standpoint of what title best first Jackson’s person and his actions as a President is beinfitnal when discussing him with a future...
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...Chapter 7: The Rise of Manufacturing and the Age of Jackson (1820–1845) THE GROWTH OF THE FACTORY Economic growth was a key component of Henry Clay’s American System, and in the aftermath of the War of 1812, measures were taken to expand American industry. American industries were protected by the Tariff of 1816, which raised import tariffs by 25 percent. At the same time state governments began improving road, river, and canal transportation systems. Before 1820 almost all products made in America were completed using a system borrowed from Europe called the putting-out system. Under this system merchants would buy the raw materials, recruit dozens, or in some case hundreds, of farm families to do the work, and then sell the finished product. Many shoes in New England were made in this manner; women and children would make part of the shoe, which would be finished by experienced shoemakers. Beginning in the late 1780s the textile industry started to use power-driven machines and interchangeable parts. All power in these early factories came from water, so the early factories all were located along rivers. Most were located in New England or the Middle states. In the 1790s factories like those in Lowell, Massachusetts, began to weave cotton imported from the south. With the introduction of the cotton gin in the same decade, more cotton became available, and production boomed. By 1840 the textile industry employed nearly 75,000 workers, with almost half of...
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...against Andrew Jackson and lost and after losing he ran for congress in the House of Representatives in 1831. According to the White House, Gov. John Quincy Adams was known for being a powerful leader during his time in Congress. This website cited that he fought against "circumscription of civil liberties." The website also stated that he was against slavery and he fought for a long time to get rid of it. Also in the book "Founding Brothers” chapter 3 The Silence Joseph Ellis the author of the book describes that Slavery...
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...discuss the geographic, political, constitutional, economic, and diplomatic contrasts of both forces. PROMPT: Formulate a thesis statement Use documents as well as your own outside knowledge of the period. Deal evenly with all aspects of the questions Be sure to cover the time period given • Assess the validity of the documents • Draw effective and specific conclusions whenever possible TEXTBOOK RECOMMENDATIONS Gillon & Matson The American Experiment Boydston & McGerr Making A Nation Murrin, et.al Liberty, Equality, Power Norton, et.al. A People & A Nation Brinkley American History Bailey & Kennedy The American Pageant Boyer, et.al. Enduring Visions Davidson, et.al. Nation of Nations Cherny & Berkin The Making of a Nation Henretta, et.al. America’s History Document A Election of Andrew Jackson 1828, map. John D. Hicks. The Federal Union. p.366 Document B...
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... 1. The female factory worker compared her conditions with those of slaves because she felt like they were being treated like slaves by not being allowed to speak for themselves. She felt that they were awed into silence by wealth and power and was under tyranny and cruel oppression 2. She doubt the sincerity of the Christian beliefs of the factory owners because they talk benevolence in the parlor, compel their help to labor for a mean and paltry pittance in the kitchen. They manifest great concern for souls of the heathen in distant lands and care for nobody else besides their own. 52. Immigrants Arriving in New York City 1. The tone the reporter adopted regarding the immigrants is hostile because of how he describes the immigrants and how they looked. He described them having degraded faces with many stamps of inferiority. 2. The aspirations the reporter thinks are uppermost in the immigrant’s minds is hope, freedom, and a chance to work, and food to the laboring man. 53. A Woman in the Westward Movement 1. Moving west altered tradition expectations of women’s roles by proving that they could endure rough conditions from moving west. They were left to be lonely and the burdens of pioneer life. 2. Mrs. Noble’s main complaints about her situation on the frontier was carrying her infants and not being able to sleep because of thinking about wild beasts. She also had to cook in the open air instead of in a log house. She doesn’t regret...
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...HISTORY 1301 United States History: Discovery to 1876 Handout # The Folkways of the Distinct English Groups that Colonize America David Hacket Fisher author of Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America (1989) wrote his book to answer the great questions: “Where do we come from” Who are we? [and] Where are we going?” (Fisher. p. 3) “The answers to these questions grow more puzzling the more one thinks about them. We Americans are a bundle of paradoxes. We are mixed in our origins, and yet we are one people. Nearly all of us support our republican system, but we argue passionately among ourselves about its meaning. We live in an open society which is organized on the principles of voluntary action, but the determinants of that system are exceptionally constraining. Our society is dynamic, changing profoundly in every period of American history; but it is also remarkably stable. The search for the origins of this system is the central problem in American history. It is the subject of this book.”( Fisher. p. 4) The answer is to be found in the “folkways” which four specific groups of Englishmen brought with them to the New World. These folkways provide an empirical measure of the differences in their societies which have blended to form the “American way.” “The interplay of” the folkways of the four English speaking immigrant groups, especially their “ ‘freedom ways’ has created an expansive pluralism which is” peculiarly American. “That is the central...
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...1 The Foundations of International Society 2013-2014 Part I: Politics 2 (International Relations I) Paper organiser: Professor Christopher Hill (POLIS): Room 105, Alison Richard Building Email: cjh68@cam.ac.uk Lecturers: Professor Hill (CH), Dr Elisabetta Brighi (EB), Dr Aaron Rapport (AR) and Dr Stefano Recchia (SR). Aims and Objectives The course aims to introduce students to the subject of International Relations (IR), whose main focus is the nature of politics at the international level. Students will acquire the empirical and conceptual foundations needed to understand a world political system which cannot be accurately described as either pure anarchy or a coherent form of ‘global governance’. The starting point is the notion of ‘international society’, which refers to the set of institutions and common procedures generated by states over the last three and a half centuries in their attempts to achieve some minimal form of co-existence, but which has gradually evolved to include many non-state actors and different levels of activity – diplomatic, economic and cultural, as well as that of military competition. By the end of the course you should be able to have an informed discussion about: the historical origins of the present system; what is distinctive about international politics as opposed to politics inside the state; and the main challenges which confront humanity in the twenty-first century. You will also acquire a basic familiarity with the main theories needed...
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...When will we see Change? A Critical look at Barack Obama and the democratic party. Charles Kerber POLS 202 9AM American Government Livingston This paper will take a critical look at the history of the democratic party, its most recent 2012 election, its current presidential candidate Barack Obama, and the latest platform. While the paper may read as being highly critical of President Obama, it should be caveated by the fact that this is an extremely trying time in the history of the United States, and the government is under considerable pressures from outside terrorism threats and international relations, to severe recession and domestic economic concerns. Nevertheless, one must look critically at President Obama, and answer has he really given us “change we can believe in”? Biography & history The Democratic party went through a number of iterations before it became the current democratic party. The party began as the anti federalists under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Thomas Jefferson a former secretary of state under George Washington's administration who had resigned to protest the fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton. These two rivals would become the basis of the first two political parties of the United States. Alexander Hamilton favored the constitution, the creation of a national bank and repayment of the revolutionary war debt with federal funds. Under this philosophy they would name themselves Federalists, for their leaders support of ratifying the constitution...
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...slavery be kept out of the territories. The Republican Party appealed too many to voters who not only disagreed with slavery but also wanted to keep slavery out of their states. 3. Stephan A. Douglas- Known as the “Little Giant,” he was the most prominent spokesman of the Young American movement. He held a series of state offices before being elected for the United States Senate at the age of 29. Douglas wanted to get on with the development of the nation; to build railroads, acquire new territory, and expand trade. This made him suggest and push for the Kansas-Nebraska Act. 4. Popular Sovereignty- Also known as “squatter sovereignty,” the doctrine that says the people of a new territory, under the Constitution, have the right to decide the status of slavery. Congress officials liked it because it let them escape from making the decisions themselves. 5. Thirty-Six------Thirty-One- the area the Mexican Cession consisted of, some wanted it to allow slavery and others wanted slavery to spread no...
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... i. In Europe, people vote for parties; in America, they vote for individuals. ii. In primaries, people vote especially for a “person” (and his qualities, traits, etc…), and in general elections, this is sometimes true also. iii. In parliament, legislators can support their leaders or not, and if they don’t then new leaders (prime minister and various cabinet members) must be elected. a. This ensures that more action can occur, since the parties of the executive and legislative branches are practically always the same. iv. Congress is free from the turmoil of possible collapsing executive branches and is more powerful to make decisions; Congressmen don’t have to worry about easily losing their positions come another election. a. In Congress, there is less cohesion in bill passing, and less stuff can get done. v. Parliaments members usually engage in debate, are poorly paid, have little independent power, and receive little power as well. vi. Meanwhile, Congressmen are much better paid, have more power, do many things in committees, and have staff members of their own, thus “proving how important they are.” The Evolution of Congress 2 The framers of the Constitution chose a congress over other forms of representative gov’t because they didn’t want all power concentrated together, even if it was in a group of people, but they also knew that the...
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...resources, but deceptive or fraudulent accounting practices often lead to drastic consequences. Are these so-called creative practices always illegal or can they ever be justified? This case study will present examples of companies who have used inappropriate accounting practices, the results of their deceptions and the government's plan to avoid future incidents. Did banks play role in Enron scandal? By Edward Iwata Banks face accusations in Enron case By Edward Iwata Banks defend e-mail about Enron By Edward Iwata WorldCom finds accounting fraud By Andrew Backover, Thor Vladmanis, Matt Kranz and Michelle Kessler Former controller comes up more often By Andrew Backover and Chris Woodyard Cover story WorldCom’s bad math may date back to 1999 By Jayne O’Donnell and Andrew Backover CFOs join their bosses on the hot seat By Jim Hopkins Capitalizing on oldest trick in book How WorldCom, and others, fudged results By Matt Krantz USA TODAY WorldCom's accounting game is stunning investors who thought the loophole the telecom firm used was sewn shut years ago. Bros. "How was this overlooked by people who are supposed to be looking at it?" he asks. WorldCom used the gimmick to a level never before seen. The company showed a $1.4 billion profit in 2001, rather than a loss, by using what's essentially the oldest trick in the book. Rather than subtracting certain costs — which analysts think were for maintaining telecom systems — from profit, it called them long-term...
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...Causes of the American Civil War (Colonial America to the 1850s) A lot of important events and people have paved the way towards the American civil war. Each event that ever happened within the time period of 1790 to 1850 all lead to the civil war. Some example of key people and events would be the following: the bill of rights being ratified, the fugitive slave act, the cotton gin, Tennessee, John Adams, George Washington, Gabriel's Rebellion, Ohio, the Louisiana Purchase, the Embargo act, the International slave trade, James Madison, the Battle of New Orleans, Reverend Allen, Missouri compromise, Demark Vesey's Conspiracy, Africans losing their boats, Monroe Doctrine, Nat Turner's revolt, The Alamo, Gag rule, Trail of tears, Harriet Tubman, California. All of these are some major events that caused the civil war itself. All of these events had also contributed to the rise of the English colony and the break off point from the mainland in Europe. All of the events/ people mention previously are going to be used to tell how the American civil war started and how each led to a chain reaction of other events that occurred. These events will each tell a story of its own and slowly build up to the civil war itself. Other events along the way will show up as a result of an event occurring. Both the north and the South had different events which lead up to the civil war but we will mostly focus on the more major events that took place. The Rise of...
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...negotiate thirteen separate commercial treaties, and that Britain was well served by letting the situation fester. The term "Federalist" was later applied to the emerging political faction headed by Alexander Hamilton in George Washington's administration. Revolution of 1800: Some observers have regarded Jefferson's election in 1800 as revolutionary. This may be true in a restrained sense of the word, since the change from Federalist leadership to Republican was entirely legal and bloodless. Nevertheless, the changes were profound. The Federalists lost control of both the presidency and the Congress. By 1800, the American people were ready for a change. Under Washington and Adams, the Federalists had established a strong government. They sometimes failed, however, to honor the principle that the American government must be responsive to the will of the people. They had followed policies that alienated large groups. For example, in 1798 they enacted a tax on houses, land and slaves, affecting every property owner in the country. Jefferson had steadily gathered behind him a great mass of small farmers, shopkeepers and other workers; they asserted themselves in the election of 1800. Jefferson enjoyed extraordinary favor because of his appeal to American idealism. In his inaugural address, the first such speech in the new capital of Washington, D.C., he promised "a wise and frugal government" to preserve order...
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...Mississippi ratifies 13th amendment abolishing slavery ... 147 years late Academics prompt ratification after noticing that 1995 move to accept amendment detailed in Lincoln had not been completed * Share77 * * * 1 * inShare0 * ------------------------------------------------- Email Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln. Photograph: David James/AP Mississippi has officially ratified the 13th amendment to the US constitution, which abolishes slavery and which was officially noted in the constitution on 6 December 1865. All 50 states have now ratified the amendment. 1. ------------------------------------------------- Lincoln 2. Production year: 2012 3. Countries: India, Rest of the world, USA 4. Cert (UK): 12A 5. Runtime: 150 mins 6. Directors: Steven Spielberg 7. Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, David Strathairn, Hal Holbrook, James Spader, John Hawkes, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lee Pace, Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones 8. More on this film Mississippi's tardiness has been put down to an oversight that was only corrected after two academics embarked on research prompted by watching Lincoln, Steven Spielberg's Oscar-nominated film about president Abraham Lincoln's efforts to secure the amendment. Dr Ranjan Batra, a professor in the department of neurobiology and anatomical sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, saw Spielberg's film and wondered about the implementation of the 13th amendment after the Civil War. He discussed...
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...Plains • The end of tribal life • “saving” The Indians • Hellan Hunt Jackson • NA Contributions 1877 is the beginning of “modern” American history. Hayes was president and some feel he is a fraud Most people live on Eastern Seaboard. Many overcrowding. Manufacturing and limited land space. People want to live west but the Indians were there…. In 1867 Horace Greeley urged people in NYC to move west “if you move west you will crowd nobody and not starve” because nobody was there but there were over QMil Natives living in the West. The gold rush started and disturbed the native western population. 1: Life on the plains for NA. 2/3 of them lived on the great plains. It’s one of the most hazardous at the time. They knew how to survive. The plains Indians depended buffalo. They can kill and take only what they need and use the entire kill. The Whites left the carcass. It was used by them for clothes, tools, food, shelter, ect. Before the horse the NA would hunt them by running them over a cliff or scaring them into a trap. The Spanish introduces the horse to them. They discovered that it was a great work and hunting animal. They were migratory and would travel with the food source. Some tribes would be sever thousand people but would break into smaller bands of 500 to 700. Ever band had their own government. This created conflict in territory, fishing rights, and food. They did have a division of labor, Men hunted, fished, traded, supervised ceremonies...
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