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How Did Samuel Adams Influence The American Revolution

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There were many things that altered Americans’ perceptions of Britain during the years 1763 to 1775. Samuel Adams was one of them; he was an organizer of Boston’s Sons of Liberty. Samuel Adams organized Boston’s opposition to the Tea Act, which led to the Boston Tea Party, and also devised of the Boston Committee of Correspondence throughout Massachusetts. The committees provided leadership and promoted cooperation. By 1773, several colonies had created committees, which helped build colonial unity. He later worked for the creation of the First Continental Congress and represented Massachusetts in 1774; Adams hoped to win their support for Massachusetts and the crisis. Fortunately for Massachusetts, the other colonies also opposed the Coercive Acts …show more content…
Thomas Paine played a role in altering Americans perceptions of Britain. Thomas Paine was a Founding Father and later on in his life began writing in serious, publishing several articles, anonymously or under pen names. One of his early articles was a scornful criticism of the African slave trade, called "African Slavery in America," which he signed under the name "Justice and Humanity." Paine also wrote about his general views and thoughts on revolution and injustice. After the battles of Lexington and Concord, Paine argued that America should not simply revolt against taxation, but demand independence from Great Britain entirely, republican state governments, and a union of new states. He enlarged this idea in a pamphlet called the "Common Sense," which was printed in January 1776 and ratified on July 4, 1776. The Common Sense paved the way for the Declaration of Independence. Paine rejected the king, rather than Parliament, as the greatest enemy of American liberty. He hated the rigid class structure of Britain for smothering the hopes of common people without a noble title or

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