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How Does Bullying Cause Suicide

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Bullying is resoundingly not as much of an issue as people have tried to ingrain in to ourbrains during recent years. Bullying as a whole has become so immensely sensationalized thatpeople everywhere just think that bullying is rampant and happens everywhere and automaticallycauses irreversible damages.Suicide is something people always use in arguments that pertain to bullying being anissue and it not being one. Society has been manipulated into thinking bullying = suicide, butwhile this can be a factor in someone doing so, it is never the sole reason. Suicide plain andsimple is caused by a combination of mental illness and myriad other smaller factors (one ofwhich can be bullying). Commonly the stories of bullying leading to suicide reads …show more content…
Also,stating that their suicide is caused by a single factor other than multitudinous issues in their lives,is insensitive and particularly deplorable, suicide being portrayed as something that shallow andtwo dimensional is hilariously incorrect and begging for attention. And while bullying andsuicide are not mutually exclusive, there is virtually no proof it is the main cause of suicide in themajority of cases.People tend to equate all aggression from teens to other teens as bullying, and that issimply not true. Bullying is specifically defined as repeated behaviour, in which there is a powerimbalance. Media outlets and other places bolster the false notion of this,as they do many …show more content…
Mediaoutlets also eternize the thought that bullying is an illegal occurrence, regardless of the negativeeffects it can have on people, it is and should never be illegal.Bullying is a thing most people naturally experience and is a sort of rite of passage.Bullying, however negative it may be, can prepare people and harden them for eventual avenuesin the real world. Let’s say that there’s a child in 7th grade who maybe is obese, he willinevitably be teased for it. This could be a cataclysmic motivator for him to improve his healthby eating healthier and practicing better health in general by the way of a strong exerciseregimen and things such as that. Of course that is entirely hypothetical, but in some casesbullying (regardless of intention) can induce positive outcomes for the victim over long, gradualstretches of time. School shootings are widely believed to be primarily caused by one or more stems ofbullying. With all things there is never just one sole cause, a topic that was briefly coveredearlier was mental illness, which is most likely the biggest factor in School Shootings. Mentalillness is often completely glossed over in major discussions of the correlation between bullyingand school shootings. Just like with suicide bullying can be a factor in school shootings,

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