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How Does George Orwell Affect The Characters In Animal Farm

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Sam Ford
Mr. Kindon
English Essay
English Animal Farm Essay

In Animal Farm the author depicts an idea of different issues throughout the world through the use of animals. These characters that George Orwell chose shows the effect on these characters because of the farm. In the novel Animal Farm the author George Orwell allows the reader to see how changes on the farm affect the characters Napoleon,Squealer, and Mr.Jones. Although these animals are the main characters and also the meanest Mr. Jones is the first character you will hear about. One example Mr. Jones is mean to the animals is he gave up on the farm and became an alcoholic. By giving up on the farm the animals had known one to take care of them. The reason for him giving up on the farm because of a dangerous lawsuit on Manor Farm. However there was many more instances of his rudeness towards the animals including, the animals rebelling against the humans. The reasoning was that the animals said that they were not being treated right. An example of the animals not being treated right are Mr. Jones and his people not feeding the animals enough or none. The last example is that Mr. Jones gets run off his farm. The reasoning is that the Battle of the Cowshed or the fight …show more content…
The cause of Napoleon becoming leader is because both Mr. Jones and Snowball get forced out of Manor Farm. After they get forced out their is no one else to take role as head leader. Another example is Napoleon changes the government to dictatorship. The cause of this change is because Napoleon thinks the farm is working inefficiently. In the change to dictatorship he took away things such as barn meetings to discuss the week’s goals. The last example is Napoleon executed multiple amounts of animals. The cause of change was that Napoleon was mad at the animals for not telling the truth about meeting with Snowball his

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