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How Should Children Receive Participation Losers?

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Imagine someone receiving a trophy for showing up to their sports team. How would that make someone who should have gotten a trophy for winning feel? These are all questions that are brought up in today's society. With that being said, no, children should not receive participation trophies because they wouldn't know how to face real life challenges, kill the sense of competition, and will also lack understanding about success and failure. Receiving a participation trophy does not allow children to face real-life challenges. For instance, Diller argues that “Perhaps if we offered the gold, silver and bronze for actual achievements, kids would learn lessons that better served their needs as adults.” To put that into perspective, a child that receives a participation trophy can have a false sense of confidence about the sport, or about real life …show more content…
Participation trophies are not offering children the opportunity to learn about those aspects of life. Diller also adds that “sustaining a long-term marriage or securing employment” can serve as an example of two trophies used today. In conclusion, when it comes to challenges in life, participation trophies do not offer the ability to learn how to face them. Participation trophies destroy the ability to compete. For example, Diller says, “the problem isn't the profusion of positive reinforcement kids get nowadays, but rather the failure to distinguish the accomplishments that deserve it, from those that don't.” Giving every child that participates in the sport a trophy doesn't allow them to recognize their ability in the sport. In a way, the trophies tell them that they are equal. Therefore, it prevents kids from performing to their full potential because they know they will be rewarded no matter what. To sum it up, participation trophies tear down competition in sports. Children will lack understanding about failure with participation

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