...[pic] ACCOUNTING 26:010:652 Advanced Topics in Management Accounting Fall 2009 Instructor: Dr. Michael Alles Office: 1WP 928 Office Hours: F 9:00-10:00 or by appointment Email: alles@business.rutgers.edu Phone: (973) 353 5352 COURSE OBJECTIVES In recent years my colleagues and I have noticed that when we are recruiting we come across newly minted PhD students who are usually highly technically proficient in terms of being able to run regressions, do statistical testing, solve analytic models or whatever, but they often fail to demonstrate that they have thoroughly thought about their papers—in other words, when you push them about the implicit and explicit assumptions and implications of their research models, it appears that they haven’t really given these matters much thought at all.[1] Too often they fall back on saying that they are doing what they are doing because that is the way it is done in the prior literature, which is more of an excuse than a answer. (Of course, once a researcher reaches a certain age, they all feel that youngsters aren’t as good as they were in the good old days!) Therefore, in this class we shall go beyond simply studying research in managerial accounting. For many of you, this is your first introduction to accounting research and to PhD level class. Hence, in these classes we shall also learn how to solve business problems systematically and to understand what it means to have thoroughly “thought through” a paper. We...
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...Foundation in Business Accounting Publication: Cheltenham Peer Reviewed? Yes by Stanley Thornes What words did you use to find this article? Foundations of Business Accounting What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc.)? summary Did this article include an abstract? yes Summarize the article (75 to 100 words) The summary of the article includes that there are many introductory accounting textbooks that a few things could be useful. The author of this book includes things that will appeal to students who are taking their first accounting course. This book is very well put together with its interpretation of accounting information and procedures, study questions and answers. Source 2 Author: Roy Dodge Date: 1994 Title: Foundations of Business Accounting Publication: Chapman & Hall, London Peer Reviewed? No What words did you use to find this article? Foundations of Business Accounting What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc.)? summary Did this article include an abstract? yes Summarize the article (75 to 100 words) This article explains what will be included in each chapter of the text. It will include objectives, activities, a summary, work sheets, practice questions and answer sheet. A student will find that it will help with their concentration and helps with keeping them interested. The text will benefit all audit students, beginning and intermediate students in accounting. Source 3 ...
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...|Topic in Mastery of the |Chapter 3 - Building Your |Chapter 4 – Brain Teasers: Using|Chapter 5 – Cases to Accompany | |Financial Accounting Research |Business Vocabulary: Defining |FARS to Untangle the Mystery |FARS [Related Assignments at End| |System (FARS) Through Cases 2nd |Terms and Solving Problems |[See Introduction and Example |of Cases] | |Edition by Wallace [Chapter 1 |Through FARS [See Introduction |pp. 4-1 to 4-7] | | |and 2 where noted] |and Example pp. 3-1 to 3-7] | | | |FASB, Standard Setting; GAAP; |Table 3.1 Accounting Standards; |1: How Many Standards Have Been |Case 12: Emerging Issues: The | |Governance; FARS [Chapter 1 – |Table 3.39 Regulated Industry; |Issued by FASB?; 2: Dissents |Agenda of FASB; [Case 8 Related:| |The Financial Accounting |Table 3.40 Specialized Industry |Portending Future?; 32: What |Does It Matter Where Guidance Is| |Research System (FARS) Primer.] |Considerations |Makes One GAAP Preferable to |Located?]; [Case 12 Related: Are| | | |Another?; 30: When Can Analogies|Accounting Rules to Blame?] | | | |Be Used?; 31: What Are the 10 | | | ...
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... What role does professional research play within an accounting firm or department? Who primarily conducts the research? Government, accounting, auditing, and tax research is significant to an accounting firm or department. The professional research is conducted by accountants and they are in charge of interpreting firm policies in the framework of particular clients. Resolving technical and auditing issues during a client engagement; this is done by research units when the local office is not able to come up with the conclusion. 7. Identify and explain some basic questions the researcher must address in performing accounting, auditing, or tax research. The researcher must ask the following questions when performing accounting, auditing, or tax research: A. Do I have complete knowledge to answer the question, or must I conduct research to consult authoritative references? B. What is the law (tax law) or authoritative literature? C. Does the law or authoritative literature address the issue under review? D. Where can I find the law or authoritative literature and effectively and efficiently develop a conclusion? E. Where can I find international accounting and auditing standards? F. If there is no law or authoritative literature directly addressing the topic at issue, what approach do I follow in reaching a conclusion? G. What professional databases or other sources on the Internet should I access for research process? H. If more than...
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...ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 25, No. 2 2010 pp. 227–244 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/iace.2010.25.2.227 What It Means to be an Accounting Professor: A Concise Career Guide for Doctoral Students in Accounting Brooke Beyer, Don Herrmann, Gary K. Meek, and Eric T. Rapley ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to provide a concise career guide for current and potential doctoral students in accounting and, in the process, help them gain a greater awareness of what it means to be an accounting professor. The guide can also be used by accounting faculty in doctoral programs as a starting point in mentoring their doctoral students. We begin with foundational guidance to help doctoral students better understand the “big picture” surrounding the academic accounting environment. We then provide specific research guidance and publishing guidance to help improve the probability of publication success. Actions are suggested that doctoral students and new faculty can take to help jump-start their academic careers. We finish with guidance regarding some important acronyms of special interest to doctoral students in accounting. Keywords: career guidance; doctoral students; research; publishing. INTRODUCTION igher education faces a severe, and growing, shortage of accounting professors. As a result, the job prospects for new accounting doctoral graduates are very good and are getting better. Starting salaries are increasing, but so are the requirements...
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...University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Business - Accounting & Finance Working Papers 2006 Faculty of Business The Critique of Accounting Theory M. Gaffikin University of Wollongong, gaffikin@uow.edu.au Publication Details This working paper was originally published as Gaffikin, M, The Critique of Accounting Theory, Accounting & Finance Working Paper 06/25, School of Accounting & Finance, University of Wollongong, 2006. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: research-pubs@uow.edu.au 06/25 University of Wollongong School of Accounting & Finance The Critique of Accounting Theory Working Papers Series Michael Gaffikin School of Accounting & Finance University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia Tel +61 (2) 4221 3718 Fax +61 (2) 4221 4297 eMail george@uow.edu.au www.uow.edu.au/commerce/accy/ The Critique of Accounting Theory Michael Gaffikin* School of Accounting and Finance, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522 In previous papers (Gaffikin 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2006) the discussion has examined accounting as a science, with attempts to employ a scientific methodology; as a purely technical expression of economic theory, heavily dominated by research in finance; and as part of “law”, albeit law (regulation) heavily influenced by dominant economic and political ideology. That discussion revealed that all these perspectives...
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...Global Perspectives on Accounting Education Volume 6, 2009, 25-45 READING AND UNDERSTANDING ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING: A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Teresa P. Gordon College of Business and Economics University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho USA Jason C. Porter College of Business and Economics University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho USA ABSTRACT The ability to read and understand academic research can be an important tool for practitioners in an increasingly complex accounting and business environment. This guide was developed to introduce students to the world of academic research. It is not intended for PhD students or others who wish to perform academic research. Instead, the guide should make published academic research more accessible and less intimidating so that future practitioners will be able to read empirical research and profitably apply the relevant findings. The guide begins by examining the importance of academic research for practitioners in accounting and next reviews the basics of the research process. With that background in place, we then give some guidelines and helpful hints for reading and evaluating academic papers. This guide has been used for several years to introduce master’s degree students to academic literature in an accounting theory class. After reading this guide and seeing a demonstration presentation by the professor, students have been able to successfully read and discuss research findings. Key words: Understanding empirical research, supplemental readings...
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...Research Paper Template Gayle Pierce GpiercS3004 Travis Williams Date submitted: 9/20/2015 Accounting software/programs: How do you know which accounting software/program is a good fit for your business? Introduction In the world of accounting software/programs, there are more choices available than there were 10 years ago. Accounting has gone from a pen and paper system to accounting software/programs that are either in a server at the business, the information is on a server that is not in the business office, or more recently the information is stored in what is called the “cloud” The “cloud” has just come into play in the last few years In my paper, I will be discussing the history of accounting from the early beginning to the advances made today, a few of the different accounting software/programs, and some of the problems that include hidden costs, compatibility issues and the proper training of the accounting staff. History of Accounting The first accounting software/programs were written by the individuals who used them. One of the earliest programs written was by Bob Nadel, a CPA for an accounting firm located in New York.(Nadel,1959) As time went on businesses had heard about the new accounting software/programs that were known as “computerized” accounting systems. These new software/programs made accounting easier by allowing the accounting staff to be able to pull up reports so they could be analyzed immediately. These new ideas made the process easier...
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...The Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal, February 2007 Gaffikin: Accounting Research and Theory: the age of neo-empiricism. Vol. 1, No.1.pp. 1-19. Accounting Research and Theory: The age of neo-empiricism Michael Gaffikin, School of Accounting & Finance, University of Wollongong ABSTRACT The theorising in accounting prior to 1970 was rejected as not providing sufficiently general theories. Informed by theories in economics and finance (and other disciplines such as psychology) and with the aid of computers, attempts to theorise accounting took a new direction. Large data collection and analysis emphasized a purportedly more systematic empirical approach to developing theory. Key words: accounting; neo-empiricism; capital markets research; behavioural finance; efficient markets hypothesis; positive accounting theory INTRODUCTION Around 1970 there was a dramatic change in the approach to accounting research. Several reasons have been suggested for this change in methodological direction by those reviewing the development of accounting thought. To many, a major distinction is a change in direction away from attempts to prescribe a theory of accounting to developing theory from a description of extant practices. To advocates of the latter, previous attempts to develop a theory of accounting were futile as there could never be agreement over many of the inputs into a theory such as the postulates, principles but most specifically the assumptions. Although a...
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...1 TEACHING - LEARNING METHODS IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION - AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH IN THE BRAZILIAN SCENARIO Prof. Edson Luiz Riccio, Ph.D. - e-mail: elriccio@usp.br BSc. Marici Cristine Gramacho Sakata - e-mail: mcsakata@usp.br Affiliation: University of São Paulo - Brazil Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accountancy Department of Accountancy and Actuary Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto 908 - FEA3 05508-900 – Sao Paulo – Brasil FAX: 55-11- 813 01 20 PHONE: 55-11- 3818 58 20 ABSTRACT The Teaching of Accounting is facing nowadays a significant challenge. Reason is that it aims educating youngster that are going to work in companies that use advanced Information Technologies and endeavor promoting continuous organizational changes. Those changes require constant attention and continuous adaptation from both academics and practitioners. To succeed, a neophyte has to be prepared on how to deal with these changes. It means not only receiving the necessary knowledge but also the abilities to adapt himself. In general, it is accepted that if a Course provides the student with proper knowledge utilization skills, and necessary abilities the student will be able to adapt to the difficulties of a changing environment. It is recognized that the teaching method can influence in the development of several abilities such as: cooperation, leadership, responsibility, self-confidence, independence, and ability to decision making and communication skills. The purpose of this work is to study the...
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...136 Positive Accounting Theory and Science JCC Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra ™ Positive Accounting Theory and Science by M. Humayun Kabir Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Abstract This paper examines the development of positive accounting theory (PAT) and compares it with three standard accounts of science: Popper (1959), Kuhn (1996), and Lakatos (1970). PAT has been one of the most influential accounting research programs during the last four decades. One important reason which Watts & Zimmerman (1986) have used to popularize and legitimize their approach is that their view of accounting theory is the same as that used in science. Thus, it is important to examine how far accounting has been successful in imitating natural science and how the development of PAT compares with the three standard accounts of science. This paper shows that accounting could not emulate the success of natural science. Further, the methodological positions of PAT conform to none of the standard accounts of science. Rather, PAT contains elements of all three. Finally, this paper identifies some methodological gaps in PAT. Keywords: Positive Accounting Theory, Philosophy of Science, Methodological Controversies Acknowledgements I would like to thank two anonymous reviewers of the journal for their helpful comments. Earlier versions of this paper benefited from comments from Lee Parker of the University of South Australia, Keith...
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...Relevance Literature For Financial Accounting Standard Setting: Another View Mary E. Barth Graduate School of Business Stanford University William H. Beaver Graduate School of Business Stanford University Wayne R. Landsman Kenan-Flagler Business School University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill January 2001 We thank Dan Collins, Brian Rountree, participants at the 2000 Journal of Accounting & Economics conference, and the editors, S. P. Kothari, Tom Lys, and Jerry Zimmerman, for helpful comments and suggestions. We appreciate funding from the Financial Research Initiative, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and Center for Finance and Accounting Research at UNC-Chapel Hill, Stanford GSB Faculty Trust, and the Bank of America Research Fellowship. Corresponding author: William H. Beaver, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 518 Memorial Way, Stanford, CA 94305-5015, (650) 723-4409, fbeaver@leland.stanford.edu The Relevance of the Value Relevance Literature For Financial Accounting Standard Setting: Another View Abstract This paper explains that value relevance research assesses how well accounting amounts reflect information used by equity investors, and provides insights into questions of interest to standard setters. A primary focus of financial statements is equity investment. Other uses of financial statement information, such as contracting, do not diminish the importance of value relevance research. Value relevance questions can...
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...Synopsis Positive accounting theory is perceived as a hypothetical study in accounting which helps in clarifying and foreseeing tangible accounting procedures. These theories have a tendency to rationalize why a number of accounting practices are accepted than others. Positive accounting theory was introduced to better apprehend exactly how practices in accounting must be effectively managed. Introduction Modern positive accounting research began flourishing in the 1960’s and other introduce empirical finance method to financial accounting. The subsequent literature adopted the assumption that accounting number supply information for security market investment decision and used the information perspective to investigate the relation between accounting number and stack prices. The information perspective has taught us much about the market’s use of accounting numbers. It was structured as an educational thought of discipline by the efforts of Ross Watts and Jerold Zimmerman which when made known were received with extensive criticism. Summary of the Article Positive accounting can be related with the predetermined opinion of a firm. A firm is regarded as a conception initiative put forth by a number of economists and legal commentators which stresses that corporations are nothing more than a compilation of agreements concerning different parties – mostly shareholders, directors, employees, suppliers, customers and accounting – one tool to expedite the materialization...
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...Research Proposal 1. Title Opportunities with a NEU Accounting Diploma Holder 2. Statement of the problem/background of Research subject We’re studying for an Accounting Diploma and during courses a key question arises, “what could we do with that Diploma in the future?” Hearing opinions from a lecturer about Accounting - an “impossible-to-be-rich” job, discussing with friends how boring an accountant get, all of those have cast a shadow on our believe in a promising career prospect. Therefore, we decided to carry out a research to answer that question. We will conduct our survey within a group of 80 people which includes undergraduated students, graduated students and lecturers in Faculty of Accounting. 3. Theoretical framework. - Question Answered on Accounting Career by Caitlind Alexander - Careers in Accounting ,4th Ed. By Gloria Gaylord - Vault Career Guide to Accouting By Jason Alba - Accouting Jobs Worldwide By Ian Collier - “Ngành Kế toán học,làm gì?”, Đỗ Hợp, Tienphong Online, 06/02/2011 - Other academic resources. 4. Rational/Purpose of the research. As I have mentioned above, every year, there are lots of Accounting faculty students. Nonetheless, not all of them comprehend exactly their opportunities. Undergraduated students, of course, also wonder about that. Our goal is to provide a fully look of Accounting Diploma Holders for our friends. Furthermore, the research will make my friends who are Accounting students have stronger beliefs...
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...THE USE OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AND DECISION-MAKING IN ORGANISATION (A CASE STUDY OF MUXOL PAINT DEPORT, BENIN CITY) BY DAVID UYIGUE UNAD/ACC5/2007/371 A PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF ADO-EKITI, NIGERIA. IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.sc) DEGREE (HONS.) IN ACCOUNTING FEBRUARY, 2014 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this project work was written by DAVID UYIGUE of Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ado – Ekiti State, under my supervision. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ DR KEMI OGUNDANA DATE (Project Supervisor) ----------------------------- ------------------------------ DR. OGUNDELE J.F. DATE (Degree Coordinator) DEDICATION This project work is dedicated to God Almighty, through His only begotten son, Jesus Christ for His Faithfulness and mercy. This project is also dedicated to the family of Mrs. Veronica Uyigue for their financial support. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I will like to acknowledge and appreciate Almighty God who saw me through my course of study and granted me the grace to complete this project work. through His only begotten son, Jesus Christ and His Faithfulness and mercy. My profound gratitude goes to my able project supervisor Dr...
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