...Lilia Canales ENGL 1301 C. Richardson October 09, 2012 Easy steps to losing weight Obesity has become one of the most delicate health problems in America today. If you’re like most people, you might have trouble controlling your weight. Maybe it’s under control, but it won’t go down to where you’d like it to be. There are several steps to a process that helps you lose weight. Remember, you have to be focused and be dedicated in order to meet your anticipated goal of losing weight. The first step is to weigh yourself and chart it. Each morning, weigh yourself on a digital scale and log it. However, your weight can be used as feedback to see what you’re doing right and motivate you. You can even go to a dietitian which can tell you how much of your body percentage is fat and muscle. A dietitian can also help you make a diet plan which can simplify your way to reach your body weight goal. There are plenty of magazines that focus on tips and motivation to those who are struggling to lose those extra pounds of body fat. The second step is planning your diet. Decide what eating schedule fits you well and how many calories a day you will intake. After that, choose your meals and make sure they are measured in the right portions. It is normal to get appetite between meals; in this case, you must have healthy snacks at reach like, granola bars, fruits, yogurt and vegetables according to your calorie count. You can also turn unhealthy meals into healthy ones. For example, if...
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...Chapter 1 Refraction of Light 1. Reflection always occurs when a ray hits any surface such that: a. The incident [SI] ray and the reflected ray [IR) lie on the same side with respect to the surface. b. The incident ray [SI] and the reflected ray [IR) lie on opposite sides with respect to the Normal (NI). c. The angle of incidence (i) is always equal to the angle of reflection (r). R R N N Reflected ray Reflected ray Normal (Perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence I) Normal (Perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence I) i i r r S S I I Surface Surface Incident ray Incident ray Source of light Source of light 2. Refraction occurs when light traverses from one transparent medium into another transparent medium hence the surface separating the two media should also be transparent. d. When refraction occurs: i. The incident ray [SI] and the refracted ray [IS’) lie on opposite sides with respect to the surface. ii. The incident ray [SI] and the refracted ray [IS’) lie on opposite sides with respect to the Normal (NI). iii. The angle of incidence (i) is either greater or smaller than the angle of refraction (i’) except when the incident ray is perpendicular to the surface where i = i’. Normal (Perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence I) Normal (Perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence I) Transparent Medium 1: Where the incident...
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...Losing weight Gaining weight is one of the most common and prevalent dangers that threatens the modern world. Fast food, leading a stressful life, and spending too much time in front of the TV are the main reasons of gaining weight, which also is a cause for several crucial diseases. People generally spend a lot of money and efforts on quick-result promising diets to lose weight. However, by following some simple steps, you can definitely obtain successful results on weight loss and become slimmer. The first step is absolutely motivation. Once you’ve made up your mind, you should act determinedly. Undoubtedly, determination is the key to success. Even if all conditions are provided completely, lack of motivation results unsuccessfully. For instance, I recently read that a 116 kg-weighted young Mexican boy’s dream was to become a basketball player. You may reckon this looks unrealizable and impossible to attain. But he achieved his goal, he is now 67 kg and plays in the local basketball team. After being motivated completely to your goal, the second step is to provide a regular life with healthy diet. Several researches show us that sleeping more than 6 hours causes a gain of weight for adults. Likewise, eating more than your body needs is also an important reason to get weight. Avoiding food with fat and sugar will be very efficient to help you to lose weight. Changing your life style might be difficult at the beginning, but in...
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...Many people are self-conscious about their weight and want to work towards losing weight properly. Although this may be true, a lot of individuals do now know how to lose weight properly. Your progress along the road to weight loss will be sped up considerably if you use this article’s tips. Manage your stress levels to keep off the weight. When our bodies are stressed out, they tend to hoard onto calories and fat as a defense mechanism. You might know that the stress you are experiencing is temporary, but your body may think that you’re fighting off wild animals and that you must run. Stay as calm as you can to try and lose weight. Treating yourself for achieving milestones is critical for diet success. Rent a movie, go shopping or get...
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...How to lose weight without losing your mind In today’s society, we are bombarded with weight loss products and programs. Everywhere you look, it’s low-fat this and reduced calories that. It seems every other commercial is advertising some miracle diet pill or program. According to John Phillip, “Every day fitness clubs are opening up on every corner and new weight loss books are being published at lightning speed”(92). Even with all this going on around us we are still not losing any weight at all. We are doing this and it is driving our friends, family and ourselves insane. We are causing our minds to explode and bodies with all the diets and pills. So if these things are not working how do we lose the weight and keep it off?, by light exercising, alternative snacking, and by letting your body receive sleep. I have taken the pills, tried the diets, even cabbage soup, and spent an enormous amount of money on programs to help me. Finally one day after stepping on the scales and seeing that after a week of dieting I had not lost one pound, I started thinking about metabolism. I knew metabolism had to do with the rate in which your body uses up or “burns calories”( Stanley). So I learned that if you have a higher metabolism, you burn calories faster than consume them, making you lose weight. Here are just a few simple steps to consider as you battle with your metabolism. Light Exercises I know exercise is most definitely not a word that most dieters wants to even think...
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...How can you lose weight by drinking water? Water is considered as one of the best way to lose fat weight fast. Because water is the only 0% zero calorie drink, it washes away the toxins in body and cleanses the body from harmful elements. Hence water lowers the Amount of Fat stored in our bodies. Doctors recommend drinking an average of 2 liters of water per day for a normal person, but for those who work out often and play sports … A much larger amount of water is needed for them such as 8 glasses per day. Our organs such as kidneys get very lazy on the job when you don't drink enough water and as a result of you not drinking water, your kidneys give most of its unfinished work to your liver. One of your liver's functions is to help your body burn stored fat for energy and it can't perform that job fully if it has to do the kidney's job also. By not drinking water you put your liver on double duty, decreasing its fat burning potential and causing you to store more fat. If you drink enough water your kidneys will stop being lazy, do its job of excreting waste products from your body “It is a well-known fact that a person can live without food for weeks and even months but he cannot live without water for more than 1 week, he will die without water.” This tells us the “importance of water” and how much essential it is for human life. Water is known to have therapeutic properties; many of diseases can go away if proper consumption of water is ensured. To lose weight...
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...people struggle with weight problems and find it close to impossible to shed pounds. Making realistic goals, cleaning up your nutrition, and daily exercise can make it easier to lose weight. While making goals it’s crucial to set a time period and to be realistic; don’t expect 50 pounds to be gone in one week. It’s also best to keep in mind to be specific on how much you wish to lose, measurable such in a scale or dress size, and attainable with their daily schedule kept in mind. Keeping a nutritious diet (such as fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed foods) will help better your body and help your body get rid of the extra unnecessary glucose, fatty acids and amino acids. Even with a nutritious diet one’s weight loss goals cannot be accomplished without some form of exercise that best fit the individual’s needs, for example walking or jogging, yard work (mowing, raking, digging), dancing, swimming, biking, climbing stairs or hills, or playing a sport like tennis or basketball. Together these three key steps will help you lose weight without losing your mind. Losing weight is similar to writing an essay; you have to start by planning it out. Make your goal attainable, specific, measurable, and set a specific date on which you’ll reach your goal. Start off by specifying your weight loss goal to ten pounds and the time period by which you’d want to have accomplished this such as in one month’s time. You have to prerequisite a daily schedule to plan out how to make this goal possible...
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...Step by Step Process on How to Get Fit and Cope We’ve all been there, wanting to better yourself after a breakup. You begin to eat healthier, sign up for a gym and reunite with friends and go out. Although it may seem like you’re working on yourself, you’re just trying to prove to your ex that they’ve made a huge mistake. Director Ben Berman does a great job in showing that, with a few chuckles along the way in his film Berman’s How to Lose Weight in Four Easy Steps. If you want to learn some tips on how to lose weight, laugh, learn how to cope with the pain of a breakup, and be inspired then this film is a must watch. This film shows us that getting over pain takes time, just like losing weight does. Just follow the steps. The first step...
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...August 8, 2013 COM 155 Dieting vs. Exercise: The trip to weight loss success While losing weight from dieting and exercise have distinct differences, the similarities make using both more effective in the weight loss process. Many people take the easier route, which they believe is dieting. The statistics for the long term success of dieting alone is poor so you need to consider dieting and exercise. Statistics say only about 5% of dieters are successful in keeping weight off, and re-gain is very common. Usually one-third of weight lost is regained within one year. In three to five years all the weight has been regained along with some additional weight. If you start exercising to lose weight, you won’t succeed with the mentality of “I can eat anything because I’ll burn it off later.” You will have better results if you choose a healthy diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats while exercising. Healthy dieting can be effective for losing weight and keeping it off. One beneficial way to achieve this is through a diet that minimizes starches, sugars and animal fats from meat and dairy. The fact is, losing weight is time consuming. If you want to lose weight quickly, the approach is simple. Minimizing your sugar intake as well as starches is the first step. Sugar is addictive, highly fattening and is a leading cause of obesity and cardiovascular disease. While most of us on a weight loss mission concentrate on lowering fats, many of us fail...
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...Prescription weight loss pills Amy Kelley COM/155 June 16, 2013 Jessica Ptomey Eating healthy vs. Prescription weight loss pills The World Health Organization estimates that nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. The National Center of Health Statistics recently found that 34% of Americans are clinically obese (10 Weight Loss Statistics, 2013). Those are very shocking statistics to hear about our nation. What we do with that information is up to us. We can accept the weight that we have as a nation or chose to lose it. Eating healthy and exercise are important for losing weight but there are some advantages and disadvantages to prescription weight loss pills. Here are some facts that can help you make the choice. Proteins are nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Protein is recommended at the absolute minimum of ½-gram per pound of bodyweight per day for people who do not get exercise and 1 full gram of protein per pound of bodyweight for people who are active in any way (How much protein do you really need to eat every day?). But do not forget about the b\vegetables. Vegetables, also, play an important role in losing weight. Put out a vegetable platter. A body of research out of Pennsylvania State University finds that eating water-rich foods such as zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers during meals reduces your overall calorie consumption (Easy ways to lose weight: 50+ ideas, 2013). If you eat fewer calories than you burn you lose weight. Instead...
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...Two ways to lose weight Society has chosen many ways to lose weight. Two ways that are common are; dieting with exercise or taking dietary supplements. If your goals are to lose weight, which way would fit into your life style; dieting with exercise or taking dietary supplements. Society as a whole has put more emphasis on eating right and taking car of your body. They promote weight lose with TV and radio commercials to show the benefits of losing weight can help your overall health. With exercise and dietary supplements, it can help people achieve their weight lose goals. Are health issues the reason why someone wants to lose weight, or to cut down on the risk? According to American Health, obesity has become a common problem that effects all ages from children to the elderly. American Health suggests that two- thirds of people living in the US are either obese or over weight. Many of these people are taking the necessary steps to lose weight. Their are many heath concerns that have motivated people to want to lose weight. Some of the concerns are; Heart health is why some are losing weight, because the more weight that you carry puts extra stress on your heart. It can also lead to heart disease. Losing that extra weight will decease your chances of having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and reduces your chances of having heart problems. By doing these things can lead you to having a long life. Obesity can also lead to, diabetes, stroke, hypertension...
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...1. Effects on weight B. No exercise with diet aids 1. Effects on maintaining weight loss III. Diet Aids vs. Healthy Choices A. Hormone/ Chemical based Aids B. Healthy Lifestyle What is the best way to lose weight and is there such a thing as a miracle diet? I have asked myself this question many times over the past sixteen years. All though school I was considered the skinny girl then when I started gaining weight it just kept coming. Diet fads are all the rage, and I have tried most of them that are on the market with some results but they never stay. So I started asking myself what is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. I had to come to the realization that there is no overnight miracle and it all takes hard work. In order to achieve a goal weight and maintain weight, miracle diets are less effective than making healthy lifestyle changes. The first thing I have learned along my weight loss search is that calories are an important factor. All diets are based on a calorie count but what is the correct calories a body needs. The calories the body consumes in a day is different for each person. To figure out how many calories a body needs to function daily it is a calculation that includes gender, height, body type, how active a person is, lifestyle, and overall health. Once you figure out how many calories a specific person needs per day then you know how many calories you can consume without gaining weight. Fad diets claim to help you lose weight quickly and easily...
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...Two Methods of Losing Weight By: Tiwander Aleck COMM/155 December 18, 2011 Instructor: Shelagh Smith Two Methods of losing weight Today’s society is weight conscious, millions of people are trying to be picture perfect. From child hood everyone wants to be a prince or a princess, slim goes along with it. Weight is a major factor. Most people think to look good; they have to be slim and trim. With excess weight a greater problem than ever, the question of whether dieting or exercising is more likely to lose weight is vital. The purpose of my essay is to compare and contrast the expenses, health benefits, and weight loss between these two methods. Exercising to lose weight can be expensive, if you don’t do your research. Most exercise plans cause for gym equipment, memberships, video tapes, and clothing. These expenses can be lowered by finding an alternative exercise, which doesn’t cause for purchasing Items. Dancing and step aerobics can be done in your own home, avoiding membership fees. Unlike exercising, dieting doesn’t require equipment to lose weight. Dieting requires nutritious food, that’s low in calories. Dieting can get expensive, if you choose to lose weight by taking pills. Diet pills are required to be taken over a long period. To avoid these expenses, you should choose a healthy eating plan that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Exercising has its benefits. There are many exercises you can do to maintain good health. Some examples are...
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...really large problem. This is when it gets to the point where the person needs help for the safety of their life. On television teenagers watch shows that have good looking guys and girls in it. Along with their looks they are also thin. The teenagers watching these shows want to be like the person depicted on television. In magazines you see articles all the time on how to lose weight. These articles tell people how to try to lose weight and keep it off. And on the radio and bill boards you see this men and women advertising some type of drug that made them lose weight. All of these things that teenagers see in life leaves an impression. That impression is that they want to be thin. The teenagers that read these articles in magazines on how to get thin try to follow them. They try to obey different diets and exercise to try to lose weight. For some people it may actually shed a few pounds. Also for some people it does not help them. Some teenagers get to the point where they are trying anorexia. Anorexia is when people go for long periods without having anything to eat. This will cause the person to lose weight, but it will many times put the person trying it in the hospital due to malnutrition. For some people the effects that anorexia has on them stays with them for life. Some may develop problems with diabetes. Teenagers...
Words: 546 - Pages: 3
...2011), attention needs to be focused on what overweight and obese people should do to start losing weight. There are several ways to start losing weight. One is with diet pills or dietary supplements. Another is with a healthy diet and keeping track of the amount of calories to intake a day. While a healthy diet and diet pills are similar in terms of their components, they differ regarding the speed and the effectiveness of weight loss. A healthy diet and diet pills are similar in the components needed for each weight loss program. With both a healthy diet and diets pills, in order to lose the weight, a person needs to eat proper nutritional meals, including water, along with exercise (Coleman, 2011). Several diet pills advertisements will announce that a person can eat what ever they want and still lose weight as long as they take this pill , however, this is not true. The companies are exaggerating the claims to get people to purchase their product (Graves, 1999). When trying to lose weight on a pill it is healthier for the person to eat healthier then to eat what ever they want to as it can cause side effects. These side effects can include loose stool, gas with spotting, and unable to control when having to use the bathroom (Savage, n.d.). It will not only help you lose weight but also be healthier for you (Hensrud, 2011). When a person is trying to lose weight with a healthy diet, he can do so by tracking what is actually going into his mouth. To do so, he...
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