Premium Essay

How to Talk to a Hunter


Submitted By laradoc
Words 960
Pages 4
Lara Docarmo
Professor Krista Keyes
English 1020
Word Count: 916

An Analysis of Pam Houston’s “How to Talk to a Hunter”

Pam Houston’s “How to Talk to a Hunter” shows the different ways men and women think and act. How both men and women interpret and make sense of things differently. Just like any relationship, there comes a time where ends don’t meet. In this particular story, the hunter and the narrator have a hard time understanding each other, or more specifically, the narrator understanding the hunter. Whether it be his language, preferences, or actions, the narrator has a difficult time figuring out what he wants from her and if he is actually genuine. The narrator eventually finds out that there is another woman involved in the hunter’s life. This makes their “relationship” even more complicated. In this short story, Pam Houston uses several different literary devices to help the reader place themselves into the narrator’s shoes, take them into the deep woods of Alaska, and understand what is making the narrator question the hunter’s intentions. Through point of view, symbolism, and imagery, Pam Houston allows the reader to precisely understand the obstacles men and women face when trying to be together. What makes this short story unique is the point of view. Pam Houston uses second person and it is the best way to get the reader to subconsciously enter the story. The use of second person gives the reader a more intimate feel. It helps them get up close and personal and in this case, with the hunter. What makes the second person point of view even more personal is how Pam Houston allows the narrator to be sexual with the hunter like “Give him one kiss that he’ll remember while he’s fucking the coyote woman” (Houston 19). Not only can the reader understand the sexual tension, they can

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