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How Two Banks Stopped Scams, Spams and Cybercriminals


Submitted By swetha24887
Words 830
Pages 4
1) List the major security problems of CNB of Oklahoma and relate them to the attack methods described in section 9.2 through 9.4.
The Security problems faced by CNB are as follows
• Malware
• Malicious software
• Unprecedented of Spam Malware, short for malicious software, is software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It can appear in the form of code, scripts, active content, and other software. 'Malware' is a general term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software.

Malware includes computer viruses, ransomware, worms, trojan horses, rootkits, keyloggers, dialers, spyware, adware, malicious BHOs, rogue security software, and other malicious programs; the majority of active malware threats are usually worms or trojans rather than viruses. In law, malware is sometimes known as a computer contaminant, as in the legal codes of several U.S. States.

Malware is different from defective software, which is a legitimate software but contains harmful bugs that were not corrected before release. However, some malware is disguised as genuine software, and may come from an official company website in the form of a useful or attractive program which has the harmful malware embedded in it along with additional tracking software that gathers marketing statistics.

Software such as anti-virus, anti-malware, and firewalls are relied upon by users at home, small and large organizations around the globe to safeguard against malware attacks which helps in identifying and preventing the further spread of malware in the network.

2) In what ways has CNB solved e-mail problems? (List specific problems and solutions.)
Problem: Most of the Power users accidentally download malicious software from web or open an email attachment that contained a virus
• A bank policy was introduced to block all emails with attached batched, executable and .zip files
• Accepting a friendly request from the sender and blocking or adding a specific website to the blocked list. This helped to protect the employees from receiving offensive email or illegal content.
• A technical solution from vendor Marshall was applied that successfully protected the bank from email, web based malware and offensive content
• Providing limited access to the Internet and recording the security breaches that were successful at the desktop antivirus level.

3) Given the problems of CNB and its solutions, what is an even better defense mechanism? (Use sections 9.6 through 9.10, and what you can find on the web.)
The problems and solutions implemented in CNB are The Defense II which best matches for the situation that is “SECURING E-COMMERCE”.
• Securing e-commerce covers
• Intrusion Detection Systems,
• Virtual Private Networks,
• Firewalls
• Honeynets
• Honeypots.

4) List the major security problems faced by BankWest and relate them to the attack methods described in sections 9.2 through 9.4.
The major security problems faced by BankWest of South Dakota are “NON-TECHINCAL METHOD” which are as follows
• Social Engineering
- A type of nontechnical attack that uses some hoax to trick users into revealing information or performing an action that compromises a computer or network.
• Phishing problems.
- A crime ware technique to steal identity of a target company to get the identities of its customers.
Few examples are,
• Sweetheart Schemes : It is an online relationship between a customer and an overseas user.
• Letters, postal service or e-mail : A bank customer is notified that he or she has won the lottery
• Phone Scams: They usually target elderly customers and depend on the social engineer’s ability to develop a rapport with the customer .
• Cell phone scam: A customer is told that his or her debit card has been compromised and the customer is asked to provide card details for replacement.

5) In what ways has BankWest solved the fraud schemes?
To combat with the problems at the bank, BankWest had trained customer service and front line staff to quickly target the new social engineering schemes and work with the customers to identify any suspicious emails, phone calls or in person visits from third parties. The training resulted in the launch of Information Security Employee Rewards program that awards the staff for their efforts to reduce the bank’s risk.
Training includes:
• Identifying phone scams,
• Identifying phishing email,
• Conducting monthly session.

6) Given the problems of BankWest and its solutions, what is even better defense mechanism?
The better defense mechanism is THE DEFENSE III- General Controls, Internal Controls, Compliance, and other defense Mechanisms. This helps them from “PROTECTING AGAINST SOCIAL ENGINEERING ATTACKS” Social engineering is a term that describes a non-technical kind of intrusion that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking other people to break normal security procedures.

Security experts propose that as our culture becomes more dependent on information, social engineering attacks will remain the greatest threat to any security system unless they are eradicated. Prevention includes educating people about the value of information, training them to protect it, and increasing people's awareness of how social engineers operate.

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