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Howard Zinn: The Misguided Notion Of Patriotism

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1. King Vikram & the Vampire: Story # 3: "The Parrot and the Thrush: Which are worse, men or women?" "As he spoke these words, the parrot changed into a god, for the curse was fulfilled, and went to heaven like a god. And the thrush suddenly became a goddess, for her curse was at an end, and flew up likewise to heaven. So their dispute was never settled at that court."
When the vampire had told this story, he asked the king: "O King, tell me. Are men bad, or women? If you know and do not tell, your head will fly to pieces."
King Vikram's Answer:
Here and there, now and then, there is an occasional bad man like that. But women are usually bad. We hear about many of them.
Probe Vikram's answer with essential questions. Don't forget …show more content…
Watch the two video clips "Zinn: The Misguided Notion of Patriotism" featuring Howard Zinn in "Howard Zinn: The Misguided Notion of Patriotism" in module # 12 "Critical Thinking and Mass Media Propaganda". Identify one main claim made by Howard Zinn in each of these two video clips and his supporting reason for the claim. Compare his views to those of Noam Chomsky in the clip "Anti-Americanism" in the same module page. Probe their claims and reasons with essential questions and justify your agreement or disagreement with them.
(ANSWER) Essential Questions:
What is beneficial for Americans to be aware of about World history?
What does it mean to be …show more content…
In my opinion, Zinn is nothing more than a prime example of propaganda. The majority of what he says is purely personal opinion and fiction. Then there is Noam who uses the classic technique of “Social control” by calling an American, Anti-American. In the video, he is trying to do his own “social control” by saying, “hold your nose and vote Democrat, I don’t think there’s any other rational choice.” More times then not, those labeled “Anti-American” are those fighting for a more formal American ideal such as: end to war, peace,and justice. It can be considered the means of social isolation and persecution through suggesting sheep not to leave the herd on their there way to be slaughtered. Such techniques used by both Chomsky and Zinn of social division for the purpose of control is simply to increase the profit by society's capital dominating criminal

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