Premium Essay



Submitted By saimoncanberra11
Words 565
Pages 3
BUS 485 (Sec: 02) Business Research Method


There is no way to keep aside the glorious achievements of the student community in many of our national issues. The nation feels pride for their different attainments in socio-political debacles. The majestic Language Movement from 1948 to 1952, the Mass upsurge of 1969 and the Liberation War of 1971 are the bright achievements of our undaunted university student community. Despite so many successes of our students in national issues, the present day social environment preserves awful negative attitudes to the on-going activities of the students in the name of so called national politics. Mostly, they are found to get involved in uncalled for, but pitiful chaos originated from the rivalry of national political schools. As the consequence, a huge bulk number of general students and their guardians are dropped in manifold sufferings and uncertainties. Hence, the involvement of public university students in national politics is a highly trashed out issue at present time. In this research, we focus on university students’ (mainly public university students’) involvement in party politics and its influence on the educational environment. As most of the private universities are indifferent to politics, the spotlight is on public universities here.

Statement of the problem

Education of tertiary level helps a student to explore new horizons of knowledge and enter into the broader spectrum of philosophies of life. Hence, the necessity of a proper educational environment in a university campus beggars descriptions. Students’ involvement in party politics affects campus environment and destroys the image of universities of being a sacred place. Students’ destruction of academic career,

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