...HR Assessment – Task 2 Outcomes 2 & 3 Escape to the Wild Report To ensure Escape to the Wild’s continued successful and profitable expansion, the Managing Director has expressed his wish for the company to take on a more Strategic approach to the way it recruits trains and promotes its employees. To implement this new strategic approach a human resource function should be introduced. The following describes four activities the human resource function will undertake in order to support the company’s expansion and success: Recruitment & Selection The purpose of recruitment and selection is to reduce the risk of poor selection and attract well qualified candidates to the job. Systematic planning and preparation will increase the likelihood of employing the right person for the job. Recruitment and selection is crucial to the organisations success and selection techniques such as psychological tests, practical tests and numeracy tests can be used to determine the best candidate for the job. Recruitment and selection activities include: employment law, job descriptions, personal specifications, advertising, applications, interviews, tests, references and acceptance/rejection letters. The implementation of a recruitment and selection process within the human resource function for Escape to the Wild would reduce the amount of work for the Finance Director and the finance section. The Finance Director would no longer have to issue all employment contracts...
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...Human Resource - Escape To The Wild FINDINGS 1. 4 HR Activities Employee Relations When good employee relations are in place they can help to maintain a happy and motivated workforce. This function will be responsible for putting company policies and procedures in place regarding grievance/discipline, recruitment and selection, employee welfare, training and development, absence management/reporting and negotiating terms and conditions. Doing this will minimise conflict, ensure staff are treated fairly and creates rules that everyone is aware of. At Escape to the Wild there are no policies and procedures in place, there are inconsistencies in terms and conditions, inconsistencies in matters relating to recruitment and selection practises and staff are also overworked. Putting good employee relations in place will minimise/avoid all of these problems within the company. Recruitment and Selection Having a proficient recruitment and selection function within a company can help to select Is this essay helpful? Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 600,000 just like it! GET BETTER GRADES the right people for the job. To implement this the company should look to analyse what jobs need to be filled, what the job description should be, what qualifications the candidates should posses and an idea of the characteristics of the individual. Once this has been decided then the search for staff can begin, this can be done by looking to fill the...
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...and the Role of Human Resources 31 4 3HRC Sept. 2011 Purpose and aim of unit This core unit provides an introduction to the role of human resources and learning and development (HR/L&D) within an organisation and the environmental context. By the end of this unit the learner will have developed their understanding of how HR activities support an organisation’s strategy and assist the achievement of business objectives and how these are shaped by internal and external factors. This unit is suitable for persons who: are aspiring to, or embarking on, a career in HR/L&D are working in the field of HR/L&D in a support role and wish to develop their knowledge and skills have responsibility for HR/L&D activities and decisions within an organisation without a specialist function are employees or independent consultants within the field of HR/L&D wish to understand the role of HR/L&D in the wider, organisational and environmental context. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit, learners will: 1 Understand the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment. 2 Understand the structure, culture and functions of an organisation. 3 Understand how HR activities support an organisation. 1 Equivalents in Ireland = 5; Scotland = 6 CIPD unit 3HRC - Version 2 - 17.03.10 1 Unit content Indicative content is provided for each of the learning outcomes of the unit. The content is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive but should enable achievement...
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...established the link between HR practices and organizational performance, suggesting that the HR system has great strategic potential to drive organizational effectiveness. To capitalize on this potential, the organization must design and deliver HR practices that focus on necessary employee performance competencies, creating an HR system with vertical and horizontal alignment around those competencies. Doing this requires that the organization first assess how its HR practices are currently aligned and then develop ideas for improving HR practice that will be alignment enhancing. We call this diagnostic process Human Resource Alignment (HRA) assessment. We describe an HRA assessment process we developed and applied in a large public school district for the key job of teacher. The assessment was based on the district’s formal teacher performance competency model used, and was conducted by a group of human resources and instructional job experts from the district. These experts rated the degree of vertical and horizontal alignment and then developed suggestions for HR practice changes that would improve alignment. After describing the process and results, we present a series of lessons learned and directions for future research. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Keywords: strategic human resource management, human resource alignment assessment Introduction S trategic human resource management (hereafter strategic HRM) theory centers on a basic premise that HR practices have the potential...
Words: 10368 - Pages: 42
...MANAGEMENT OF CARDIO-VASCULAR DISEASES | TERM | Prelim | WEEK NO | 2 | SESSION | 2 | DURATION | 5 hrs. | INTENDED LEARNINGOUTCOMES | COURSE OUTCOMES | 1. Explain the pathophysiology, the effects of the disease on patient’s nutritional status and the and the required dietary management. 2. Discuss the principles involved in the dietary management of a patient’s disease. 3. Design a nutritional therapy program for patient with cardio-vascular disease. | UNIT OUTCOME/S | 1. Discussion on cardio-vascular diseases and their nutritional therapy management. 2. Develop nutritional therapy program for a patient with cardio-vascular disease. | MATERIALS AND RESOURCES NEEDED | MATERIALS | * Overhead Projector/Laptop and LCD, Laboratory Manual in Nutrition Therapy | TEXTBOOK | Ruiz, Adela J. (2010). Basic Diet Therapy for Filipinos | SUBTOPICS | * TEACHING ACTIVITY | * LEARNING ACTIVITY | * TIME | * OLFU VMV * PEO, CEO * Course Outline | Interactive Lecture | Interactive Discussion | 1.5 hrs. | * OLFU VMV * PEO, CEO * Course Outline | Problem-solving: Organization of laboratory activities | Laboratory Activity: Class organization and Kitchen brigade system | 2.5 hrs. | SUBTOPICS | * ASSESSMENT TASKS | * ASSESSMENT TOOLS | * TIME | * OLFU VMV * PEO, CEO * Course Outline | * Objective test | * * Quiz: Filling the blanks | * .5 hr | * OLFU VMV * PEO, CEO * Course Outline | * Laboratory...
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...Diploma of Human Resources Management | Unit Code | BSBHRM501 | Unit Title | Manage Human Resources Services | 2. GROUP DETAILS | Group Name | | Group Title | | Day | Wednesday | Room | TD122 | Unit Start Date | 2/3/16 | Start Time | 11.30am | Unit End Date | 24/6/16 | Finish Time | 1.30pm | 3. CONTACT DETAILS | | Name | Room | Phone | Email | Teacher | Mike Hannaford | TD232 | 0430551171 | mhannaford@swin.edu.au | Course Leader | Mike Hannaford | TD232 | 0430551171 | mhannaford@swin.edu.au | Administration | Student HQ | SPW | 1300368777 | www.swinburne.edu.au/askgeorge | 4. DELIVERY OVERVIEW | Class Time | External Activities | Student Project | | | Nominal Hours | 51 | | 9 | | | 60 | 5. UNIT DETAILS | Unit Type | Core | | Elective | | Result | Graded | | Ungraded | | Pre/Co Requisites | N/A | Description | This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, manage and evaluate delivery of human resource services, integrating business ethics.It applies to individuals with responsibility for coordinating a range of human resource services across an organisation. They may have staff reporting to them.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. | Elements | 1 | Determine strategies for delivery of human resource services | | 2 | Manage the delivery of human resource services | | 3 | Evaluate human resource service delivery | | 4 | Manage...
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...| |Credit value |2 | |Unit code |3RAI | |Unit review date |Sept. 2011 | Purpose and aim of unit This unit develops the learner’s understanding of the important contribution that accurate data, whether stored manually or electronically, can make to the human resources (HR) or learning and development (L&D) function. The unit is intended to span the remit of data management for all areas including but not limited to HR planning, recruitment and selection, performance and reward management, absence management, disciplinary and grievance procedures and electronic record management for L&D. It covers the legal implications of collecting, storing and using personnel data and will enable the learner to record data and information and to interpret, analyse and present information clearly and accurately in an appropriate format in support of decision-making to meet organisation-wide objectives and support L&D solutions for individuals and groups within the organisation. This unit is suitable for persons who: • are aspiring to, or embarking on, a career in HR/L&D • are working in the field of HR/L&D in a support role and wish to develop...
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...Explaining the Report Format (BUSM3119 & BUSM3201 Assessment 1 Semester 1 2015) This document complements the Course Guide and Assessment Criteria for Assessment 1. Therefore, it should be read together with the Course Guide and Assessment Criteria for Assessment 1. The document tries to explain in a simple manner the format that Assessment 1 markers will be looking for in your Reports for BUSM3119 and BUSM3201 Assessment 1 in S1 2015. You are strongly encouraged to be creative in how you develop your subheadings and arguments within the body of the Report. For the Melbourne Campus: I am happy to discuss the format of the two reports with individual students via email or telephone calls. For the SIM campus students: please contact your Tutor or Lecturer to discuss issues related to this Course, including the two Assessments. This document is to aid you in developing a format which will help you to express your ideas well. I am using a shortened example (based loosely on some past marked assignments) to show possible subheadings that you may include in your Assessment 1. Note that your assessment MUST be original, with appropriate references that follows the Harvard Referencing Guide! Students are also expected to write better reports than the example provided here. Each report must address the assessment criteria in the Course Profile. I expect the structure of your reports to have: 1. Title Page 2. An Abstract or an Executive Summary 3. Table of Contents 4...
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...| Recording, Analysing and using HR information | Unit code(s): | 3RAI (HR) | Assessment activity (and assignment title if applicable) and the learning outcomes addresses: | Learning outcomes: 1. Understand what data needs to be collected to support HR practices. 2. Know how HR data should be recorded and stored. 3. Be able to analyse HR information and present findings to inform decision-making. | Both activities should be completed.Activity 1You have a new HR Director, they have requested that you review the organisation’s approach to collecting, storing and using HR data and produce a briefing note on your findings. Within your note, you should cover the following: * At least two reasons why the organisation needs to collect HR data * At least two types of data that is collected within the organisation and how each supports HR practices * A description of at least two methods of storing records and the benefits of each * A statement of at least two essential items of UK legislation relating to the recording, storage and accessibility of HR data Activity 2 Using your own organisation information or the CIPD Survey Reports http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/survey-reports to identify a specific area of data. Analyse the data and present your findings in a way that will assist an aspect of decision making in the area of data selected. Your analysis should be presented in a report covering: * An introduction to the HR area being investigated. * An explanation...
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...CIPD Assessment Activity Title of unit/s Developing Professional Practice Unit No/s 5DPP Level 5 Credit value 4 Assessment method Written report Written notes CPD Plan Learning outcomes: 1. Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional. 4. Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan. All activities should be completed Activity 1 Write a report in which you: • Briefly explain how the CIPD HR Profession Map defines the HR profession, including the professional areas, the bands and the behaviours. • Evaluate how the two core professional areas and any two selected behaviours uphold the concept of ‘HR Professionalism’, giving examples from the knowledge and activities at band 2. • Explain, with related examples, why HR professionals need to be able to manage themselves, manage groups or teams, manage upwards and manage across the organisation. Activity 2 • Undertake a self-assessment against a specification of HR professional practice capabilities, such as the CIPD Associate Membership criteria, to identify professional development needs. • Evaluate and select at least three development options to meet your needs, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each, and their fit with your preferred learning style and career aspirations. • Devise a personal development plan which includes your development objectives (based on the above evaluation and including achievement...
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...CIPD HR ASSESSMENT Core Module |Title of unit/s |Recording, Analysing and Using Human Resources Information | |Unit No/s |3RAI (HR) | |Level |Foundation | |Credit value |2 | |Assessment method |Written | |Learning outcomes: | | | |Understand what data needs to be collected to support HR practices. | |Know how HR data should be recorded, managed and stored. | |Be able to analyse HR information and present findings to inform decision-making. | |Both activities should be completed. ...
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...CIPD Assessment Activity |Title of unit/s |Developing Professional Practice | |Unit No/s |5DPP | |Level |5 | |Credit value |4 | |Assessment method |Written report | | |Written notes | | |CPD Plan | |Learning outcomes: | | | |Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional. | |Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review...
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...3HRC F302B (HR) CIPD Assessment Activity Template |Title of unit/s |Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources | |Unit No/s |3HRC (HR) | |Level |Foundation | |Credit value |4 | |Assessment method |Observation, Written | |Learning outcomes: | |Understand the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment | |Understand the structure, culture and functions of an organisation | |Understand how HR/L&D activities support an organisation | |Both activities should be completed |Assessment Criteria | | ...
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...CIPD Unit of Assessment – 09003 Unit title | Recording, analysing and using human resource information | Level | 3 | Credit value | 3 | Unit code | 09003 | Unit review date | Sep-11 | Qualifications link | Certificate in Human Resource Practice | Aim | To enable the learner to record, analyse and use accurate records relating to human resources and understand the legal implications of record keeping | Unit abstract The overall focus of this core unit is to develop the learner’s understanding of the important contribution which accurate data, whether stored manually or electronically, can make to the HR function. The legal implications of storing personnel data are also addressed. The unit will enable the learner to record data and interpret, analyse and present information clearly and accurately in an appropriate format to support the HR function in decision-making in order to meet organisation-wide objectives. The unit content is intended to span the remit of data management for all areas of the HR function including but not limited to human resource planning, performance management, absence management, recruitment and selection and disciplinary and grievance procedures. A separate unit is available for data management relating to learning and development. This unit is suitable for persons who: * are working in human resources in an administrative capacity * have responsibility for data management relating to individuals within an organisation...
Words: 1070 - Pages: 5
...CIPD Unit of Assessment – 09003 Unit title | Recording, analysing and using human resource information | Level | 3 | Credit value | 3 | Unit code | 09003 | Unit review date | Sep-11 | Qualifications link | Certificate in Human Resource Practice | Aim | To enable the learner to record, analyse and use accurate records relating to human resources and understand the legal implications of record keeping | Unit abstract The overall focus of this core unit is to develop the learner’s understanding of the important contribution which accurate data, whether stored manually or electronically, can make to the HR function. The legal implications of storing personnel data are also addressed. The unit will enable the learner to record data and interpret, analyse and present information clearly and accurately in an appropriate format to support the HR function in decision-making in order to meet organisation-wide objectives. The unit content is intended to span the remit of data management for all areas of the HR function including but not limited to human resource planning, performance management, absence management, recruitment and selection and disciplinary and grievance procedures. A separate unit is available for data management relating to learning and development. This unit is suitable for persons who: * are working in human resources in an administrative capacity * have responsibility for data management relating to individuals within an organisation...
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