Premium Essay

Hr Marktng


Submitted By amnayousaf
Words 603
Pages 3
Communication, Coaching and Conflict

Q.1) Present a summary of the case highlighting the main features of the company and the current scenario faced by Michael Welland?

Q.2) Using the oral message sending process explain and jusify how should Boddington send messages to Welland and Vice versa?

Q.3) According to the message receiving process, explain and justify how far Welland is listening, analyzing and understanding the message received from Boddington and vice versa?

Q.4) Using the 10 coaching guidelines explain and justify whether Boddington is using these guidelines to coach/mentor her subordinates or not? Which ones she is fulfilling and which ones she is not and why?

Below are the coaching guidelines for leaders and managers to help their followers to maintain and improve their performance. Let’s make out how Boddington use these techniques to coach her subordinates.

• Develop supportive relationship Boddington did not develop a supportive relationship with her staff, helping relationship is one of the contributors to success and retention but the turnover rate is high. The primary staff was part time and seasonal employees; she is least concern about their needs, her priority is to satisfy the customers not the staff. She doesn’t have time to listen to staff saying which develops weak or no relationship between them.

• Give praise and recognition She doesn’t give praise or any recognition to any of the subordinates. She thinks it’s their duty and they have been for what they are doing at job. She never uses the words of praise like thank you, welcome and others.

• Avoid blame and embarrassment She behaves in a way that focuses on making the person feel bad and does not help to develop the employees. She used to embarrass the employees in front of the all

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