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Hr Professional Map


Submitted By Marzenka
Words 2588
Pages 11
HR Professional Map

HR Profession Map is designed to develop in collaboration with HR professional’s competency and Learning and Development, senior business people, academics and their organisations around the world the activities, knowledge and behaviours need for success at all stages in their careers.
HR Map determines what HR and L&D professionals have to know and understand to make a difference, in best possible option direct the performance of the organisation. The Map can be used in its form or in part or be incorporated into organisation’s existing competency structure. Most importantly the Map shows how professionals can use it and what they are doing in their HR functions to drive successfully in their organisations.
The Map contains three key elements: 10 professional areas, 8 behaviours and 4 bands of competency and transitions.

HR Professional areas describe the responsibilities and knowledge for each of the HR profession at four bands of professional capabilities. Two of which are describe as the Core of Professional Areas and are applicable to all HR professionals, regardless of role, location or stage of career:
1) Insights, Strategy and Solutions -where professionals need to show that they have a deep understanding of the organisation purpose and objectives. This area also defines that the HR person needs to have a deep understanding of the business activities, strategies and plans. The strategies created have to focus on the needs of the customers and employees, and add value to the organisation. They must be aware of issues that could affect the strategy and come up with solutions to adapt it.
2) Leading HR -where HR leaders provide active forms of guidance and have the right capability to operate. HR professionals need to be able to leads and manage a fit for purpose HR function. Ensuring that the function has the right

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