...|Term |Definition | |4/5ths rule: |Rule stating that discrimination generally is considered to occur if the selection rate for a protected group | | |is less than 80% (4/5ths) of the selection rate for the majority group or less than 80% of the group’s | | |representation in the relevant labor market | |401(k) plan: |An agreement in which a percentage of an employee’s pay is withheld and invested in a tax deferred account | |Absolute |Measuring an employee’s performance against some established standards | |standards | | |Accept errors |Accepting candidates who would later prove to be poor performers | |Action |A training technique by which management trainees are allowed to work full time analyzing and solving problems| |learning |in other departments | |Active |The performance of job-related tasks and duties by trainees during training | |practice: | ...
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...Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to: Express their views and concerns. Access information and services. Defend and promote their rights and responsibilities. Mediation is an effective way of resolving disputes without the need to go to court. It involves an independent third party - a mediator - who helps both sides come to an agreement. Mediation is a flexible process that can be used to settle disputes in a whole range of situations such as: consumer disputes. A HRIS, which is also known as a human resource information system or human resource management system (HRMS), is basically an intersection of human resources and information technology through HR software. This allows HR activities and processes to occur electronically. Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") refers to any means of settling disputes outside of the courtroom. ADR typically includes early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. Training and development is a function of human resource management concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Employee training is the responsibility of the organization. Employee development is a shared responsibility of management and the individual employee. The responsibility of management is to provide the right resources and an environment that supports the growth and development needs of the individual employee Performance management...
Words: 294 - Pages: 2
...Human Resource Management! Term Paper A friend of mine names Susi, she graduated from university with Business Administration Degree and she founds her first job, to work on the education centre names ABC Education centre. The position is a full time administrative assistant and she got the job after she went for the interview. However, she was terminated on her very first day. Susi was 3 months pregnant, and she did not disclose her pregnancy to her hiring manager because she thought that she does not need to mention it and it will not affect her employment. However, she told her co-worker about her pregnancy when she was in the training. Then her co-worker advised her to tell the manager as soon as possible about her pregnancy before the manager finds out from someone else. Her co-worker also told Susi that some other employees have been experiencing the same situation and to be terminated in before. Then Susi immediately discusses her pregnancy with her manager and the manager pointed out that he worried about Susi’s long-time available, so Susi offered the part-time option to see if it can work out. The manager told Susi to wait and she needs to speak with the “head office”. Susi waited for few hours, and then she received a phone call from her manager and she was told to pack her belongings and leave. Susi was terminated. The manager gave her the reason is because Susi is not able to work in full-time and the position requires a full-time worker. Susi rapidly replied to her...
Words: 1955 - Pages: 8
...CHAPTER ONE: CHAPTER TWO: * Strategy is a planned process whereby organizations can map out a set of objectives and methods of meeting this objectives. * Corporate strategies is a company-wide strategies that are concerned with the long-term view of the organization * Business strategies focus on one line of business; building a strong competitive position * Three corporate strategies (Restructuring, Growth and Stability/Maintenance) * Strategy is like a game plan in sports or an airline’s flight plan. It is important to have a plan that moves towards goal achievement, however, there must be flexibility and adaptability to adjust to internal and external environmental factors * Mission statement: an articulation of the purpose of the organization and the value it creates for customers * Vision: Defines the organization’s long-term goals. The vision statements asks the questions “Where are we going?” * Value Statement: the basic beliefs that govern individual and group behaviour in an organization. * Michael Porter’s Model * Low Cost Provider Strategy: Low cost - in demand in the market * Broad Differential Strategy: High cost - in demand in the market * Best Cost Provider Strategy: Low/High cost - in demand in the market * Focus Niche Low Cost * Focus Niche Broad Differentiation * Competitive Advantage - the characteristics of a firm that enable to earn higher profits that its competitors * Tangible Assets - easiest to value and the only ones that ...
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...for preparing term paper. Dear Sir, With due respect, be informed that, as a part of our course objectives, we listed below our proposals for term paper Proposed Topics: 1. Reasons of HRP Failure in Local Industry (BD). 2. Problems of HR Managers and HR department in Local Industry (BD). 3. Facts those make HR Managers frustrated in Local Industry (BD). Purpose: To find out the reasons behind the failure of HRM practice as well as problem analysis of HR managers and HR department and how HR managers become frustrated in local industries of Bangladesh. Our aim is to prepare a clear, concise, complete term paper which will be very easy to read and very friendly to understand so that every level of employees will feel the importance of HRM. Scope: HRM practice is now at the stage of new born baby in the local companies (Except Bank, large group of companies in Bangladesh) but in multinational company they enjoying the youth of HRM. So, this is the right time to grow up HRM practice in local industries. Strengths: All of our group members are employed in different organization in BD. This is our main strength of our team. Opportunities: As we are employed and we have a network among different professionals, we will get the opportunity to collect data and case from different local area. Weakness: As we are employed we will not get enough time to make this term paper well decorated but we believe that we can make our term paper informative...
Words: 398 - Pages: 2
...Principle of Management Term Report HR Management in HBL: Submitted To: Ms. Samra tayyab Date: 05th Jan, 2008 Acknowledgements We deem it an honor to our respected teacher her guidance and help that she has provided throughout this course of principle of Management. Because of her patience and extended knowledge over the subject, we were not only able to understand the course but also took keen interest in her lectures. Without her suggestions and advises we would not have been able to produce this report according to their requirement of standard. In doing so we are grateful to the many people who have given their time and guidance to help us in our report writing. Our special thanks to Mr. Syed A. Shahab, AVP, Human Resource Department, Habib Bank Limited, who was very cooperative and provided us with all the relevant details pertaining to the scope of Information Management. We are also grateful to the people in the Corporate HR, MIS and Accounts Department for the detailed information regarding the management solutions used in HBL. We would also like to thank our family, friends, and course fellows who were a continuous source of encouragement and moral support. We all have worked hard to use our limited time and resources to bring this report up to the desired standard. Group Members: Rafay usman Shariq ameen Muhammad junaid ashraf Alina parvaiz khaula khan Executive Summary In this report we have applied all of what we have...
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...Tanglewood Case One Rebecca Cassady With reference to Exhibit 1.7 in the textbook, I think that of the staffing quantity and staffing quality strategies listed; that developing talent, internal hiring, and exceptional workforce quality are the fundamental strategies to implement. By utilizing these differentiation strategies, Tanglewood would continue its strong culture. Tanglewood must differentiate themselves from their competition; companies like Target and Kohl’s. Tangelwood can accomplish this by having the best staff that delivers a positive experience their customers, thus, making their store standout from their competitors. These strategies will help maintain a positive work atmosphere and build a strong relationship among employees, which will lead to successful job performances. Hiring or retain overstaff or understaffed, and external or internal hiring: As we look at these three decisions for the staffing levels, hire or retain, over staffed or understaffed, and external or internal hiring method we will see that Tanglewood Company is over-staffed. The mangers are cooperative with the employees’ suggestions regarding the company's operations, which need to be decreased. By decreasing employees and increasing the responsibility; staffing and training of departments will make the working environment stronger, and job performance to be improved saving both time and money for the company. Tanglewood should focus on retaining their employees and improving...
Words: 1203 - Pages: 5
...to offer innovative, top quality products at lower cost in a highly competitive market. This resulted in the acquisition of a new contract, which led to a younger workforce being introduced at the entry and supervisory level to meet the growing technology and production demands. However, this has led to some unrest among the existing workforce, some of who have been in the organization for over 10 years. They feel the introduction of younger employees could lead to layoffs and this fear has led to lack of discipline, co-operation and teamwork, which has resulted in decreased productivity. Problem Analysis Primary Problems Issues Roles and Responsibility Impact 1) Lack of employee engagement The management and the HR dept. did not have an employee engagement plan There could be a rift between the new and old employees, primarily due to the generation gap, which could lead to best practices not being shared. The organization’s growth strategy was not put across to its employees who thus assumed that new recruitment would result in lay off. 2)Lack of employee development plan The management failed to motivate its employees by designing an employee development plan which would have helped the organization with the skillset management, improving employee performance and potentially grooming leaders for the future The organization had to bear the cost of recruiting 3 first line managers, who could have been potentially recruited from within the workforce...
Words: 1165 - Pages: 5
...Mountain Bank Case Daniel De Los Santos Jr. Strayer University Hrm530- Human Resource Management February 23, 2010 Mountain Bank A Case Study I. I would recommend that Mountain Bank implement the following competitive strategy for the reasons given: a. Mountain Bank should follow the Differentiation strategy. i. Mountain Bank should follow this strategy because they can provide a different value in order to offer their current clients other products and services. This strategy focuses on offering value by providing something better than competitors. For example excellent customer service. ii. Another reason that Mountain Bank should follow this strategy is their client and employee relation will improve. Bank tellers are important and by training them in other products, they can offer these products to clients. Having a close relationship with clients is very crucial because they are the ones that are important to any successful business. iii. The last reason that Mountain Bank should follow this strategy because it can help them adapt rapidly to changing customer preferences. Consumers have the tendency to change their mind about their needs and wants and Mountain Bank has to be ready to make the necessary changes to cover those needs and wants. This strategy can help Mountain Bank achieve their goals, which are to increase their markets in real estate and corporate areas. II. Given that...
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...1. Discuss the strategies that Mountain Bank should implement to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. For Mountain Bank to achieve a competitive advantage over the other local banks in the Northwest region of the United States, they need to introduce both a corporate level and business level strategy. First it start with the big boss or CEO, to decide in what direction it will be sending the company’s four business units. The most critical strategy that needs to be implemented is business level strategy. “[This] concerns how the organization will compete with other companies that provide similar goods and services.” (48) In the Case Study it states that Mountain Bank has four business lines which include retail banking, lending, real estate/mortgage banking and corporate banking. For Mountain Bank to gain the advantage against its competitors each business line needs to have its own strategy that clearly defines what is to be expected from each employee and what is to be provided to each customer. Mountain Bank should implement the cost leadership strategy where the most efficient and cost effective way of business is produced. In this day and time money is a rare commodity that many people are not making enough of and are not ready and willing to part with it often. While taking this into consideration, it is understood that Mountain Bank will be able to take advantage of the tough economic times. Mountain Bank needs to come up with ideas just like Southwest...
Words: 1333 - Pages: 6
...SL No. | Question | Answer | 1. | Introduce Yourself | About yourself | 2. | Why HR | Why HR???? | 3. | What are long term and short term goals | Long Term and Short Term Goals | 4. | Why the “COMPANY” | See the company site | 5. | Why the switch from Electrical engineering to IT to HR? | Why ELEC to IT to HR???? | 6. | Hobbies? | Hobbies | 7. | Biggest Achievement | Biggest Achievement | 8. | Strength and Weakness | Strength and weakness | 9. | Who motivates you? / Who is your role model? | Who/What motivates me???? | 10. | What is JD/HRP/HRM/JP | Read from Book | 11. | OB/ ERMP/R,S&H/LL/HRP | Read from Book | 12. | Role Model | | 13. | Failure is the pillar of success | | Tell me about yourself!!!!! Hello! My name is Asish Dash. I hail from temple city, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I have done my graduation from ITER under electrical course. The majority of my life I have spent in Bhubaneswar but still had many beautiful experiences of staying at different other places as Itanagar, Bangalore etc. understanding and accommodating to the culture of these cities. The time I was in Bangalore was the time when I worked for WIPRO and has gained a significant exposure to the corporate life and culture. There working as a team member and later leading a team of two I have learned team management and leadership skills. Presently the course of MBA-HRM at XIMB is allowing me to leverage upon those skills that...
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...have reorganized the Human Resources Department. This due to his lack of interest in oversight that his predecessor, (his father) had in handling these matters. The company has five stores with about 300 employees, which means dealing with all the issues of federal, state and local issues not to mention employee relations. Since Jim is not interested in this he needs to set up a department to handle this so his company remains in compliance. At this time HR in handled by multiple areas and no one is in charge, by setting up an internal department, Jim could set the standards and expectations for the company. This will give the company the competitive edge Jim is working at on the financial side without having an unhappy workforce to deal with. The HR department would handle all the day-to-day management, continue administering benefits. The employees must be able to see that HR polices have everybody’s best interest in achieving the strategic aims. HR management has to be involved in all the new long term and short term planning in order for the employees to feel comfortable with the new department. All the company policies should be made available to all the employees, both new and ones that have been there since Jim Bandag took over. This to make clear any and all changes in policy and guidelines since the change in management. This along with training and seminars to review all the policies, in an effort to sort out and head off some of the personal issues that have arisen...
Words: 413 - Pages: 2
...Effective Human Resources Practitioner. DEP (HR) I am taking this course Within the HR Profession Map there are 2 core areas, 8 professional areas, 10 behaviours and 4 bands which are required to be an effective HR practitioner. This tool has been developed to be applicable to HR professionals around the world. There are 2 core professional areas for all HR professionals no matter where you are in your HR career. The 2 core areas are: • Insights, Strategy and Solutions - This professional area underpins the direction of the profession as an applied business discipline. This area also allows HR Profession, to develop actionable insights and deliver situational HR solutions that stick. • Leading HR – This professional area focuses on HR Professionals that are active and insight-led and are actively leading others who own, shape and driving the organization. They develop the organization across 3 main areas of leadership: Personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. The other 8 professional areas advise HR what we need to do and what they need to know. The 10 behaviours describe how an HR professional should carry out their actives whilst the 4 bands show the contributions a practitioner should be making at every stage of their career. Out of the 8 professional areas I consider Learning and Development to be the most essential to my role within HR. We need Learning and development to move forward as a company and as an HR Professional. Working in this area you need...
Words: 755 - Pages: 4
...Running head: MOUNTAIN BANK Mountain Bank Case I. I would recommend that Mountain Bank implement the following competitive strategy for the reasons given: a. Mountain Bank should follow the Differentiation strategy. i. Mountain Bank should follow this strategy because they can provide a different value in order to offer their current clients other products and services. This strategy focuses on offering value by presenting something better their competitors such as excellent customer service and incentives for them. ii. Another reason that Mountain Bank should follow this strategy is their client and employee relation will defiantly improve. Bank tellers are important and by training them in other products, they can offer these products to clients. Having a close relationship with clients is very crucial because they are the ones that are important to any successful business. iii. The last reason that Mountain Bank should follow this strategy because it can help them adapt rapidly to changing customer preferences. Consumers have the tendency to change their mind about their needs and wants and Mountain Bank has to be ready to make the necessary changes to cover those needs and wants. This type of strategy can help Mountain Bank achieve their goals, which are to increase their markets in real estate and corporate areas. II. Given that Mountain Bank will pursue the universalistic approach and commitment...
Words: 1265 - Pages: 6
...MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCE AT CONSTRUCTIONS INC. Aymun Mussadaq, Ifrah Tariq, Michelle Mary Gomez, Waasay Ahmed, Zunaira Tahir BBA-2K10-A NUST Business School On the first day of 2014, Kashif Rehman, GM Procurement and senior Project Coordinator of Constructions Inc., was contemplating why the deadlines have still not been met of major projects that he is supervising. He is supposed to have a meeting, in which he has to update his superiors with the progress of the projects and as to why the projects are being delayed. A major project of the company that was due in 2012 is still incomplete and will still take at least 5 years for completion. The project director and Kashif, being the supervisor of this project, are answerable for this delay. According to Kashif, one of the reasons behind this delay is the lack of productivity in employees which could be caused by a number of reasons which he needs to identify. He interviewed a number of managers and employees to come up with a decision and solution in order to improve employee performance and increase employee satisfaction. A decision needs to be made in this regard as it is very vital for the company because it will directly affect the employee’s productivity which in turn will affect company performance. BACKGROUND Constructions Inc. Constructions Inc., a prominent real estate firm based in Pakistan, is a joint venture of a prominent Saudi company. Constructions Inc. has to its credit prestigious commercial and residential...
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