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Words: 3197 - Pages: 13
...with our flexible, year-round full-time schedule of classes. If you really want to attend a school where your needs (your real needs) come first, consider Sullivan University. I believe we can help you exceed your expectations. Since words cannot fully describe the atmosphere at Sullivan University, please accept my personal invitation to visit and experience our campus for yourself. Sincerely, Glenn D. Sullivan President MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 1 Table of Contents Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sullivan University Success Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4...
Words: 103133 - Pages: 413
...Chapter 13 Managing Human Resources in an International Business Learning Outcomes Chapter Outline The Internationalization of Business How Intercountry Differences Affect HRM Improving International Assignments Through Selection Training and Maintaining International Employees International Labour Relations Safety Abroad Repatriation: Problems and Solutions After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Explain how to improve international assignments through employee selection. Answer the question, “What sort of special training do overseas candidates need?” Discuss the major considerations in formulating a compensation plan for overseas employees. Describe the main considerations in repatriating employees from abroad. Managing Human Resources in an International Business 2 The Internationalization of Business More and more Canadian-based companies are conducting their business in other countries. Huge global companies like Noranda, Labatt’s, and Molson’s have long had extensive overseas operations. Global changes such as the rapid development of demand in the Pacific Rim and other areas of the world means that business success depends on the ability to market and manage overseas. Of course, to foreign companies like Toyota, Canada is “overseas,” and thousands of foreign firms already have thriving operations in Canada. Increasingly, companies must be managed globally, which confronts managers with several challenges. First, the number of their...
Words: 11261 - Pages: 46
...Chapter 13 Managing Human Resources in an International Business Chapter Outline The Internationalization of Business How Intercountry Differences Affect HRM Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Explain how to improve international assignments through employee selection. Answer the question, “What sort of special training do overseas candidates need?” Discuss the major considerations in formulating a compensation plan for overseas employees. Describe the main considerations in repatriating employees from abroad. Improving International Assignments Through Selection Training and Maintaining International Employees International Labour Relations Safety Abroad Repatriation: Problems and Solutions Managing Human Resources in an International Business 2 The Internationalization of Business International HRM Association www.ihrim.org More and more Canadian-based companies are conducting their business in other countries. Huge global companies like Noranda, Labatt’s, and Molson’s have long had extensive overseas operations. Global changes such as the rapid development of demand in the Pacific Rim and other areas of the world means that business success depends on the ability to market and manage overseas. Of course, to foreign companies like Toyota, Canada is “overseas,” and thousands of foreign firms already have thriving operations in Canada. Increasingly, companies must be managed...
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...3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page i International Human Resource Management 3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page ii 3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page iii second edition International Human Resource Management edited by A n n e - Wi l H a r z i n g J o r i s Va n R u y s s e v e l d t SAGE Publications London l Thousand Oaks l New Delhi 3122-prelims.qxd 10/29/03 2:20 PM Page iv © Anne-Wil Harzing and Joris van Ruysseveldt, 2004 First published 2004 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Olivers Yard London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B-42, Panchsheel Enclave Post Box 4109 New Delhi 100 017 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0 7619 4039 1 ISBN 0 7619 4040 5 (pbk) Library of Congress Control Number...
Words: 205529 - Pages: 823
...Liz Doherty, (2010),"The impact of hotel management contracting on IHRM practices: Understanding the bricks and brains split", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 22 Iss: 5 pp. 638 - 658 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09596111011053783 Hui Chen, Miguel Baptista Nunes, Lihong Zhou, Guo Chao Peng, (2011),"Expanding the concept of requirements traceability: The role of electronic records management in gathering evidence of crucial communications and negotiations", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 63 Iss: 2 pp. 168 - 187 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00012531111135646 François Des Rosiers, Jean Dubé, Marius Thériault, (2011),"Do peer effects shape property values?", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 29 Iss: 4 pp. 510 - 528 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14635781111150376 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by CURTIN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY For Authors: If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication,...
Words: 8977 - Pages: 36
...competitive, which implies new ways of managing human capital. Furthermore, talent management is motivated by the fact that it has been found to lead to higher corporate profits when it is connected to the corporate strategy. The research method in this thesis is qualitative, and based on a case study of an organization in Norway active in the oil and gas industry, where qualitative semi-structured interviews have been performed. Moreover, the findings are compared to a set of industrial companies located in Sweden, which are similar in size to the case company and have similar needs for technical competence. The analysis of the empirical material in conjunction with the literature leads to our suggestions that there is a need for connecting the HRM practices with the corporate strategy, that...
Words: 38034 - Pages: 153
...ALLIED AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Personalized. Flexible. Dedicated. Online Programs – Individual Support – Open Enrollment – Ease of Transfer Credits UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2013 Seventh Edition 22952 Alcalde Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Phone: (888) 384-0849 ∼ Fax: (949) 707-2978 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. (Monday – Friday) Email: info@allied.edu Website: www.allied.edu KEY STAFF AND FACULTY Charlotte Hislop, Ph.D. Candidate, President/CEO Bonny Nickle, Ed.D., Provost Eric Sharkey, M.Ed., Director of Education Bill Luton, Ph.D., Director of Assessment and Dean of Business Carlo Tannoury, Ph.D. Candidate, Dean of Computer Information Systems Patricia Drown, Ph.D., Dean of Criminal Justice and General Studies C.J. Bishop, M.B.A., Institutional Research Frank Vazquez, Operations Director Parrish Nicholls, J.D., Director of Compliance Lindsay Oglesby, Admissions Director Abby Dolan, B.A., Registrar Sasha Heard, M.B.A., Student Services Manager Barbara Jobin, B.S.B.A., Career Center Manager Hugo Aguilar, B.A., Chief Financial Officer Richard Madrigal, B.A., Financial Aid Officer As a prospective student at Allied American University, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the student performance fact sheet which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement. This catalog is not a contract between the student, AAU, or any party or parties. Reasonable effort was made at the time this document...
Words: 52297 - Pages: 210
...Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ILR CAHRS Working Paper Series Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) 5-1-2003 Extending the Human Resource Architecture: Relational Archetypes and Value Creation Sung-Choon Kang Cornell University Shad S. Morris Cornell University Scott A. Snell Cornell University, ss356@cornell.edu Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp Part of the Human Resources Management Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) at DigitalCommons@ILR. It has been accepted for inclusion in CAHRS Working Paper Series by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ILR. For more information, please contact hlmdigital@cornell.edu. Extending the Human Resource Architecture: Relational Archetypes and Value Creation Abstract Theories of knowledge-based competition focus on internal resources as the source of value creation. The HR architecture (Lepak & Snell, 1999) brought human resource management directly into this forum by developing a model of human capital allocation and management. We attempt to extend the HR architecture by introducing a framework of relational archetypes—entrepreneurial and cooperative—that are derived from unique combinations of three dimensions (cognitive, structural, and affective) that characterize internal and external relationships of core knowledge employees. Entrepreneurial...
Words: 12286 - Pages: 50
...also be performed by line managers.” Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. Human Resource Management is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives. (Source: http://humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryh/f/hr_management.htm) As per the definition and also the explanation given above with regards to the Human Resource Management, there are many fundamentals in a given section as Human resource Management. The fundamentals consists would consist of Compensation & benefits, Human Resource Planning, Training & Development and also Performance appraisal. In this assignment, the topic of discussion will be based solely on the performance appraisal. The study done will be base on the fairness of the performance appraisal in the company. The company which the case study will be conducted will be on Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd. In the following topic of discussion, the background of the company will be further elaborate to under the fundamentals of the company’s organization. Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd was chosen due to...
Words: 9488 - Pages: 38
...ASHESI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT LAW ON THE GHANAIAN EDUCATIONAL SECTOR By EYRA LYDIE GNANIH Thesis submitted to the Department of Business Administration Ashesi University College In partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration APRIL 2012 i Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my own original work and that no part of it has been presented for another degree in this university or elsewhere. Candidate’s Signature:…………………………………………………………………… Candidate’s Name: Eyra Lydie Gnanih Date: Thursday, 12th April 2012 I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the thesis were supervised in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of thesis laid down by Ashesi University College. Supervisor’s Signature:…………………………………………………………………….. Supervisor’s Name: Dr Stephen E. Armah Date:………………………………….. ii Acknowledgement Gratitude goes to my parents for their encouragement, support, and inspiration. To Dr Stephen E. Armah, my thesis supervisor, thank you for the constructive criticisms and timely feedback which were of exceptional help in completing this project. For the reception and openness of the Secretary of the Public Procurement Authority and for the reports and information made available by Mr Alex Osei-Bonsu of the same institution, thank you. This project would not have been possible without the generosity and willingness of the heads...
Words: 14700 - Pages: 59
... New Jersey 07458 Compilation Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Custom Publishing All rights reserved. This copyright covers material written expressly for this volume by the editor/s as well as the compilation itself. It does not cover the individual selections herein that first appeared elsewhere. ii Permission to reprint these has been obtained by Pearson Custom Publishing for this edition only. Further reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, must be arranged with the individual copyright holders noted. This special edition published in cooperation with Pearson Custom Publishing. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Please visit our web site at www.pearsoncustom.com ISBN 0–536–72690–6 BA 996748 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company iii iv Table of Contents SECTION ONE ................................................................. 1 An Investment Perspective and Human Resources .... 2 HUMAN RESOURCE INVESTMENT CONSIDERATIONS ...6 INVESTMENTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ..... 14 INVESTMENT PRACTICES FOR IMPROVED RETENTION ............................................................ 32 INVESTMENTS IN JOB-SECURE WORKFORCES .......... 42 ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ............................................................. 56 NONTRADITIONAL INVESTMENT...
Words: 132738 - Pages: 531
...was launched in 1988 to provide industrial and organizational psychologists, organizational scientists and practitioners, human resources professionals, managers, executives and those interested in organizational behavior and performance with volumes that are insightful, current, informative and relevant to organizational practice. The volumes in the Professional Practice Series are guided by five tenets designed to enhance future organizational practice: 1. Focus on practice, but grounded in science 2. Translate organizational science into practice by generating guidelines, principles, and lessons learned that can shape and guide practice 3. Showcase the application of industrial and organizational psychology to solve problems 4. Document and demonstrate best industrial and organizationalbased practices 5. Stimulate research needed to guide future organizational practice The volumes seek to inform those interested in practice with guidance, insights, and advice on how to apply the concepts, findings, methods, and tools derived from industrial and organizational psychology to solve human-related organizational problems. Previous Professional Practice Series volumes include: Published by Jossey-Bass Customer Service Delivery Lawrence Fogli, Editor Employment Discrimination Litigation Frank J. Landy, Editor The Brave New World of eHR Hal G. Gueutal, Dianna L. Stone, Editors Improving Learning Transfer in...
Words: 215279 - Pages: 862
... The series was launched in 1988 to provide industrial and organizational psychologists, organizational scientists and practitioners, human resources professionals, managers, executives and those interested in organizational behavior and performance with volumes that are insightful, current, informative and relevant to organizational practice. The volumes in the Professional Practice Series are guided by five tenets designed to enhance future organizational practice: 1. Focus on practice, but grounded in science 2. Translate organizational science into practice by generating guidelines, principles, and lessons learned that can shape and guide practice 3. Showcase the application of industrial and organizational psychology to solve problems 4. Document and demonstrate best industrial and organizationalbased practices 5. Stimulate research needed to guide future organizational practice The volumes seek to inform those interested in practice with guidance, insights, and advice on how to apply the concepts, findings, methods, and tools derived from industrial and organizational psychology to solve human-related organizational problems. Previous Professional Practice Series volumes include: Published by Jossey-Bass Customer Service Delivery Lawrence Fogli, Editor Employment Discrimination Litigation Frank J. Landy, Editor The Brave New World of eHR Hal G. Gueutal, Dianna L. Stone, Editors Improving Learning Transfer in Organizations Elwood F. Holton III, Timothy T....
Words: 215290 - Pages: 862
...Global Human Capital Trends 2014 Engaging the 21st-century workforce A report by Deloitte Consulting LLP and Bersin by Deloitte Contents Introduction | 2 | 7 Global Human Capital Trends 2014 survey: Top 10 findings Lead and develop Leaders at all levels | 25 | 35 | | 45 55 Corporate learning redefined Performance management is broken The quest for workforce capability Attract and engage Talent acquisition revisited Beyond retention | 75 | | 87 97 | 65 From diversity to inclusion The overwhelmed employee Transform and reinvent The reskilled HR team | 107 | 117 Talent analytics in practice Race to the cloud | 127 The global and local HR function Editors | 145 | 146 | | 137 Acknowledgements Global Human Capital leaders Human Capital country leaders 147 | 148 Global Human Capital Trends 2014: Engaging the 21st-century workforce Introduction Engaging the 21st-century workforce S we begin 2014, global organizations have left the recession in the rear-view mirror and are positioning themselves aggressively for growth. Sluggishness has given way to expansion. Retrenchment has been replaced by investment. The need for caution has been superseded by the need to take action. Yet as the economic recovery takes hold, businesses realize that the workforce today has changed. Skills are scarce, workers have high expectations, and Millennials are now in charge. Enter the 21st-century workforce. The 21st-century workforce is global, highly...
Words: 45459 - Pages: 182