...Assignment 1: A Modest Proposal Summary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Strayer University HUM 112 Dr. Christina Russu December 11, 2014 A Modest Proposal Jonathon Swift’s, A Modest Proposal is a view of how the Irish seen poverty in their country. Swift’s proposal sheds light on poverty and offers a solution to control those who could not help themselves. Children of the poor could be sold to Ireland’s wealthy land-owners, a meat market, with children as young as one being sold as food. Implementing this proposal would combat population issues and unemployment, by sparing poor families the expense of being responsible for their young all while earning extra income. Swift was very particular about the details of his proposal by providing data that notates the number of children to sell, their age, their weight and a price. He even goes as far as to offer recipes for cooking the poor Irish young. This perfect solution to the problem, 100,000 children from the poverty-stricken Irish population can be sold to the rich as a source of food. One child is enough to serve two dishes at a banquet and leftovers seasoned with pepper and salt would be sufficient. The surprise ending of A Modest Proposal came at the beginning of Swift’s work. Proposal suggested that cannibalism as a solution to controlling Ireland’s population of poor, which makes up of mostly women and children. Swift’s proposal was direct and symbolic of the rich taking advantage of the poor by living at the expense of...
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...HUM 112 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 – ESSAY http://www.coursehomework.com/product/hum-112-week-4-assignment-1-essay/ Contact us at: +1 315-750-4434 help@coursehomework.com HUM 112 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 - ESSAY Choose one (1) of the three reading selections from the list of topic choices below. Read the selection in the textbook. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words) which analyzes the “surprise ending” of the reading selection. Topic Choices: 1. Reading selection from Descartes’ Discourse on the Method (Part IV). Descartes begins with the problem of being able to prove his own existence but ends up with an argument proving the existence of God. Read more about the Discourse on the Method located at http://www.earlymoderntexts.com/authors/descartes.html. 2. Reading selection from Swift’s A Modest Proposal. Swift begins with offering the solution that the English could do things which might solve the problem of overpopulation and the mistreatment of citizens in Ireland. It ends by offering the solution that an internal change in the Irish government would best solve the problem of overpopulation and a populace victimized by its own government. Read more about A Modest Proposal located at http://www.victorianweb.org/previctorian/swift/modest.html. 3. Two reading selections from Voltaire’s Candide. The story begins by acknowledging the foolishness of the superstitious traditions held by the people in the city of Lisbon but ends by ...
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...George Martinez Hum-112 Professor Montgomery Assignment 2 – Office Art Memo George Martinez Hum-112 Professor Montgomery Assignment 2 – Office Art Memo This assignment was right in my corner. Ironically, as Assistant Directors of Operations for my company, I was tasked to do this very assignment a year ago to date. Impressionism can be considered the first distinctly modern movement in painting. Developing in Paris in the 1860s, its influence spread throughout Europe and eventually the United States. The term, first used sarcastically, was derived in part from the title of a painting, Impression, Sunrise (1872, Musée Marmottan-Claude Monet, Paris), by Claude Monet. (nga.gov) The Impressionists loved painting outdoors, the ever-changing face of nature lent itself perfectly to their interests in capturing the moments of light and color. During my search, I choose the route of adding paintings rather than sculptures because the abundant selection of landscapes and patriotism pieces that are very desirable by our CEO Mr. Lee; who is also a New York City, Hamptons native. Mr. Lee has been a huge fan of works of Childe Hassam, because of this I decided to keep the theme throughout the interior of the office common areas and the chose to keep the post impressionist art within inside the executive offices. The three top choices for the impressionist period were selections from Childe Hassam, Flags, Fifth Avenue, Geraniums, and Lower Manhattan. (These selections chosen represent...
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...Assignment #1: Reading Selection from Descartes Discourse on the Method by Perdita SimonColeman Professor: Dr. Trenace Richardson HUM 112—World Cultures 11 Strayer University, Rockville MD May 3, 2013 Assignment# 1: Reading Selection from Descartes Discourse on the Method Based on my reading on the meditation of the first philosophy, Descartes tries to prove the existence of God in the third meditation. To my understanding, he came up with several premises that eventually add up to a solid argument. Descartes ask, himself lots of questions. The first one was does God exist?. In a nut shell, Descartes arrives at another confirmation of God’s existence by way of mathematics. Descartes notes, the certainty with geometers can prove facts, such as the fact that the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, he recognizes that the existence is as much an essential part of proving that there is three triangles and three holy spirit all in one God. Descartes stated that people have difficulty with these proofs, because they rely solely on their senses and imagination. He also states that the existence of God can only be understood by reason and faith. Hence, the surprise for me would be, based on the question of God’s existence: it turned out to be a very debatable and controversial topic. Descartes, touched on many of these doubts regarding the question, most of which, is just as certain as...
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...Assignment 1: Essay Juan Smith Strayer University HUM 112 Dr. Pawel Goral A Modest Proposal it a piece lecture that was done by Jonathan Swift one of the greatest poetry writers in the Victorian age. It was a very challenge piece to understand at first. Now after reading it a few times I have a great surprise from it. It was based on how the people live doing that era. Strongly towards the children of this period that had to struggle very badly. Without food to feed them or anything that it takes to raise them. The parent had to go without with have to energy to make it the next day. By the end of the passage I realizes that he was saying that he want to take his own life to help other make it though there life. Along with suggested that other families have their child do the same thing because life was very hard to face. Now I didn’t see this come base of all the things that were said about help them get out of the issue at head. Maybe it just was way too much for him to take on without the help of others as he fought. This passage tells a lot on how poor the people where in the Victorian era. Now look into your lives and see if the small thing you face would equal up to this. So now take the time to read and reflect on the passage to better...
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...Cultural Activity Strayer University Humanities 112 Professor Renee Pistone December 7, 2014 Cultural activity has continued to be part be art of the human race since times in history. Due to a major role held by culture in shaping the society, various museums have been set up across the county for remembrance of various historical artifacts and other fine art works. In fulfillment of the assignment in this unit HUM 112, I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan. The main aims of the visit are to identify the major artwork kept in the museum in addition to the influences of the intellectual, religious and socio-political forces on the arts. Moreover, it also recognizes the use of technology and information resources to research issues in the study of cultures. The visit involved recognition of the main artworks stored in the museum in addition to the selection of the two pieces of art that would be selected for being saved first in case of a fire outbreak. A visit to Metropolitan Museum of Art that houses more than two million artworks representing five thousand years of history carried out on 5th of December 2014 was used to aid in writing this report. The visit began with a brief look into the floor layout of the complex museum layout. As a result, this enabled the location of the most interesting artworks in the Museum. Additionally, a staff curator offered to give me a trip around the expansive museum explaining various facts around...
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...Assignment 1: Reading Selection: Voltaire’s Candide REDACTED Dr. Davis HUM 112 July 27, 2014 Introduction Francois-Marie Arouet was a Parisian philosopher. Using the pen name Voltaire, he wrote “plays, novels, poems, and history” (Sayre, 2012, p. 815). Being a pessimist provided him the creativeness to write his greatest work named Candide. Chapter 6: An Act of Faith There are two surprise endings. One surprise ending came when Dr. Pangloss was taken away for unknown reasons or was selected along with Candice at random. I’m presuming it was for speaking his optimistic opinions against local ideals. The other surprise ending came when another earthquake occurred approximately a week after human sacrifices had concluded. The point of realization came when Candice deliberated the outcome of why Pangloss was hanged however, he may have resigned to accepting it as the people of Lisbon being evil and ignorant. Candice had previously discovered “a world filled with stupidity, plagued by evil, mired in ignorance...” (Sayre, p. 817). Additionally, another earthquake happened just over a week later even though an auto-de-fe was carried out to prevent earthquakes. The author somewhat convinced me of the surprise ending. However, confining both men for crimes that were not similar to the Biscayan and two Portuguese prevented me from accepting the full value of the surprise ending. The chapter does not give an indication of the reason for Pangloss being hanged versus...
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...HUM 112 Assignment 2: Project Paper | Sail-a-Way Office Memorandum | Strayer University; Dr. Diane McGeehan | KDoug 6/1/2014 | Sail-a-Way Nautical Essentials Procurement Department Oceanside, South Carolina Office Memorandum Subject: Paintings for new corporate office lobby and board room We have the opportunity to procure six high quality reproductions of famous impressionist and post-impressionist paintings. These replicas are of the highest quality and are nicely framed to match the office décor while maintaining the style of era of the pieces. We have chosen three paintings from the impressionist era for the lobby. 1. The first painting is Claude Monet’s “The Cliff” It was painted in the winter of 1868-1869, the area known as Etretat in the Caux region of Normandy. The 19th century painting gives us a view from an ideal location with its high cliffs. The strange arches called the “Gates" gave the port character and the large opening in the cliff was a passageway for ships. The painting explores the striking yet pleasing view of the Normandy coast that the French painter so loved. (Claude Monet, 2014) This will be placed on the stone wall to the left as you enter the lobby. 2. The second painted chosen was painted by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida a Spanish painter. This piece is named “Boats on the beach of Valencia” and is thought to have been painted between 905-10. Bastida excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes, and monumental...
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...Education Coordinating Board of the State of Washington Indiana State Board of Nursing Joint Review Committee on Education In Radiologic Technology National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships National Association of Schools of Art and Design National Association of Schools of Theatre National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission Printing Industries of America, Inc. Approved for Veterans Membership The American Association of Community Colleges Aviation Technician Education Council The Council of North Central Two Year Colleges The Higher Education Transfer Alliance The National Academic Advising Association The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1-800-742-9198 FAX NUMBER: 1-812-888-5868 ADDRESS: 1002 North First Street, Vincennes, Indiana 47591 PHONE: 812-888-8888 WEB: www.vinu.edu myvu.vinu.edu Dr. Richard E. Helton Twenty-First President of Vincennes University COMMITMENT TO SERVICES: All employees of Vincennes University are committed to...
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...Running head: CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN SPORTS MANAGEMENT NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: Ronnie Wayne Autry || SML7005|Dr. Shani Compton| || Sports Revenue Management and Leadership|Assign # 11: Sports Management Career| || Faculty Use Only Career Opportunities in Sports Management Abstract This study was designed to explore the specific competencies essential for a career in sports management and promotion in campus, public, and recreation settings. Utilizing the means of the Competencies of Sport Managers device, the competencies of sport administrators and managers were represented by four factors, identified as Management Techniques, sport programming, business administration, and theoretical perspectives. Discriminant analysis revealed that sport administrators in campus recreation settings placed more emphasis on theoretical perspectives and less emphasis on sport programming. When compared to sport management, administrators in the promotions departments placed more emphasis on sport programming and theoretical perspectives, with faculty placing more emphasis on management techniques and business administration. This study reinforces the need for professional sport commissioners and managers to possess a strong management and business base, along with competence in sport programming and recreational sport theory/foundations. Achieving greater understanding of the nature...
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...Assignment 2: Harlem Renaissance Poets Demetria Davenport HUM 112 Dr. Jeff Kersh Countee Cullen (1903-1996) “Heritage” (1925) What is Africa to me: Copper sun or scarlet sea, Jungle star or jungle track, Strong bronzed men, or regal black Women from whose loins I sprang When the birds of Eden sang? One three centuries removed From the scenes his fathers loved, Spicy grove, cinnamon tree, What is Africa to me? So I lie, who all day long Want no sound except the song Sung by wild barbaric birds Goading massive jungle herds, Juggernauts of flesh that pass Trampling tall defiant grass Where young forest lovers lie, Plighting troth beneath the sky, So I lie, who always hear, Though I cram against my ear Both my thumbs, and keep them there, Great drums throbbing through the air, So I lie, whose fount of pride, Dear distress and joy allied, Is my somber flesh and skin, With the dark blood dammed within Like great pulsing tides of wine That, I fear, must burst the fine Channels of the chafing net Where they surge and form and fret. Africa? A book one thumbs Listlessly, till slumber comes, Unremembered are the bats Circling through the night, her cats Crouching in the river reeds, Stalking gentle flesh that feeds, By the river brink; no more Does the bugle throated roar Cry that monarch claws have leapt From the scabbards where they slept, Silver snakes that once a year Doff the lovely coats you wear, Seek no covert in your fear Lest...
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...Introduction The focus of the present thesis is the passive voice, perceived from a semantico-syntactic point of view. My primary aim is to explore the use and functions of the passive voice in English, examining the reasons which motivate an author to prefer the passive form to the active one. Secondary interest is devoted to the function and the use of the passive voice in Czech. As research material I have chosen the short stories by the American writer O. Henry and their Czech translations by Stanislav Klíma. The reasons why I have chosen the genre of a short story are that it is noted for the unity of time, place and action. I believe that due to this fact, the results of my research will give higher evidence of the use of the passive voice since the basis for comparison is unified and compact contrary to, for example, a novel. For the same reason of evidence, I explore just the translations of one translator, since everyone has his/her personal style and different way of thinking and understanding of original text. I am interested in the issue of information packaging, especially in the different ways of expressing one and the same reality in the two languages: when both active and passive versions are formally permitted, what factors favour the choice of one over other? The passive voice is a phenomenon which is involved both in English and in Czech but in unlike extent. As far as I know, the passive voice is a favourite means of expression in English whereas in Czech...
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...Assignment Two The news media only provides us with representations of reality. These representations are constructed by media conglomerates to manipulate our views on society; politics, international relations and current affairs. While the media is meant to be an objective source of information, it is important to remember that this information is filtered, watered down and often manipulated before reaching its audiences. After all, “one apprehends reality only through representations of reality... there is no such thing as unmediated access...” (Dyer 1993, p. 3, as cited byO'Shaughnessy & Stadler, 2005, p. p.77) This is done by ruling classes of society in order to ingrain dominant ideologies into cultural knowledge and thus maintain their governing status- the process of “hegemony”. The media both mirrors and shapes society- it is a “mechanism of mass control” (Flounders et al., 2000, p.89). The news, as an integral part of the media, does the same. Therefore it is important for us to remember that the image of our world shown by the media is only a portrayal, and not always objective or truthful. “The media define for the majority of the population what significant events are taking place, but, also, they offer powerful interpretations of how to understand these events.” (Stuart Hall, 1978, p. 426) In this quote, Hall states that media broadcasters, although providing important (newsworthy), accurate and up-to-date information to the public, are nevertheless...
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...edu/aboutnova/directories--offices/administrative-offices/academic/index.html. Revised June 2012 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................3 TYPES OF ADVANCED STANDING ...................................................................................................3 GENERAL PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................................4 EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITIES .....................................................................................................5 SECTION 1—CREDITS FROM POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS ........................................ 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................7 GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CREDIT FOR STUDENTS WITH PREVIOUS DEGREES ..................................9 EVALUATION OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSCRIPTS .................................................................................10 SECTION 2—CREDITS EARNED IN NON-TRADITIONAL PROGRAMS ................................... 11 CLINICAL CODING ASSOCIATE OR CLINICAL CODING SPECIALIST ............................................................11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMIES ....................................................................
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...OFFICIAL CATALOG This Catalog contains information, policies, procedures, regulations and requirements that were correct at the time of publication and are subject to the terms and conditions of the Enrollment Agreement entered into between the Student and ECPI University. In keeping with the educational mission of the University, the information, policies, procedures, regulations and requirements contained herein are continually being reviewed, changed and updated. Consequently, this document cannot be considered binding. Students are responsible for keeping informed of official policies and meeting all relevant requirements. When required changes to the Catalog occur, they will be communicated through catalog inserts and other means until a revised edition of the Catalog is published. The policies in this Catalog have been approved under the authority of the ECPI University Board of Trustees and, therefore, constitute official University policy. Students should become familiar with the policies in this Catalog. These policies outline both student rights and student responsibilities. The University reserves the right and authority at any time to alter any or all of the statements contained herein, to modify the requirements for admission and graduation, to change or discontinue programs of study, to amend any regulation or policy affecting the student body, to increase tuition and fees, to deny admission, to revoke an offer of admission and to dismiss from the...
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