Premium Essay

Hum130- Final Buddhism


Submitted By PasadenaGirl65
Words 2292
Pages 10
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo: Buddhism and the Way of The Lotus Sutra

Mary Elise Filipy


April 28, 2011
Dr. Gary Carson

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo: Buddhism and the Way of The Lotus Sutra

( Blue Lotus Buddha)

Since the beginning of time, people have looked to something beyond themselves for answers about life and the world around them. Early humans believed there must be some power, greater than themselves, controlling the things they could not understand, control or explain. From these beliefs came the development of religions, and the many gods and deities that accompany them. Today, religion provides us with spiritual guidance, directs us in moral matters and how to conduct ourselves, and helps us to prepare for what happens after death. One such religious practice is Buddhism. Buddhism Buddhism. The word conjures up thoughts of chanting monks in orange robes, smoky temples filled with incense, and golden statues in flower filled gardens. To the unfamiliar, Buddhism is a mysterious religion, full of strange practices and rituals. Most people in this country, know only what they have seen in the movies and on television. While there are many differences between Buddhism and religions that are more familiar to westerners, such as Catholicism, Buddhism is a beautiful, complex, and fascinating ancient religion. Buddhism began more than 2,500 years ago in Asia. It is a religion based on the teachings of Siddharta Guatama, as a way to help people rise above the suffering of life here on earth, and obtain spiritual strength and guidance. According to The Dhamma, a Buddhist website, it is estimated that there are 500 million practicing Buddhists worldwide; however this estimate does not count the practitioners in China since they do not keep statistics about religion, and unlike western religions, it is common for Asian families to