Sharicka Holliday
HUM 130
Week Nine: Capstone
In what ways has learning about World Religions influenced the way you think about religion? I have gained a sense of understanding of why some religions have rituals and practices. I have never thought to look into what other religions consist of and who helped to create them. Christianity has been a very important role in my life, but some ideas of Buddhism have made me want to learn more about it. I thought some religions were extreme and promoted violence and sexism. Many of the sacred texts have been interpreted different ways and this has led to some extreme religion practices, but most religions hold similar values. Why is it important to learn about other peoples' beliefs and attitudes? Learning about other people's religions can help you to understand their actions. When people fast, it is not to gain recognition or glory, it is to show dedication to their religion or faith. Also, religion can help to build a person's character. Whether it is by giving to the needy or being kind to others, it helps to build a positive attitude and atmosphere around a person. I think if a person considered themselves one religion, it can be difficult to understand why other religions do what they do. For example, fasting includes more than food. It can be giving up some type of luxury or thing you use or do everyday. I would love to try to dedicate forty days to this ritual. How will you utilize this information in the future? I believe I will start to look into yoga. It seems that it can help clear my mind and reduce any negative thoughts I may be happen whether its worrying about love, health, or finances. I have my own issues with Christianity even though many of my family members go to church regularly and are even high members of the church. I have to learn more about all religions and