...HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2004 Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World Accommodating people’s growing demands for their inclusion in society, for respect of their ethnicity, religion, and language, takes more than democracy and equitable growth. Also needed are multicultural policies that recognize differences, champion diversity and promote cultural freedoms, so that all people can choose to speak their language, practice their religion, and participate in shaping their culture— so that all people can choose to be who they are. 65 108 166 55 34 82 3 14 91 51 40 138 29 62 6 99 161 134 114 66 128 72 33 56 175 173 130 141 4 105 169 167 43 94 73 136 144 168 45 163 48 52 30 32 Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic 17 154 95 98 100 120 103 109 156 36 170 81 13 16 122 155 97 19 131 24 93 121 160 172 104 153 115 23 38 7 127 111 101 10 22 21 79 9 90 78 148 28 44 110 135 50 80 Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea...
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...Niger, which used to be called the Republic of Niger is one of the poorest and hottest places in the world. They have minimal government services and not enough funds to develop the resources needed. The country of Niger is very unique in many different ways. It will sometimes have a person confused on why they are so poor and at the same time have an understanding. The people of Niger are not well off due to agriculture, health, education and more. They could possibly be in a better situation if the necessary steps were taken to better their agriculture and if tourism stays popular. The most important topics of Niger are the economic and social aspects of life. Niger has the fastest growing population with over 16 million people as of today. Their birth rate is number one in the world but many of the Nigeriens are not expected to live pass 53 years of age. Majority of the population is challenged with various health problems. The main diseases combated with are pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea. Medicines and professional help are seldom since most of the population lives in extensively disbursed rural communities. The health services that are provided are extremely incompetent and would not be able to tackle these diseases. With such a large population, there should be many job opportunities available. The depressing part is that over half rely on farming, living on less than a dollar a day. More than half of the population lives below the poverty line. The Sahara desert...
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...Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date of submission: Trade Policy and Developing countries A number of developing countries have enabled the facilitation of their economies to develop recent centres of development internationally. International trade has enabled them to make an effective way to generate funds as a result of making trade. However, there has been uneven development and especially the poorest countries have managed a lesser share in the world economy. Many of these poor countries have been unable to make appropriate use of the markets that are opening around them or even try to balance losing tax revenue by developing ways of taxation, since the financial stability and internal structures of these countries are lacking in some ways. The upholding of barriers to trade and other protective measures continues by the need to keep the existing home control structures (Krueger, 45). The large numbers of developing countries highly dependent on agriculture have slow productivity rate and the trade barriers remaining are more than those for industrial goods. Industrial production has witnessed more investment by the emerging economies; this has facilitated the development and it has seen exports grow twice as much as agricultural exports, which comprise 80 percent of the total volume of exports of developing countries. It is necessary for developing countries to take free trade services and labour mobility (Colin, 42). Developing countries should develop their...
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...Introduction: The Reproductive Health bills, or popularly known as RH bill, are Philippine Bills aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care. It is a way of helping people to be more advance, well prepared, and to widen up each and every individuals mind setting about our society now a days. This comparative study is about the Reproductive Health Bill 4244 vs. Catholic Social Teachings. As we all know the RH Bill is an act providing for a comprehensive policy on responsible parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and for Other Purposes. For me the RH Bill can be both good and bad for our country and us human beings. It has also been said that the Catholic Church is against the RH Bill, because they said that it can harm us people. There is this top agreement about its provisions on maternal and child health care, there is great debate on its proposal that we taxpayer and the private sector will fund and undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices such as birth control pills (BCPs) and IUDs, and as the government continue campaigning to broadcast a good information’s and effect on its use through health care centers nationwide. Being able to live is a great thing to have in the world. Everyone has been talking about this RH bills, for some agreed and some don’t. I could say that in some part of each individuals, RH bills may help and it may brings into some point also...
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...Sustainable Development Definition Artem Kurganskiy Schiller International University Abstract The paper talks about the ways of reaching sustainability all over the world and not just looking at particular countries but at the whole planes as one system. Also information on the major challenges that sustainable development is faced are discussed. And the last but not least an example of one already existing agreement on sustainability is discussed. “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The idea of sustainable development is to be able to continue developing while keeping in mind the environment. In order to achieve sustainability globally, countries should not look just at their particular country and the ways to develop sustainability there, but rather think of our planet as one system and try to find solutions to develop it all over the world. Because sustainability problems are interrelated among countries, e.g. pollution from the US can affect the environment in Canada, Mexico. Therefore all the countries should be considering switching to being more “green” in order for the future generations to meet their own needs and also to increase their efficiency nowadays. While looking at the ways of achieving sustainability three factors should be considered: economic, environmental and social. All the three factors should be considered at the same time since they all very interrelated...
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...Position: Internet has no globalisation effect Argument 1 • The difference between well developed and less developed countries • Developed countries offer the most information and develop the internet, where is a gap to developing countries gets wider • Developed countries need to invest to be on a competitive basis to attend the internet revolution and therefore an cultural and economic change • Internet use is restricted to urban elites https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2008/06/images/picture3.gif https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2008/06/images/picture3.gif Argument 2 • The internet is just virtual and not corresponding to real world counterparts (cf. Hafez 2007) • The internet has failed to “…fundamentally open and democratized media systems across the world”. (Hafez 2007) https://c479107.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/files/13117/area14mp/9jmd4bq8-1342613644.jpg Argument 3 • No authenticy for knowledge on the internet http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbibrtTCvz1qlpjkuo1_500.jpg http://andreasjungherr.net/wpcontent/uploads/2010/12/Abbildung-1-Anteile-derBundestagsparteien-und-der-Piratenpartei-an-denStimmen-und-Twitternennungen.png http://stats.wikimedia.org/GeoTaggedArticles.jpg Argument 4 • English as universal language is decreasing, web content gets increasingly multilingual http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Er5gCBHESRE/UZPwCVuCvEI/AAAAAAAAI4k/0pCuA60RDYE/s1600/tumblr_mmqvy6CVA91s6bw99o1_1280.png http://i.livescience.c...
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...STEP ONE Why do poor countries have a predominance of infectious diseases as opposed to the lifestyle-related diseases of wealthy countries? What is your response to the global health inequalities that exist? STEP TWO When we think sociologically we make links between our own personal experiences and public issues. The sociological imagination template helps to investigate public issues in a way that analyses four important factors, these being; historical, cultural, structural and critical. Historical factors take into consideration how the past affects the future and for many poor countries a complicated and unstable past has influenced the countries ability to develop. The political environment of a country generally has a huge impact on the countries social and economic development therefore an unstable government of corruption and greed can hinder a countries ability to advance. Wars caused by political tension between countries also impact nations as they are torn apart by death and demolition leading to a division within the country itself. Many countries such as Rwanda and Cambodia have found it extremely difficult to recover due to poor government decisions made in the past that has significantly effected entire generations. This in turn leads to people living in poor and unhygienic conditions where they are surrounded by death and disease. The political environment of a country can also influence whether or not the population is financially stable due to political...
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...THREATS TO FUTURE STABILITY SECURITY AND PROSPERITY OF THE WORLD: THE MODERN EQUIVALENTS OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE INTRODUCTION 1. The end of the Cold War changed the world order and brought about several challenges for the international system. This occurrence, which was received with mixed feelings around the world, became the precursor of many challenges that we currently face as global citizens. The fall of communism and rapid spread of democracy around the world led to the fall of several autocratic regimes. This was followed by violent conflicts especially in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Eastern Europe as people demanded more rights and freedom from oppression. Additionally, the advent of globalization which was brought about by rapid technological developments especially in the field of Information Technology (IT) led to interconnectedness among nations and economic interdependence. In my opinion, globalization and economic interdependence have been beneficial to most people in the world. However, the contemporary world is faced with several challenges which constitute threats to future global stability, security and prosperity. 2. This essay will portray my personal views of those threats that I perceive to be the most potent and thus represent the modern equivalents of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. In my view, the main drivers of change in today’s world are poverty, religious extremism, technological advancement and climate change. POVERTY ...
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...New book In 2006–08, food shortages became a global reality, with the prices of commodities spiraling beyond the reach of vast numbers of people. International agencies were caught flatfooted, with the World Food Program warning that its rapidly diminishing food stocks might not be able to deal with the emergency. Owing to surging prices of rice, wheat, and vegetable oils, the food import bills of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) climbed by 37 percent from 2007 to 2008, from $17.9 million to $24.6 million, after having risen by 30 percent in 2006. By the end of 2008, the United Nations reported, “the annual food import basket in LDCs cost more than three times that of 2000, not because of the increased volume of food imports, but as the result of rising food prices.”1 These tumultuous developments added 75 million people to the ranks of the hungry and drove an estimated 125 million people in developing countries into extreme poverty.2 Alarmed by massive global demand, countries like China and Argentina resorted to imposing taxes or quotas on their rice and wheat exports to avert local shortages. Rice exports were simply banned in Cambodia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, and Viet Nam. South-South solidarity, fragile in the best of times, crumbled, becoming part of the collateral damage of the crisis. Global Crisis, Global Protests For some countries, the food crisis was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Some thirty countries experienced violent popular...
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...1Developed Economy Developed economy is an economy enjoying sustained economic growth and security. Some of the common characteristics of a developed economy are low birth rate and higher life expectancy, high level of literacy and a well trained workforce and the export of high value added goods. High gross domestic product is also a common measure of a developed economy. (Business dictionary 2011) However a developed economy is an economy that has a high level of economic development in a classified state, according to some criteria. Countries classified We could also argue that in times of low unemployment, workers have more power to demand higher wages because they know they cannot be easily replaced. Conversely, during high unemployment businesses have more bargaining power because both they and their workers are aware of the competition and that replacing workers is easier. Also the need to lower spending on welfare where more people working means fewer people claiming welfare. With lower welfare spending, governments can put more money into new schools or hospitals. Increased spending on health care and policing, which suggests that areas with high unemployment rates tend to have higher crime rates, too, coupled with the local population's poor health. The social and psychological effect of low unemployment rate cannot be totally ignored; high unemployment has been linked to psychological and physical disorders, divorce, suicide and crime. (Baumol...
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...industrial advancement. Peru is one of the nations which distinctly depicts the effects from globalisation. Peru was initially a third world nation suffering from scarcity and dictatorship, it is now progressing into a developed country. Globalisation has positively affected Peru by raising the Human Development Index, empowering females, and creating a more powerful nation. (Leon 2002) One of the advantages of globalisation which has a civil development is the increase in Human Development Index. It is an assessment and comparison of civil, governmental and industrial growth between all the nations in the world. With a scale of zero to one, the Human Development Index rates each nation, with the most developed, globalised nation scoring one. The capital gross domestic production, life expectancy during birth, literacy of adults, and the amount of people admitted into educational institutions are the aspects involved in concluding the Human Development Index of each nation. Peru had a startling Human Development Index of 0.643 in 1975. However, the Human Development Index of the nation surged up to 0.762 which was more than a tenth rise. This considerable hike in the Human Development Index of Peru was an evident sign of the benefits from globalisation. In the...
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...What I Think of Globalization Have you ever imagine the time when the world was divided into parts and every part was closed? I believe the answer is no. Nowadays our life is more convenient as we can communicate with people outside our countries, go abroad easily and even buy things from most places around the world at home through Internet. If you think you are one of those people who have benefit from all these changes, then you should thank for the globalization. It brings us a lot of changes from different area and through this process people may learn and benefit from other countries. As more and more nations catch the step of globalization, this has become the main topic in the era and all kind of voices come upon it. Some people believe that globalization will not benefit the world because of different reasons. They think it hurts both the developed countries and the developing nations, especially on the economic field. I understand that everything has two sides and globalization may have it harmful points. However, I believe what globalization has bring to the whole community on economic area is mostly positive things as it helps the developing countries with their economy, makes people live under better situation and provide more working opportunities to developing nations. At the same time, it lowers the cost of developed countries and makes strong countries get more economic benefit from this process. Maybe some people insist their point that developed nations benefit...
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...In today’s world, some of the matters it deals with are free trade, world banks, sweatshops, and outsourcing. Many people see the positive effects of globalization. Societies that become richer with knowledge may be accepting of all types of people, making our world more peaceful. However, I see globalization as damaging to developing and developed countries in today’s world. Workers in developing countries are prone to harsh conditions and exploitation. Developed countries suffer from greedy CEO’s and unemployment due to outsourcing. Globalization damages developing countries because many young people work in sweatshops, which damages their health and development. These young boys and girls have little opportunity to develop into better human beings. They are subject to work during their development stages, instead of education. Ha-Joon Chang, a former consultant to the World Bank wrote a book on the myth of free trade and describes a situation involving his son who is six years old. “If I drive Jin-Gyu into the labor market at the age...
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...Global Crime Analysis Sequina Allen CJA/394 August 11, 2012 James Wheatley Global Crime Analysis Every nation of the world experiences the same crimes on some level within their society. From burglary to murder, every nation must deal with the criminals who help in various ways to shape the society that many either admire or fear. The rates of crimes around the world are significantly different from the crime rates that occur within the United States. The political and social structures of these nations often help in predicting the types of crimes that are more prevalent around the world compared to what is more prevalent within the United States. These structures also help to predict the ways in which the nations deal with these crimes within their criminal justice system. Through the evaluation of major global crimes and criminal issues, one can better understand the global impact that these crimes have on the national and international justice systems and processes. First, the prevalence of certain crimes varies from nation to nation and can often be based on the political and social structures of that nation. For example, in middle-income and developing countries, homicide is far more prevalent compared to nations with higher incomes (Shaw, et al, 2004). Research reveals that nations that have high rates of homicide tend to be accompanied by social and political unrest, where crime organizations tend to run the country more than the politicians (Shaw, et...
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...Today, fashion is always changing and especially with in the United States. People here are very picky and when clothes become old or are out of style, the unwanted clothes must go somewhere. In this film, it explains how and where most unwanted apparel ends up. People in the U.S. are not aware of where their donated clothes end up. Most of the secondhand clothes are donated to charity, charity then sells them to dealers, and dealers ships or sells them to the people in Africa. Secondhand shirts are a big market in Zambia, Africa and many of the people turn to this business as for income. Many of the Zambians depend on second hand clothes to survive. Although it may look like it’s a good to donate old clothes to Africa, it is getting them no where. This market has driven out all the textile manufacturers and cause many lost jobs in Africa. Africa is still an undeveloped country, because there is a huge pool of unskilled and uneducated people. The country is in debt due to corruption within the government and banks lending many to unsuccessful businesses. The secondhand clothes industry contributes to Africa’s third world debt and globalization, because it is a business that requires no skills and education, which equals to slower development. Africa is in a very difficult position due to those issues and it may take a long time for the country to progress. United States can help by regulating on dealers who are making a business out of donated clothes;...
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