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Human Resource vs People Managment


Submitted By faizan18
Words 1553
Pages 7
Over the recent years a lot has changed in the business world. Big firms strive for excellence by destroying their competitors and due to this world now being a global village the competition has just increased for every business organization out there. Small to big firms all want to make a name in the market. But this is a fact that bigger firms often have an edge over the smaller firms due to their internal structure which bonds the team and individuals with each other ad a common objective is attained with the help of all. Innovations, technologies are all examples of a team working together for one objective, one goal, it can be profit maximization or it can be about increasing the market share by attracting more customers to one specific company.
All of this is only possible if the internal structure of an organization is strongly bonded and the people working are recruited on merit based systems as well as for their skills. Like in an organization there are a lot of departments if we are to talk about the multinational or bigger this purpose a special unit is required which makes sure that they select the best possible employee for the organization and the organization gets the best man for the job. All of this is made possible by a department knows as “human resource management “.
Personal management and human resource management are the departments that are used for a similar purpose and they almost work in a similar fashion, but human resource management is used more these days the main reason being that the structure of this department is much more solid as compared to the structure of personal management department. In the later pages we shall examine the differences and the reason that explains that why human resource management took over the personal management department as the time moved on.

What is human resource management?

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