...People have of mankind, people have been the most valued resource available. Regardless of the goal or task, some level of human resource is required. This simple fact has created a vital need for effective Human Resource Management (HRM). Implementing and executing areas of human resource management entail Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Human Resource Development, Compensation and Benefits, Safety and Health, and Employee Labor and Relations. By studying each area, one can comprehend how they can be used in one’s career ambitions and prepare for a productive, prosperous future. One area of Human Resource Management is the understanding and implementing of procedures to have Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) According to (Ivancevich, 2010) Human Resource Management is a function performed in organizations that facilitates the most effective use of people to achieve organizational and i individual goals. As society and organizations grow and become more complex, HRM functions continue to expand into many areas vital to organizational growth and success. EEO and Affirmative Action Equal Employment Opportunity forbids all types of discrimination which includes race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, ethnicity and gender. Equal Employment Opportunity effects just about every area of HRM from planning, recruitment to the selection and other areas of HRM. It is important that leadership...
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...Introduction When it comes to “Trends in the Workplace”, the effect of good productivity and employee satisfaction is very important. Human Resource professionals has to make sure those employees are prepared and ready to take on the challenges and changes that are coming before them. The continued use of HR Analysis can be the key to a successful organization. Technology is a big tool that continues to expand and develop, therefore human resource has to be able to train and develop employees as well. This paper will discuss the key trends in the workplace that have significant influences on organizations. It will discuss how HR professionals play a key role in helping organizations respond to evolving trends, comply with federal and state regulations, and manage workplace flexibility. Specify the key functional areas of Human Resources Management and how each function contributes to the overall performance of an organization. The key functional areas of Human Resources Management play a very important role in today’s workplace. An HR professional has to strategically plan each function and implement them accordingly. The key functional areas of Human Resources Management that I will discuss are staffing, compensation and benefits (total rewards), human resource development also known as training and development, employee relations and safety. When it comes to staffing an organization, there is a need for employees or individuals with the right skills, knowledge and abilities...
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...2013 Katy Hoffman When you are talking about the Human resources Department at any work place then you are dealing with a major part of the company. The human resource department deals with a lot like staffing, employee development, compensation, and governance. Anyone who works in the human resource department has a lot to deal with, especially if they are a manager. When it comes to staffing then the Human resource department is responsible for many things. For example a few of those things include hiring, promoting, and firing. When the human resources department gets ready to hire someone that has potential for the job then there are multiple things they have to do. They first have to receive an application from the person that is interested and look it over. They will also have to call the potential employee in for an interview and ask a series of questions. If they are pleased with what they hear they will continue on to the next step which would be a back ground check. While doing a background check they will also perform a drug screening, some places will actually do the drug screening first. Employee development is another thing that is important when it comes to the human resources job. They are responsible for promotions, training and helping all willing employees move up in the company. However, if you want to get higher in a work place then you have to work for it. If the human resource department sees that you are trying they may request you...
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...Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Issues of Human Resources Tara Moreno HCS/341 August 24, 2015 Angela Thomas Human resources are greatly impacted by the legal, safety, and regulatory issues that pertain to their company’s employees. The statement, “common sense and compassion has been replaced with litigation”, implies that companies today have become so engrossed with avoiding legal liabilities and lawsuits by employees that a cold management style becomes the result. Human resource managers must be well informed of regulations and laws in place that protect employee and employer rights and enforce employer responsibilities as they pertain to legal, safety, and regulatory issues in the workplace. There are many legal issues that companies must adhere to that are enforced by the Department of Labor. These laws are set in place to protect both the employee and the employer and to ensure fairness and ethical behaviors within the workplace. Some of the legal aspects of human resources that are governed by the Department of Labor include, but are not limited to; wages and hours, workplace safety, and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ("U.s. Department Of Labor", n.d.). Employers are required to pay minimum wage to non-exempt employees for regular hours worked and time and a half pay when overtime hours are worked. The standards for wage and overtime pay are set forth by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), while the Wage and Hour Division enforces these standards. Additionally...
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...Ensuring Health And Safety At Workplaces Introduction In our day to day lives, accidents tend to occur under different circumstances some of which can be avoided. Most accidents are attributed to carelessness of which it is believed just a little carefulness could avoid and in the process reduce the many serious injuries incurred and even at times death or decapitation. Accidents are unplanned and unfortunate events that results in damage, injuries or upsets of some kind. This is the same even at workplaces. Most accidents at work places are sometimes as a result of carelessness. These accidents can be avoided if the following measures can be taken at the places of work. Management is committed to safety in the work place, employees are informed about accident prevention, consultation between the employer and employee takes place on a regular basis, there is a trusting relationship between the employer and staff and employees have actual input into the decision-making process. Employers and employees attitude towards accidents also contribute greatly towards preventing them from occurring. If both the employer and the employee approach safety at places of work with diligence, then these cases of accidents will be greatly reduced and inefficiency due to lose of time from work by employees will be avoided. The best method to achieve this is through cooperation of the two main partners (employer and employee who may be represented by unions), an approach known as the shared responsibility...
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...Human Resources Administration of Workplace Safety Introduction Human resources administration is frequently considered with limited recognition for all the intrinsic responsibilities that are vastly complex and broad in scope. Some of the responsibilities of an enterprises’ human resources department include: the assurance that the enterprise is in conformance with State and Federal employment laws; prompt payroll processing; accounting, tax calculation and filing; employee fulfillment; workplace safety requirements and wide-ranging benefits to name a few. Given the complexity of the many roles of an enterprises’ human resources department, the question is can the human resources department effectively manage workplace safety requirements as they pertain to the inspection of the workplace for health and safety problems as well as the development of training programs. This paper will examine the enterprises’ human resource department ability to deftly manage workplace safety in the areas of inspection and development. Background According to Eckhardt (2001), the moral obligation of safety in the workplace will likely have divergent interpretations depending on the enterprises’ culture, funding and priorities. Federal regulations, as they are related to workplace safety in the area of inspection and development, are established in order to ensure that industry standards are practiced industry wide. Admin (2011), cites fundamental workplace safety inspection and development...
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...Since the beginning of time, people have been the most valuable resource available. Regardless of the goal or task, some level of human resource is required. This simple fact has created a vital need for effective Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resource Management is a function performed in organizations that facilitates the most effective use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals (Ivancevich, 2010). As society and organizations grow and become more complex, HRM functions continue to expand into many areas vital to organizational growth and success. The journey to understanding and applying human resource functions covers Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Human Resource Development, Compensation and Benefits, Safety and Health, and Employee Labor and Relations. By exploring each area, we can understand how these functions can be applied to personal career goals and set the stage for a successful future. One important function of Human Resource Management is the understanding and developing policies for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Equal Employment Opportunity has implications for almost every activity in HRM: hiring, recruiting, training, terminating, compensating, evaluating, planning, disciplining, and collective bargaining (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 65). With that in mind, it is vital for all levels of leadership and management in an organization to be involved in EEO policies...
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...The Human Resource Department has many legal laws, safety laws and requirements to abide by to prevent law suits against companies. The Human Resource Department must follow the rules given by the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Department of Homeland Security, and many other laws. Each law is accompanied by a set of regulations cover all aspects about the law. These laws were put in place to prevent any manager from feeling like they can fire or mistreat any employee without probable cause. To completely understand the Human Resource Law, anyone in a Human Resource position has to have the knowledge of their job and the resources to look up additional information if needed to prevent lawsuits. The Human Resource Department is responsible for keeping records, writing and implementing good HR policies and monitoring the firm’s Human Resource Department closely. The U.S. Department of Labor administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws. These mandates and the regulations that implement them cover many workplace activities for about 10 million employers and 125 million workers. The U.S. Department of Labor’s mission is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights. Some of the major laws of...
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...Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Lisa Christopher HCS/341 September 12, 2011 Michelle Calvin-Casey Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements In examining the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements, and its impact on the human resource department process as they relate to many different entities of operations within an organization. These entities impact the human resource department by ensuring the rights of the employer and employees are covered by the National Labor Relations Broad; its purpose is to protect the rights of the employee and the employer. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; it is a protection which there cannot be no discrimination that is based on race, color, national organ, religion, sex, age, and disability. Safety and Health Administration; has the role in which issues standards in controlling employees that are exposed to health and safety hazards that are in the work place. All these commissions were set in to place by the United States to ensure the protection of both employees and their employers from any forms of unfair acts between each other. The persons that work within the human resource department has been versed in all the laws and regulations and are expected to abide by these laws and rules to prevent any law suits that can be filed against any organization (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010). Individuals need to completely understand that anyone holding a position within the human resource department...
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...A major responsibility of Human Resources is to create a productive and safe work environment. Human Resources must ensure that the workplace is free of harassment and bullying. Employees should feel comfortable and safe in their place of employment. Creating a productive working environment is beneficial to both the employee and the organization. Failing to take action in regards to workplace harassment and bullying leaves the organization liable for legal repercussions. Workplace harassment and bullying can often deter workers from committing violent acts against other employees and coworkers. Initiatives like Work-life balance can help to prevent workplace violence and harassment. Human Resources must do all that it can to ensure employees’ safety and to make the worker feel valued and supported at work and that federal guidelines are being followed. The Mariam-Webster dictionary defines harassment as creating an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially uninvited and unwelcomed verbal or physical conduct. It is the responsibility of the organization to immediately act on all claims of harassment. HR must be able to identify harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and violations of both federal and the organization’s policy. Harassment at work does not have to only be of a sexual nature. Workplace bullies can be employees, such as a bad boss or coworker, and sometimes a non-employee such as a client. Bullying at work is an increasing problem. Like childhood bullying...
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...After reading more and more about Human resources, and epically when I came to the part that discuss occupation safety and health, I started to understand more and more about how important human resources management it is to organization for both the management and owner section and employees favor too. The Laws and regulations issued by the government aim to create safer and better environment for work to employees, and on the other hand, if those regulations applied carefully in organizations, I believe it will insure safer and less risk environment to employers too. In my country Egypt, there are 29 Article in labour law that regulates Vocational Safety And Ensuring Labour Environment security ( 2003 ). Below I will high light on some of them Article (208) in Labour law says “The establishment and its branches shall provide the means of vocational safety and health and ensuring labor environment security in places of work by which to ensure protection from physical and risks resulting in particular from the following A ) severity and intensity of heat and chilliness; B ) noise and vibration C ) lighting; D ) Harmful and dangerous radiations ; E ) Atmospheric pressure changes ; F ) static and dynamic electricity ; and G ) Explosion risks. “ (Labour Law, Law No. 12 Of The Year 2003 P.88) This article was the first article in ensuring labour environment security part in Egyptian labor law. The importance of this article is that it illustrate the responsibilities...
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...Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper In examining the effects of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements, and its impact on the human resource department process as they relate to many different parts of operations within an organization it was found that these entities impact the human resource department by ensuring the rights of the employer and employees are covered by the National Labor Relations Broad; its purpose is to protect the rights of the employee and the employer. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; it is a protection which there cannot be no discrimination that is based on race, color, national organ, religion, sex, age, and disability. Safety and Health Administration; has the role in which issues standards in controlling employees that are exposed to health and safety hazards that are in the work place. According to the Bureau of Labor, statistics show that more than 4.1 million people were hurt or injured on-the-job in 2006 and 5,488 were killed in 2007 (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010). Laws and regulatory requirements are currently in place to standardize and promote workplace safety. Organizations with extensive safety programs have reduced number of accidents, decreased workers’ compensation claims and lawsuits and fewer accident-related expenses (Gomez-Mejia, 2010). Many Human Resources experts and managers have implemented human resources strategies to comply with federal regulations to supervise efficiently...
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...March 11, 2014 Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Introduction Law and regulations are in place to systematize and encourage workplace safety. According to the bureau of labor statistics, between 2010 and 2013 here in Texas there average of workplace injuries was 433 each year and between the years of 2008 to 2011, an average of 564 work – related homicides ("Fact Sheet, workplace shootings and injuries," 2013, para. 2). As employees we have a right to a safe workplace according to the OSH Act (Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970). “The OSH Act was passed to prevent workers from being killed or seriously harmed at work. The Act created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards ("You have the right to a safe workplace," 2013, para. 1) This paper reviews the effects of legal, safety and regulatory requirements. Deciphering what is the standards for common sense and compassion and has it been replaced with litigation in the workplace. What are the employee-related regulations in the workplace? Legal, safety, and regulatory Workers are entitled to a workplace that is not subject to risk and harm. Human resources managers follow the important standards of OSHA, limit the amount of hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Require the use of specific job-related safety practices and equipment. Educate employees on the information about hazards chemicals, standards for prevent of...
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...Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Paper HCS – 341 Human Resources in Healthcare Instructor John Hulsebus, MBA, SPHR We define compassion as an empathetic emotional response to another person’s pain or suffering that moves people to act in a way that will either ease the person’s condition or make it more bearable (Lilius, 2003). The legal, safety, and regulatory impact on the human resource department greatly vary by which type of business and which type of employees. The rights of both employer and employee are covered by several different entities such as the National Labor Relations Board, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These have been set in place by the United States so as to protect both employer and employee from unfair acts on either’s part. In the few following paragraphs the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resource process, an insight into the statement “Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation”, and a brief look at the impact of the Department of Labor, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The American’s Disability Act of 1990 on the human resource processes. The individuals within the human resource department must be well versed in all the laws and regulations as set by the United States as they are expected to abide by these laws and rules. Once the potential employee has signed an employment contract...
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...Human Resource Management Human resource management deals with programs that help manage the employees that work in a company or organization. Human resource management might be known by different names depending on the employer. For example it is not uncommon for human resource management to be called the personnel department, employee development, or industrial relations (Ivancevich, 2010). However, the name does not matter as much as the many functions that human resource managment performs, which makes this department strategically important for any company or organization. Many employees may think that human resources is simply there for record keeping and filing, but they are responsible for several major functions that include: Equal Employment Opportunity enforcement, human resources planning, human resources development, compensation and benefits, safety and health, and employee and labor relations. One of the first major functions of human resource management is to ensure that all current and potential employees are treated fairly according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws. One of the areas that fall within the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws is Affirmative action. Affirmative action is the actions appropriate to overcome the effects of past or present practices, policies, or other barriers to equal employment opportunity (Ivancevich, 2010). This area of the human resources management function is very important because it ensures...
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