...External/Internal Factors Paper MGT/330 Introduction According to Bateman & Snell (2007) management is the, “Process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. Good managers do those things both effectively and efficiently. To be effective is to achieve organizational goals. To be efficient is to achieve goals with minimal waste of resources, that is, to make the best possible use of money, time, materials, and people”. Throughout this paper Team D will be discussing several learned concepts taken from our course textbook titled Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World written by Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A, (2007); including defining/ relating the four functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) to our selected organizations (Habitat for Humanity) and finally how internal and external factors affect the four function of the Habitat for Humanity organization. Internal and External Factors In any business management is responsible for making sure that the business is successful and that the jobs are being done effectively and efficiently. Management ensures that this happens by using the four functions of management. These four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling The most important of the functions is planning. Planning gives us an idea of what can actually be done with the resources that are available. In order to successfully finishing...
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...Not only that but they could replace humans in the future to do certain tasks specially those involving dangerous mission and could kill a human being. Therefore, this report will introduce a small part of the robotics world by introducing a short history about robotics technology. Then will move to show why robots are important to us. Afterward, different types of sensors will be introduced including their principles. Furthermore will show how sensors should be interfaced with the development boards (8051 based as well as AEM) that have been recently purchased by the computer department in the university. Besides these of course, the microcontrollers, which have been mentioned earlier, will be fully documented and tested. Likewise, to understand how these sensors works, a test program will be written and will be fully documented for inclusion of the final report. Abstract 2 Introduction 4 References 8 Figures 9 Introduction Robot for many people is simply a machine that does certain job and that’s it. Unfortunately, it is not! Robots currently go beyond these very simple tasks and imaginations. Nowadays a single robot can replace a huge number of people in different fields. Nevertheless, in the future it is expected to be capable of acting as human being from the way of thinking and making its own decisions. However, to identify what is a robot, too many definitions where formed. One of these is “A robot is a reprogrammable, multi-functional manipulator designed...
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...English Topic: Natural disasters Chosen disaster: Haiti earthquake 2010 Task: Inform you peers how environments can influence the lives of its inhabitants and cause conflict. Outcome: Oral presentation Assessed on: * Criterion B: Organizing * Criterion C: Style and language * Criterion D: Using language Done by: Bana Taher Year: MYP Y3 “8C” Teacher: Mrs. Sara Refai Done by: Bana Taher Year: MYP Y3 “8C” Teacher: Mrs. Sara Refai Contents Content | Page number | Cover page | Page 1 | Content page | Page 2 | Task specific rubric: Criterion B | Page 3 | Task specific rubric: Criterion C | Page 4 | Task specific rubric: Criterion D | Page 5 | Presentation Note cards | Page 6-7 | Power Point Presentation-Slideshow | Page 8-14 | Teachers assess sheet | Page 15 | Task specific Rubric Criterion B: Organization Achievement Level | Level descriptors | Task specific clarification | 7-8 | * Consistently employs effective organizational structures that serve the context and intention. * Effective organizes opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical manner. * Often uses language-specific conventions to show the reason for the order of idea. * Consistently acknowledges sources according to a recognized convention. * Consistently uses a presentation style that serves the context and intention | * Beginning and end are clear and purposeful, middle is always appropriate. * Effective use of transition...
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...DANA CHATMAN Student #21838383 Submitted for SSC130BB: Essentials Psychology August 25, 2013 Research project #05020500 Introduction: I have chosen to discuss about in this paper is the impact of different learning style with” multiple intelligences”. In the article, "The Foundations of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences", by Thomas Armstrong, he explains the creation of multiple intelligence theory. The first intelligence test (or IQ) was established by (Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, in relevance for failing students to succeed in college. After eighty years had passed another psychologist, Howard Gardner, begin to debate the thoughts and perceptions of Alfred Binet and redefine the intelligence test into seven specific areas of life. Linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal were the seven main views of the IQ test that test the level of understanding for each person. In addition to this, all of these seven areas were not meant for everybody to excel in or to understand. Intelligences were sometimes used together to complete one task such as washing clothes. First you have to a visual amount of clothes that can fit into the washer and use a certain amount of muscle to lift the clothes and also measure out the exact amount of liquid needed to clean all of the clothes. In one way or another, everybody has the seven intelligences but may have their own levels on how to use them. School can be related...
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...A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's more ambitious and fantastical plays. With over-arching plotlines, many interesting characters, magic, and odd creatures, Shakespeare really put a lot of imagination and hard work into ensuring A Midsummer Night's Dream could work as a play. The play has a few different themes going on at once, including but not necessarily limited to the idiocy of humanity and fiction versus reality. Scene III.1 embodies the two themes of the play, while also allowing Shakespeare the avenue to represent the arduous task of play-writing, while mocking those who feel they can make easy money doing something he excels at. The scene is quite important as it begins the introduction of the laborers/actors, who are effectively the idiots of the play, but also the idiots of humanity, who try to essentially fail at presenting a well thought out and...
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...Name Professor Course Number Date How Do You Think Humans Interact With the Environment? Introduction The term environment has different definitions depending on the context and the people involved. Culture and technological advancements of a people are some of the criteria used to define the term environment. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the environment as the “complex physical, chemical, and biotic factors that act upon and organism and ultimately determine its survival.” An important point to note from this definition is that, in this particular case, the human being is the organism whose survival is dependent on the environment. Among all living organisms on earth, none has influenced the environment as humans. In their daily activities, people build houses, roads, cities, dams, and carry out various other activities in order to make life more comfortable. Consequently, human beings adapt, depend on, and modify the environment in order to make life more comfortable. This has resulted in consequences such as climate change that have only recently been appreciated by the global community. It is an irrefutable fact that human beings cannot survive without the environment. Therefore, the topic of how humans are interacting with the environment is becoming an increasingly debated topic. This paper seeks to discuss how humans interact with the environment and the impacts that have resulted from these interactions. Finally, a solution to the challenge brought about...
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...Year Nine English AEP Frankenstein/Science Fiction Essay (Reading and Writing Task) Topic: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is the Science Fiction text that allowed all other examples of the sub-genre to follow. Discuss this proposition with specific reference to the Drama Script and Film versions of the novel, along with any other relevant Science Fiction texts you have read or viewed. * Your essay should especially consider Shelley’s context and that of other writers you refer to, as well as your own context as a reader. * You should make specific reference to the texts you are discussing via both direct (quotations) and indirect (explanations) evidence. * Be sure to plan your response so that each paragraph has its own unified idea. A sample paragraph structure might look like the following: 1. Introduction – Thesis: e.g.: “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is the first text which uses scientific experimentation as the basis of its plot. In doing this, it paved the way for all Science Fiction which followed…” 2. Body P1 – Author context + sub-genre features – what changes have occurred over time as a result of context? Consider Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, Ray Bradbury 3. Body P2 – Discussion of Frankenstein 4. Body P3 – Discussion of other text e.g.: War of the Worlds (make some reference to Frankenstein as well) 5. Body P4 - Discussion of other text e.g.: There Will Come Soft Rains (make some reference to Frankenstein as well) ...
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...Name Course Tutor Date Ancient Greek Heroes vs. Modern Heroes Introduction The word hero brings to mind different things to different people, since people tend to have different concepts of heroism. This is particularly the case with regard to the concept of heroes in ancient and modern societies. As times have changed, the definition of heroes has also changed, in keeping with the changes in the modern society. However, ancient and modern heroes do share some similarities, which act as the basis of heroism regardless of one’s perspective. In view of this, a hero can be described as a courageous person, who deliberately sets out to conquer obstacles for the benefit others or one who performs extra ordinary feats. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast ancient Greek heroes with modern heroes, for the purpose of understanding both concepts of heroism. Differences There a few differences between modern and ancient Greek heroes, one of them being the religious background of the ancient Greek heroes. In Greek mythology, heroes were usually religious figures, specifically demigods. They were usually born from liaisons between mortal and immortal parents. These heroes were favored by the gods, hence were able to accomplish supernatural tasks, which were beyond the abilities of normal men. Hercules’ mother for instance was a mortal, while his father Zeus was a Greek god, who disguised himself as her husband. As a result, Hercules was a demigod, and was able to accomplish...
Words: 1860 - Pages: 8
...| The Importance Of Leadership | Theory & Concepts | | The definition of leadership and a look into the classical leadership theories and concepts. | | Toni James | 10/29/2012 | | Contents Introduction p.2 Defining Leadership p.2, 3 Introducing Theory and Concepts p.3 Traits Theory p.3, 4 Behaviour Theories p.5, 6 Contingency theory p.5 Transactional and Transformational Theory p.5, 6 Conclusion p.6, 7 Reference List p.8, 9 Bibliography p.9 Appendix 1 p.10 Introduction The following report will focus on defining leadership, research and comparison into leadership theories and concepts. It will look at appropriate leadership concepts that can be applied to Paragon Software in order to help grow market share. Defining Leadership Leadership is viewed in a number of different ways and there are many interpretations of its meaning. Leadership may be exercised as an attribute of position, or because of personal knowledge or wisdom. Leadership may be based on a function of personality, or it can be seen as a behavioural category. It may also be viewed in terms of a leader’s ability to achieve effective performance from others. (Mullins, 2009) Stogdill (1974, p.259) concluded that there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept. (Stogdill, 1974) There lie two fundamental difficulties in defining leadership. Firstly, leadership is open to subjective interpretation...
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...Religion and Hip Hop Culture Religious Studies 157/311 Fall 2013 Tuesday & Thursday 10:50am-12:05pm Location: Duncan Lecture Hall 1055 * Important: Pay attention to the requirements listed for each of the course levels. The requirements for 311 level students are in italics (this includes extra readings). Also, NO Photos are to be taken. Cameras and cell phones must be stowed away during class. Instructors: Anthony B. Pinn Bernard “Bun B” Freeman Email: pinn@rice.edu Email: Bernard.j.freeman@rice.edu Office: Humanities 234 Office Phone: 713.348.2710 Office Hours: By Appointment Course Outreach Advisor: Anzel Jennings Teaching Assistants: Office: Humanities 215 or Pavilion (ask your TA for the location) 157 Level: * Jessica Davenport, jbd3@rice.edu, Office hours: Fridays, 9:00am-12:00pm * David Kline, david.a.kline@rice.edu, Office hours: Wednesdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm * Cleve Tinsley, cvt1@rice.edu, Office hours: Fridays, 9:00am-12:00pm * Aundrea Matthews, alm2@rice.edu, Office hours: Wednesdays, 10:30am-1:30pm 311 Level: * Jonathan Chism, chism@rice.edu, Office hours: Thursdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm * Darrius Hills, darrius.d.hills@rice.edu, Office Hours: Tuesdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm * Jason Jeffries, joj1@rice.edu, Office Hours: Wednesdays, 9:00pm-12:00pm Course Description: Understanding religion as the “Quest for Complex Subjectivity” or more simply the effort to make life meaningful in complex...
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...Elderly Care Methods in the United States and China ANT101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Beverly Musso Professor: Dr. Marjorie Estivill June 26th, 2014 Elderly care, is something that has some role in every culture around the globe in one way or another, even if that way is neglecting the elderly and letting them fend for themselves, either way it is a part of humanity as a whole. Different cultures have different ways to approach this topic. I believe in the United States, and China, we are taught to respect and take care of our elders. While both countries believe in cherishing and taking care of their elders, their methods are different, because they have different ways of caring to them, have different statuses in each country, and have overall different beliefs around this topic. Each culture has their way of handling this topic, and I believe there is no correct answer to this, but exploring the different ways that cultures take on this task is important. To begin with, both the United States, and China agree that elders are important to society, and have wisdom that can only be gained through age. However, each of these countries have different ways of caring to their elders. For example china has the one child policy, which leaves a gap with much more older people then young to care for them. It is not uncommon for a Chinese household to have four grandparent’s two parents and one child. This phenomenon is known as “4-2-1”. Contrasting to the United...
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...Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology University of Phoenix Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology Culture plays an important part in one’s life as it relates to the field of psychology. Culture enables one to define him or herself and differ from one to another, and helps one survive. Culture facilitates self-expression, through language, appearance, and behavior. Culture exists everywhere and is a product of one’s environment. The significance of culture and its influence by oneself and others will be explained in this paper. In addition, the role of critical thinking in cross-cultural psychology and the scientific method involved with cross-cultural research will be addressed, and defined. Definition of Cultural and Cross-Cultural Psychology Culture is learned, passed down, from generation to generation and strongly influences individual behavior. It is an existing element in one’s environment, shaped by oneself and many others. Culture either shapes or influences one and is what makes one human. Psychology is the study of human behavior and performance; therefore, it is vital that the cultural and cross-cultural aspects are considered in determining the cause of one’s actions. Behavior is affected by sources both biological and environmental in nature but these do not entirely explain human behavior. There must be an acknowledgement of the social-cultural...
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...One of the most major writing forms in psychology is the experimental report, consisting of a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and references section. Another form of popular writing in psychology is through trade publications, this writing is still characterized by conciseness and clarity in language however, it lacks the elements which make up a lab report. For the purposes of this paper, the scientific journal article written by Pfeifer et al titled “The Culture Of Mentoring: Ethnocultural Empathy And Ethnic Identity In Mentoring For Minority Girls” from the Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology journal and an APA website featured article by Greer titled “New Mentoring-Intensive Program Fosters Minority-Focused Research” will be the objects of an analysis into...
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...CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.0 Introduction A review of related literature reveals considerable research on economic education as it is presently undertaken, as well as research on the characteristics of today’s instructors and students, all with implications for changes for the future of the discipline. 2.1 Economic Literacy One of the goals of economic education is fostering economic literacy among students, therefore, it is important to define economic literacy and relate this goal back to instructor’s style of teaching economics as well as what economic literacy means. One definition of economic literacy is the ability to go beyond classroom learning and to use economic concepts in one’s own life, even years after being in the classroom ( Salemi, 2005). 2.2 Economic Education Economics education involves the use of appropriate teaching methodology in the understanding of economics as a concept and facilitates the in-depth residual knowledge of the learners in order for them to contribute meaningfully to the growth and development of the society. Economics education involves imparting knowledge effectively by making use of learners centered approaches to promote learner self confidence in tackling economic problems (NOU,2012). 2.3 Present State of Economic Education There has been a great deal of research on economic education. Much of the research has focused on the effectiveness of economics courses, which in turn has...
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...The Trinity and The Church Dirk Weber DeVry University The Trinity and The Church In Christianity no discussion of ecclesiology should begin without addressing the nature of the One who gives the church meaning and purpose. It is the Triune God that brings the church; unity of substance, differentiated in personhood that is understood in perichoretic co-activity. The universal church received God’s full self-revelation in the person and work of Jesus Christ, and God’s Holy Spirit communicates that revelation to us even today. To what purpose? It is in the universal Christian church that God creates a matrix of categorical understanding in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. Within that Christian context, the universal church becomes the “Body of Christ” where all people from various Christian movements and denominations come together with the purpose of building a society based on relationship instead of wealth, power and glory. Why did God endure history, transform history, in the first place? The answer goes to the very heart of the Trinitarian relationship; a relationship humanity struggles to explain fully even two millennia after God’s full self-revelation, but humanity begins to understand when the community of faith reflects upon the whole scriptural witness. The passage in the Christian text that most effectively summarizes the relationship between the persons of the Trinity is found in 1 John 4:8, “God is love” (1 Jn. 4:8, New International Version). Love...
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