...Our first one hundred years in the United States of America should definitely be celebrated. These first one hundred years are concentrated with the blood of the soldiers who fought for our country, the sweat of slaves who created the agricultural foundation of our economy, and the thoughts of our leaders throughout the ages. I say the first one hundred years should be celebrated because after these one hundred years, we established a powerful united country that takes account of justice and morality, and is booming economically. Within our first important years, many important moments happened that changed our country forever. For example, in the first one hundred years was the Constitutional Convention. Before the Constitutional Convention,...
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...Gabriel Garcia Marquez In my essay I want to talk about Gabriel Garcia Marquez two famous works “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Love in the Time of Cholera”. Gabriel García Márquez was born in 1928, in the small town of Aracataca, Colombia. He started his career as a journalist. When One Hundred Years of Solitude was published in his native Spanish in 1967, as Cien años de soledad, García Márquez achieved true international fame; he went on to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. One Hundred Years of Solitude is perhaps the most important, and the most widely read, text to emerge from that period. It is also a central and pioneering work in the movement that has become known as magical realism, which was characterized by the dreamlike and fantastic elements woven into the fabric of its fiction. Even as it draws from García Márquez’s provincial experiences, One Hundred Years of Solitude also reflects political ideas that apply to Latin America as a whole. Latin America once had a thriving population of native Aztecs and Incas (of the many complex civilizations to arise in the ancient Americas, the Aztecs, the last ancient Mexican civilization, known for their huge city-on-a-lake of Tenochtitlan and for the practice of mass human sacrifice; and the Incas of Peru, whose rigid state structure and many golden treasures so amazed the Spanish invaders.) but, slowly, as European explorers arrived, the native population had to adjust to the technology and capitalism...
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...chaotic political situation partly influenced Garcia Marquez’s writings. As a Colombian who was born during such turbulent times, Garcia Marquez witnessed and experienced various historical events. The history of Colombia and his personal experiences played a huge part in inspiring Garcia Marquez’s writing. Here comes the question, why would Garcia Marquez write about politics through Magical Realism? What is his intention? Since Garcia Marquez’s childhood, Colombia’s political situation had been unstable and chaotic. For many years, dictatorship, imperialism and feudalism, had restricted people from revealing the genuine side of Colombia. In an interview with Paris Review, Garcia Marquez disclosed his feelings when he decided to write One Hundred Years of Solitude. “I decided that writing about the village and my childhood was really...
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... and to a screen writer. Gabo has the Novel Prize for Literature and is considered on of the greatest. His main works and the best that he is known for our his novels One Hundred Years of Solitude , and Love in the Time of Cholera. Although every author seems to have a certain style of writing that they constantly use, Gabriel was one who tried to change his style in every writing. One could say, that’s a reason why this author is so significant. Behind every writers work , there is something that leads them to writing it . One does not simply write because they want to , rather than they have a reason to. For Gabriel Marquez, what made up some of his famous works, the unusual background of his family, and the story of his parents love. As Marquez wrote, “I feel that all my were based on the history of Columbia, his stories from his grandfather, fiction tales from his grandmother writing has been about the experiences of the time I spent with my grandparents”, we are able to see this throughout his works. Having a grandfather who a Liberal veteran who fought in the War of a Thousand Days, Gabriel was told many stories of his grandfather’s experiences. From the experiences and values that Marquez was taught, he put them into his works. One Hundred Years of Solitude, being his absolute best novel, and the one that led him to fame, was an influence based on the element of his Grandmother. She would tell him of all his superstitions, and as he stated the way she spoke about them...
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...Chinea Lowe Professor Okocha English 1010 20 June 2014 One Hundred Nine Feet Six Inches I was the first throw in the final flight for the discus throw at the District meet in Perry. My arms were strong but my hands were shaking and I felt this insatiable urge to crack my knuckles every few minutes. “Lowe up!” The official called my name, as finals were about to begin. I was walking into the finals in 5th place and only the top four qualify for Regionals. I was nervous and all I could keep telling myself to do was relax, keep your arm up, and stop thinking. I entered the circle from the back and moved into my throwing position. I took at least ten quick breaths before my heartbeat calmed down. Then, with three quick but deliberate steps, I launched my discus. I turned around and faced the back of the circle as soon as the disc left my hand, as I did not want to see where it landed. I hadn’t seen my throw but I felt it went far. After the official yelled, “Mark!” I exited through the back of the circle and waited for him to call out the distance. “One hundred nine feet, six inches!” At that moment my heart stopped beating. I was sure I had heard him wrong. The number could not have been right. With that distance, I knocked the leading throw down to 2nd place by two feet. I was going to win the District. The discus throw has always been easy for me. Throughout my entire track career, I’ve always excelled in the event. I’ve come home with countless ribbons and medals and...
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...America is truly a “melting pot.” coming from Toronto, although not United States land, they are very similar, and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, I experience this blending of cultures everyday. And having attended a nearly all white school when I was younger, I vastly prefer high school which was a mix of latinos,whites and blacks, where students come from all backgrounds. Some Americans may not be aware of it, but the integration of cultures in America has changed popular culture, music, and daily life for the better. Each culture adds different values and a different perspective to form the entirety that is American life. On the weekends, my neighbors sometimes decide to serenade the entire block by turning up their traditional Spanish music. I don’t mind, however I am Columbian,but the message that the music delivers is universal. The soulful blend of vocals and acoustic guitar speaks of heartache, while the fiery trumpets and trombones speak of passion. No other music delivers so direct and powerful a message about love than Hispanic music, a music which has influenced modern hip-hop. Every afternoon, I hear on the streets the lively, hip-hop beat of “Reggaeton,” a music that blends Jamaican and Latino influences. But the influence of different cultures is hardly restricted to music. Not only have contemporary movies began incorporate elements from diverse cultures, foreign films have also become more popular in America. These films broaden our understanding of the...
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...century, not one of them was able to achieve first world status over the next one hundred years. Why was this so? Concentrate on one country in your analysis. Latin America is the vast continent with three distinctive regions of Central America, South America and the Caribbean coast, and is composed of 33 republic countries varying in terms of population size from over 19 million Brazilians to 11 thousand citizens of Grenada. The ethnic make-up of modern Latin America comprises a variety of racial and ethnic groups such as Europe, Africa, Asia and American-Indians, all of whose root is based in 4 different continents. The notable physical geography is the range of Andes Mountains that are long narrow backbone of the continent from Venezuela through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and on into Chile, and cut off the east coastline and the west inland areas. The other features are the Amazon and rivers, huge tropical rain forest, and lastly, an abundance of natural resources as well as vast hectares of farmland. These geography features are an important factor that hampered economic growth due to difficulties in public transit and transportation between regions, hindrance of social and political unity, and therefore, unable to achieve a formation of large unitary state, like North America, that led to separation into large and small 30 countries. To comprehend Latin America’s struggle to achieve the first world status following their political independence, one must have a look...
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...such as 495,784, have six digits. Each digit is a different place value. The first digit is called the hundred thousands' place. It tells you how many sets of one hundred thousand are in the number. The number 495,784 has four hundred thousands. The second digit is the ten thousands' place. In this number there are nine ten thousands in addition to the four hundred thousands. The third digit is the one thousands' place which is five in this example. Therefore there are four sets of one hundred thousand, nine sets of ten thousand, and five sets of one thousand in the number 495,784. The fourth digit is called the hundreds' place. It tells how many sets of one hundred are in the number. The number 495,784 has seven hundreds in addition to the thousands. The next digit is the tens' place. This number has are eight tens in addition to the four hundred thousands, nine ten thousands, five thousands and seven hundreds. The last or right digit is the ones' place which is four in this example. Therefore there are four sets of one hundred thousand, nine sets of ten thousand, five sets of one thousand, seven sets of one hundred, eight sets of ten, and four ones in the number 495,784 A. Place Value Extended Forms There are 4 sets of one hundred thousand, 9 sets of ten thousand, 5 sets of one thousand, 7 sets of one hundred, 8 sets of ten, and 6 ones in the number 495,786. Expanded form shows the number expanded into an addition statement. The expanded form...
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...Billions |Hundred millions |Ten millions |Millions |Hundred thousands |Ten thousands |Thousands |Hundreds |Tens |ones | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | We should compare numbers by starting . Billions |Hundred millions |Ten millions |Millions |Hundred thousands |Ten thousands |Thousands |Hundreds |Tens |ones | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Comparing and Explaining Examples 2) ___________ ____ _____________ because of the place Billions |Hundred millions |Ten millions |Millions |Hundred thousands |Ten thousands |Thousands |Hundreds |Tens |ones | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3) ___________ __ _____________ because of the place Billions |Hundred millions |Ten millions |Millions |Hundred thousands |Ten thousands |Thousands |Hundreds |Tens |ones | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4) 200,324 98,133 because of the place Billions |Hundred millions |Ten millions |Millions |Hundred thousands |Ten thousands |Thousands |Hundreds |Tens |ones | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5) 44,454 43,999 because of the place Billions |Hundred millions...
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...jurisdiction in civil and juvenile cases. The Supreme court has one court and nine justices. On the other hand, the Court of criminal appeals has one court and nine justices as well and has a final appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases. The Texas state intermediate appellate courts involve the Courts of Appeals having fourteen courts and eighty justices. Courts of appeals have local jurisdiction and intermediate appeals from trial courts in their respective courts of appeals districts. The state's trial courts of general and special jurisdiction are District Courts; having four hundred and sixty-four courts and four hundred and sixty-four judges. District courts appeals of death sentences. The original jurisdiction in civil actions are over two hundred dollars, title to land, consented elections, and divorces. Juvenile matters, and so does the original jurisdiction in felony criminal matters. Thirteen district courts are chosen criminal district courts, and others are designated to give preference to certain specialized locations. Three hundred and sixty-six districts...
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...งานวิจัยในชั้นเรียน เรื่อง การส่งเสริมทักษะการเขียน ตัวเลขเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ ผู้วิจัย ครูพิชชา สกนธวัฒน์ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ ภาษาต่างประเทศ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 4-5 ภาคเรียนที่ 1 ปีการศึกษา 2546 งานวิจัยในชั้นเรียน เรื่อง การส่งเสริมทักษะการเขียน ตัวเลขเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ ผู้วิจัย ครูพิชชา สกนธวัฒน์ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ ภาษาต่างประเทศ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 4-5 ภาคเรียนที่ 1 ปีการศึกษา 2546 ได้รับความเห็นชอบจาก ……………………………………………….ประธาน (ภราดาจักรกรี อินธิเสน) …………………………………………………………อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา (ม.สำเนา ศรีประมงค์) ประกาศคุณูปการ การศึกษางานวิจัยในครั้งนี้ สำเร็จได้ด้วยความกรุณาจาก ม.สำเนา ศรีประมงค์ อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาที่ได้ให้คำแนะนำ สอบถามความคืบหน้าของการทำงาน รวมทั้งให้คำแนะนำ คำปรึกษาตลอดจนการตรวจแก้ไขข้อบกพร่องต่าง ๆ เป็นอย่างดี จนการศึกษาวิจัยในครั้งนี้เสร็จสมบูรณ์ ผู้จัดทำขอขอบคุณอย่างสูงไว้ ณ ที่นี้ ขอขอบพระคุณท่านภราดาพิสูตร วาปีโส ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนอัสสัมชัญระยอง ท่านภราดาจักรกรี อินธิเสน รองผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนอัสสัมชัญระยอง ครูมาริสา สิงหพันธุ์ หัวหน้าฝ่ายวิชาการ และคุณครูตึกอัสสัมชัญทุกท่าน ที่กรุณาให้ความอนุเคราะห์ ให้คำแนะนำ ให้คำชี้แนะและอำนวยความสะดวกในการศึกษาวิจัยในครั้งนี้เป็นอย่างดี และขอขอบใจนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 4 และ ประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5 ของโรงเรียนอัสสัมชัญระยองทุกคนที่ให้ความร่วมมือเป็นอย่างดีในการวิจัย จนกระทั่งการศึกษาวิจัยในครั้งนี้สำเร็จไปได้ด้วยดี ...
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...What is the total economic cost of the Turnip Tom's Inc. organic farm; to calculate the cost one must first find the totals of both the explicit and implicit cost and subtracting them from company's revenues (Thomas & Maurice, 2010)? First, what is the explicit cost? The cost of products sold is twelve-five-hundred added to selling expenses at five-thousands-five equals eighteen-thousands. Administrative expenses added to expenses of product sold and selling expenses, that is an additional five-thousands-two-hundred-dollars comes to a total of twenty-three-thousand-two-hundred dollars (Thomas & Maurice, 2010). Secondly, the implicit cost is added up. Interest expense of nine-thousand-five-hundred-dollars plus legal expenses of one-thousand-two-hundred-dollars, as well as adding income taxes of twenty-two-thousand-dollars for a total of...
Words: 327 - Pages: 2
...In treating on the subject of the profits of capital, it is necessary to consider the princples which regulate the rise and fall of rent; as rent and profits, it will be seen, have a very intimate connexion with each other. The principles which regulate rent are briefly stated in the following pages, and differ in a very slight degree from those which have been so fully and so ably developed by Mr Malthus in his late excellent publication, to which I am very much indebted. The consideration of those principles, together with those which regulate the profit of stock, have convinced me of the policy of leaving the importation of corn unrestricted by law. From the general principle set forth in al Mr Malthus's publications, I am persuaded that he holds the same opinion as far as profit and wealth are concerned with the question; -- but, viewing, as he does, the danger as formidable of depending on foreign supply for a large portion of our food, he considers it wise, on the whole, to restrict importation. Not participating with him in those fears, and perhaps estimating the advantages of a cheap price of corn at a higher value, I have come to a different conclusion. Some of the objections urged in his last publication, -- "Grounds of an Opinion," &c. I have endeavoured to answer; they appear to me unconnected with the political danger he apprehends, and to be inconsistent with the general doctrines of the advantages of a free trade, which he has...
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...Hic I must write two hundred and fifty words, so two hundred and fifty words I shall write. Like same I am.. I must write two hundred and fifty words, so two hundred and fifty words I shall write. Like same I am. I must write two hundred and fifty words, so two hundred and fifty words I shall write. Like same I am. But what would it if I did not have quite exactly two hundred and fifty words, would that be bad, or would that be sad? Could that be all good, down in the hood? But what would it if I did not have quite exactly two hundred and fifty words, would that be bad, or would that be sad? Could that be all good, down in the hood? But what would it if I did not have quite exactly two hundred and fifty words, would that be bad, or would that be sad? Could that be all good, down in the hood? Who is to say what will be good or bad or sad, or new, or old, or fun, or stale. We shall try, try to appease the word counter of two hundred and fifty, and maybe one day, maybe one day at last, our souls shall be set free form that number crunching daemon himself. Until then my due diligent non word counting friends, party on, garths world, totally, my home fry of hash browns, the up to my down, the in to my out....
Words: 252 - Pages: 2
...Comparison While analyzing the data in the FBI Uniform Crime Report data I selected two different metropolitan areas that meant something to me. One of the metropolitan areas I chose was because I was born and raised there. Although I do not live there, it means a great deal to me, that is the reason I chose Los Angeles, CA. Although I love Los Angeles I also experienced crime there including aggravated assault and armed robbery and although unpleasant and scar these are realities people have to live day to day in these cities. The other I chose for this paper was Atlanta, GA although I do not live there it is close by and it is a part of my new surroundings and frequent it a lot. Aggravated Assault The crime I chose to use as a comparison is aggravated assault. The area that had the most reported incidents was the metropolitan are of Los Angeles. Los Angeles metropolitan are had a reported seven thousand six hundred and twenty-four. The metropolitan area of Atlanta only had two thousand nine hundred and sixty-five. These numbers mentioned before were a whole total. The statistics per a hundred thousand inhabitants is significantly different. In the metropolitan area of Los Angeles, CA per one hundred thousand inhabitants there was a total of one hundred eighty-nine and in the area of Atlanta there was a total of two hundred and five. The amount of inhabitants plays a huge role on the percentage Although not sure if it is a great thing, it is definitely good to see that...
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