Humor Outline
I. Story about the comedian II. This situation works because the comedian used humor to covey his message. III. It’s easy to recognize universal concepts that everybody recognizes it and uses it. And yet it’s specific to that person. IV. I research V. I would like to share with you what humor is exactly and how it’s it comes about.
I. So what exactly is humor? a. Humor, according to the Encarta is the ability to see things as funny. Insert entire definition here. 1. Laughter is the typical response to something that is humorous however it would be inaccurate to define humor solely as something that provokes laughter. i. For example, people laugh when they are embarrassed, nerveless or sometimes out of fear. ii. Something can be seen as humorous even if no one laughs. iii. People laugh at things that aren’t humorous at all like laugh tracks in the background of sitcom or in the case of malicious glee. 2. The way to define it is according to Merriam Webster definition be said that humor is the quality which appeals to the sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous.
b. Humor is an intrinsically social phenomena we know that because changes based on the culture and individual. 1. For example culture will dictate what is and isn't humorous, when humor is appropriate, what types of humor appropriate in a given social setting. There are some things that translate between cultures very well and some things that fail. i. giselinde kuipers, states in her article the socilolgy of humor thatthe most common hu-morous script worldwide is stupidity, but there are also transnational corporaof jokes about such themes as dirtiness, stinginess, cowardliness, or eatinghabits. ii. For example American comedies typically don’t do well international theaters because American comedy uses heaps of cultural references that are hard to convey. However movies like the Hangover do extremely well because its situation universally understood.
2. Humor is also highly individualistic and differs greatly base on the individual sense of humor. The sense of humor is described as an individual's capacity appreciating something is funny. A person's sense of humor isn't static it changes depending on the individual mood, situation and change over time.
II. Humor can be categorized and sub categorize many different types of humor, verbal humor, visual humor, slapstick humor etc. and what is often the case is that they can get mixed together in many different forms fashion but way we generate humor is actually is simple. It’s based on incongruity. a. Kim Jensen of the Association of American universities explains in her article, “Humor”, the way we generate humor can falls under the umbrella of three main theories or categories of humor the incongruity theory, the superiority theory, and psychic release theory.
1. The incongruity theory states that humor is generated when there is a conflict between what we expect to occur in what actually occurs. ii. Julia Wilkins and Amy Eisenbruan in their article “Humor Theories and the Physiological Benefits of Laughter” point out the the incongruity theory point out that “emphasizes cognition; individuals must have rationally come to understand typical patterns of reality before they can notice differences. A humorous situation must involve the perceiver simultaneously having in mind one view of the situation that seems normal and another view of the situation in which there is a violation of the natural order” Cut this quote down i. Verbal humor falls neatly under this category this exactly how jokes are structured. 2. There is the superiority theory which states that humor is generated at the cost of others that their indignity makes you feel superior. i. Superiority for humor pokes fun at people because of better perceived weaknesses, misfortunes or defects. According to Wilkins and Eisenbruan humor used in this manner maintains social order as laughter, rather than aggression, is invoked toward those whorefuse to comply with rules and through laughing together at others, it reinforces group unity.
3. The last category is the psychic release theory this theory says that humor is the method of releasing us from inner battle informant is generated when we have a sense of release from being overcome by negative emotions and pressures. Dark humor, and taboo topics the like generally fall into this category
I. In conclusion humor is an interesting concept that is a series of contradictions: II. Intuitive to identify but difficult to define, rules dictated by culture but highly individualistic and while the styles are numerous and complex but humor bases on universal rule of incongruity. III. Though it is all these things and more one thing can be certain as Mark Twain said “Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing.”
Works Cited
1. " "Humor." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. .
2. Jensen, Kim. “Humor” Almen Engelsk. 2009. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.