ALVERNO COLLEGE JoAnn McGrath School of Nursing Visionary learning for a lifetime of influence
N-460 Leadership for Change in Healthcare Philosophy of Nursing Introduction:
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) embodied the view that values “are beliefs or ideals to which an individual is committed and which are reflected in patterns of behavior. Professional values are the foundation for practice; they guide interactions with patients, colleagues, other professionals, and the public. Values provide the framework for commitment to patient welfare, fundamental to professional nursing practice” (AACN, 1998, p. 8). Through your previous coursework, you have explored various concepts, frameworks, and theories in previous courses; liberal studies and nursing courses. In this senior course, you will continue to explore these concepts by focusing on the course outcomes that involve integration of disciplinary frameworks to communicate effectively with individuals and aggregates in diverse settings, apply ethical frameworks, principles, codes and professional standards of practice in clinical decision-making and professional conduct, and conduct a reflective self-assessment to demonstrate attitudes and behaviors of responsible membership in the profession and community. This exploration will continue throughout your senior year of study, which will affirm, alter and/or expand the philosophy you develop this semester.
You will succinctly articulate a personal philosophy of nursing, clearly reflective of the American Nurses Association’s Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements, Nursing: Scope & standards of practice and Nursing’s social policy statement, documents that are fundamental to every nurse’s practice. These documents MUST be used and cited in your philosophy of nursing paper.
1. 2. 3. Review your personal