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Submitted By rfaulk46
Words 422
Pages 2
Case Study


March 23, 2015

Case Study Hypertension
Hi my name is and I will be your nurse today. I see that you have been diagnosed with hypertension and I would like to help you understand your diagnosis. Your body is a delicate piece of machinery that works on what is called a negative feedback system. Your body has many checks and balances that keep everything within certain levels. To put this in terms that I think you might understand, when your body needs energy it sends signals that tell you to eat. That is why your stomach starts growling. If your body is low on fluids it sends signals to your brain telling you to drink something. Well the same process happens with blood pressure signals. They are sent from receptor’s that monitor in your body to your control center, which is your brain that make changes needed to keep things at normal levels or homeostatic. Your brain sends instruction to set in motion changes in your blood pressure by your receptors to take action to raise or lower your blood pressure. This is done by the messages telling the blood vessels to widen or narrow and your heart to speed up or slow down. To lower your blood pressure, the vessels get wide and the heart slows. The trouble is if your blood vessels are always going to be widened and your heart is always slowed stress is placed on them. It is like a garden hose that is always left on with the sprayer closed, eventual the hose becomes weak. The same thing happens to your blood vessels and your heart. Neither is good for your body. The blood vessels can get weakened and cause a stroke as if this isn’t bad enough now your body no longer has a mechanism to lower your blood pressure because it is already doing everything at its disposal to lower your blood pressure. So it very important for you to follow any medication, exercise or diet plan your Physician gave to you.

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