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Hypertrichosis Causes Excess Hair Growth

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Pages 4
Hypertrichosis is a genetic disorder which causes excess hair growth. In different cases of hypertrichosis the hair can only be in a specific part of the body. In other hypertrichosis cases the hair will grow all over the body. In this report I will state some of the cases that have been reported. The two main types of hypertrichosis is congenital and acquired. Congenital Hypertrichosis occurs during birth meaning the condition is there since birth. This condition occurs when the lanugo doesn’t fall off of the fetus during the eighth month of pregnancy. Lanugo is the layer of hair that forms in the fetus but normally falls off. Acquired Hypertrichosis occurs sometime after birth. This condition will cause either hair growth all over the body …show more content…
Since 1648 there has only been about 100 known people that have been reported to have hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis occurs because of an abnormality that shows up with the gene called SOX3. “The activation of SOX3 causes the excess hair growth.” (University of Southern California, 2011) The researchers studied males and females with the disorder. The males they studied had hair “covering their entire face including their eyelids and their upper body, while have patches of hair on their bodies.” (University of Southern California, 2011) Although, it did take the researchers along time to say that it was SOX3 they still weren’t 100 percent sure. SOX3 was just a very strong candidate. The researchers that found that out only studied congenital. That is because the researcher believes that the acquired hypertrichosis is caused by medication or hormonal problems. The people that have hypertrichosis know they have this condition because of the hair growth. The hair will grow excessively in places where hair normally doesn’t. For example; the hair will grow excessively on the face or back. That is not very common for a lot of hair to grow in those regions of the body. The main symptom of this disorder is the excess hair growth making you look “werewolf like.” (Werewolf Syndrome Decoded, …show more content…
The doctor will let the patient know of these side effects. There is no current treatment for hypertrichosis. One way to get rid of the hair is simply by shaving regularly, or other hair removal strategies. The other ways to get rid of the hair is hair removal creams, bleaching the hairs so they appear less noticeable, and laser hair removal. The most current news on hypertrichosis is a syndrome called Cantú syndrome. This syndrome is very rare but, yet still occurs. This is when the hair grows on the forehead and cheeks. The hair will also continue to grow on the rest of the body such as the back, arms and legs. When infants are born they will also have a heart defect. This syndrome is associated with hypertrichosis because of the excess hair growth that occurs with the syndrome. Yet, the syndrome will also include very rough facial features, and skeletal

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