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I Want To Become A Veterinarian

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What kid doesn’t like animals? Usually all kids like animals, but for me it was different, I hated the presence and sounds the animals made, but all that changed when I got bit by the neighbors frightened chihuahua, instead of me being traumatized of the attack I ended up being in love with them, I know it sounds weird but just seeing how frightened the chihuahua was even though it just bit me it made me realize that they're not that bad, and ever since then I decided that I was going to become a veterinarian. I had a bad experience, which made me want to become a vet, so I can treat injured animals and help the animals that have been abused, and show that animals need to be cared for, it's going to take some time to be able to be a vet, which is why I have made 3 goals for myself which the first one is finishing my basics at Tarrant County College (TCC) and being able to move to a 4 year university, the second one is passing all my classes and being able to graduate from a 4 year university and go into a vet school, and finally the third goal is me graduating from vet school and finally be able to become the veterinarian I always wanted to be, with this goal it will be easier for me able to plan my way till I become a vet.

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