...IDEALISM IN EDUCATION 01. INTRODUCTION Idealism is the oldest theory of philosophy. Its origin goes back to ancient India in the East and to Plato in the West. Generally, Idealists believe that ideas are the true reality. According to them, the human spirit is the most important element in life. Matter is not real. It attaches great significance to the study of man and his mind. It maintains that the material and physical universe is subordinate to a higher type of reality, a spiritual universe. CHIEF EXPONENTS OF IDEALISM (I) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) The Videc Rishis of India Plato – (427-347 B.C) Kant (1724- 1804 A.D) Hegal (1770-1831 A.D) Froebel (1772 – 1852 A.D) Swami Dyananda (1825 – 1883 A.D) R.N. Tagore (1861-1941 A.D) Aurobindo Ghosh (1872 – 1950 A.D) 02. MEANING OF IDEALISM The word „Idealism‟ signifies two terms: „Idea‟ and „ideal‟. In other words Idealism is born out of Plato‟s “Theory of Ideas”. According to this doctrine, the ultimate supremacy is of ideas. In this way, the real word is „ideaism‟, but adding the letter „I‟ for pronunciation facility it is known as idealism. 03. DEFINITION OF IDEALISM (i) (ii) Views of D.M. Dutta: “Idealism holds that ultimate reality is spiritual”. Views of J.S. Ross: “Mind or spirit is the essential world stuff that the true reality is of a mental character”. (iii) Harold B. Titus: “Idealism asserts that reality consists of ideas, thoughts, minds, or selves rather than material objects and force”. (iv) R.N. Tagore:...
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...Philosophy Idealism The study of philosophy idealism is an interesting subject that contains views from different philosophers. It begins with the thought that discusses the theory of mind over matter versus matter over mind. This train of thought also includes the theory of perception versus reality. Idealism came into existence through the study of metaphysics. Metaphysics is the study of existence within the mind. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were the most noted times of discussion about idealism (Moore & Bruder, 2011). Idealism argues against other philosophical theories including materialism, realism, rationalism, and skepticism. Idealism’s most common argument is versus the theory of materialism (Lennon, 2008). The argument between idealism and materialism focuses on the two thoughts of mind over matter or matter over mind. There were many philosophers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who presented their views regarding Idealism. David Hume, George Berkeley. Immanuel Kant and Georg Hegel were very influential philosophers during that time frame. The differences between the ideas of perception and reality were discussed frequently by these philosophers (Walker, 2010). The work of previous philosophers influenced future philosophers. The ideas of each philosopher helped in the advancement of the knowledge to attain what we know today about various topics of interest in the different fields derived from the basis of philosophy. Math...
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...THE MIND IN IDEALISM Philosophy of mind is widely considered a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness, and their relationship to the physical body, particularly the brain. The mind–body problem, i.e. the relationship of the mind to the body, is commonly seen as one key issue in philosophy of mind, although there are other issues concerning the nature of the mind that do not involve its relation to the physical body, such as how consciousness is possible and the nature of particular mental states. One of these issues that do not presume a relationship of a mind and body is the conception of mind in Idealism. Philosophically, idealism is the view that fundamental reality is the make-up of mind and ideas only. This essay will discuss at length what the mind generally means to the idealist especially in the classical sense as espoused by George Berkeley and then proceed to analyse the concept of mind or self in the radical transcendentalism of Joseph von Schelling and conclude with Edmund Husserl, a 20th century philosopher and reputed founder of Phenomenology Idealism is the form of monism that sees the world as consisting of minds, mental contents and or consciousness, according to Stoljar (2005). Idealists are not faced with explaining how minds arise from bodies: rather, the world, bodies and objects are regarded as mere appearances held by minds. According to Stoljar, accounting for the mind–body...
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...Idealists believe that we know objects through the way we perceive them, that they are mind-dependent. However, realists, who believe objects are mind-independent, proposed the missing explanation argument in order to disprove idealism. This theory supposes that everything is dependent on the mind; if this is true, then nothing in idealism can explain the regularities in our experiences. Although idealists and realists both provide good reasoning, neither argument by itself completely explains the perception of objects. We need to apply both views. Internalists have made many attempts to answer the consistencies of experiences. One of their answers is that in order to believe that something exists, we must first know it. Therefore, it becomes an internal object which is conditioned by consciousness, and since anything conditioned by consciousness is mind-dependent, the object can only exist if there is a mind-dependent internal object. While this proof seems logical, it is very complicated; in order to fully answer the question, some aspects of realism are required. Immanuel Kant seems to do this despite his rejection of realism. Although Kant is considered an idealist, he uses the senses to explain “noumena,” which defines external objects that are unconditioned by our thinking of them. He begins by making a distinction between these “things-in-themselves” and internal objects, but completely avoids elaborating on actual objects by stating that we can only access things that...
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...philosophical schools of thought that apply to education today. They are idealism, realism, pragmatism and existentialism. Two of these general philosophies, idealism and realism, are derived from the ancient Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. The other two are more contemporary, pragmatism and existentialism. However, this paper is much concerned about the views of both idealism and realism on education, curriculum, teacher, student and methodology, stating categorically three main points on each. To begin with, one long-standing philosophical idea that has exerted a powerful control on the mind of man throughout ages is Idealism. Idealism is the ontological and epistemological principle that ideas or thoughts make up elemental truth. Fundamentally, it is any philosophy which maintains that the only thing essentially foreseeable is consciousness while we by no means can be convinced that material or whatever thing in the outer world in actuality exists thus the only true things are intellectual entities not corporeal things which are present only in the good judgment that they are perceived. Idealism pervades all the creation and it is an underlying, unlimited and ultimate force which reigns supreme overall mind and matter. In education, the influence of Idealism has gone a long way to restrict some of the radical thinking and establish the worth of the eternal ideals and value of life. According to Idealism, man is the most beautiful creation of God. Self-realization involves...
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...Berkeley: to exist is to perceive or to be perceived 'To exist is either to perceive or to be perceived.' - How would you explain Bishop Berkeley's idealism to someone who knew nothing about philosophy? This is a good essay. Many students are very puzzled by Berkeley's claim that his theory is intended as a 'defence against scepticism'. I don't know what a 'real' tree is, because I have never met one, and never will. All I know is my perception of this tree and other trees like it. - This seems an open invitation to the most extreme scepticism which denies that the objects of our perception exist. Berkeley's answer is that there is no 'real' tree, in the sense of some object or entity that exists apart from perception. All there is, is the possibility of my perceiving the tree, of enjoying my tree-perception, vouchsafed by God's unwavering attention to all the objects of his creation, which exist as nothing more than perceptions in God's mind. This response differs from another possible anti-sceptical response which avoids the God-hypothesis altogether. Why not say that the 'possibility of my perceiving the tree' is just that and no more? There is a hypothetical statement - or list of hypothetical statements - whose truth is equivalent to the 'existence of the tree'. You know what a 'statement' is, and what 'truth' means. You know what it is for a statement to be hypothetical ('if A then B'). Why not stick with that? The clear advantage of this theory - also...
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...that a seventeen-year-old boy would be likely to invent"(Fitzgerald 95). This shows that the identity that Gatsby has created for himself is that of any average, immature boy. As the novel progresses further you find Nick recounting Gatsby's past and describing him as being a "penniless young man" which again shows the reader that Gatsby is really just the common man with a big dream (Fitzgerald 141). This statement helps take away some of the disguise of wealth and overwhelming power, and brings him into a more human perspective. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is a tragic hero because he displays the fundamental characteristics of modern tragic hero. Gatsby's tragic flaw is that his view of the world is obstructed by his own naive idealism. It is very clear to the reader that Gatsby is idealistic when, while Nick is over at Gatsby's house, he reflects on Daisy's and Gatsby's relationship and he notes, "There must have been moments when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams because of the colossal vitality of his illusion"(Fitzgerald 92). This shows that even Nick, his best friend and the one that sticks up for Gatsby the...
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...understand ourselves, religion, customs and conduct without leaning on the views of society, lectures, technology, guardians or our era. Modern philosophers would state that the mission of philosophy is autonomy: the liberty of a person to act in harmony with their decisions about themselves and what they believe in by using there own logical thoughts (Velasquez, 2009). As we examine these five philosophical positions we will determine the benefits and challenges of each that a spot administrator may face. 2. Idealism Idealism may be referred to as the act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form with the pursuit of ones ideals. The philosophy of idealism suggests that the object of external perception, in itself or as perceived, consists of ideas. The idealist therefore will more likely represent things in an ideal form or as they might or should be rather than as they are. He/She cherishes or pursues high goals somewhat as an optimist. Idealism is perhaps the oldest systematic philosophy in Western culture and one of the most notably proponents of this is the outstanding philosopher Plato. He has developed one of the most historically influential philosophies of education which still exist. Socrates, also a well known philosopher and may be described as Plato’s mentor in modern times had influenced people during his time...
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...PARADIGMS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1 PARADIGMS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Abstract In this essay I will discuss the aspects of being a Realist, and Idealist, as well as discuss the 2 meaning of ecological paradigms. There are many assumptions as to what it means to be a realist or an idealist, and while there is always a different meaning to something for someone else, I will do my best to try to eliminate any question as to what realists, idealists, and ecological paradigms mostly stand for. I will then discuss which one of these I prefer as a citizen of the United States and how I believe that things truly are when comparing to my life experiences. This will lead into my ideals on international affairs today and the combination of those and the paradigms discussed. Lastly, I will discuss three important principle differences between realists and idealists and their approaches to international relations. PARADIGMS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Paradigms and International Relations In our textbook, World Politics In The 21st Century, it defines Political Realism as a “philosophical position that assumes that human beings are imperfect and possess an innate desire for power”. (Duncan,Webster,Switky, p. 33) I do believe that it does not matter what it is you are asking to be defined, the definition is always going to depend on who you are asking. Every individual as a unique point of view which might just be a slightly different perspective than the man next...
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...Thinking between Deleuze and Kant: a straneg encounter; Eds. Edward Willat Matt Lee continuum 2009 NY 04 For Deleuze it seems that we need a transcendental empiricism so that the forces immanent in sensation produce individuation; we need mechanisms that ensure that individuation is the result of the work of forces. In other words thought is never to lose sight of the individual because the individual is the ever developing outcome of forces rather than being swept away by them. 08 What sensation can do. 08 Deleuze avoids the language of Kantian faculties that has been present in a number of his earlier solo works. Instead they develop a materialism that is characterized as transcendental in terms of Machinic operations rather than the work of faculties. This provides a reading or appropriation of Kant that places the transcendental further from consciousness and closer to matter. All hint of the psychologism that had characterized Kant’s three syntheses is radicaly blown away by the terminology of desiring machines. D&G talk of machines in anti Oedipus as an attempt to focus upon use and function so as to evacuate all reference to meaning and hence to conscious life. Undermine the hold of consciousness upon the conditions of thought. 69 (how do we recognize structuralism?) it moves away from an understanding of structure as being developed through its own relations, things already given or secured. It thus moves away from a concern with “arriving at secure knowledge...
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...nourishing. Mencken H. L.On Ideals and Idealism The educational approach of this philosophy is of a holistic nature. In which self-realization and character development is strongly supported. The idealist feelsthat with the growth of a fine moral character as well as personal reflection,wisdom is gained. The holistic approach is supported instead of a specializedconcentration on a specific targeted area. By combining experiences gainedthrough critical thinking and dealing with broader topics, the idealist creates anenvironment in which a learner can rationalize information across curriculum.Idealism as a philosophy had its greatest impact during the nineteenth century.Its influence in today’s world is less important than it has been in the past..Idealism is the conclusion that the universe is expression of intelligence and will,that the enduring substance of the world is the nature of the mind, that thematerial is explained by the mental. Idealism as a philosophy stands in contrastwith all those systems of thought that center in nature (naturalism) or in man(humanism)." According to idealism "to be" means to be experienced by aperson. Idealism holds that the order of the world is due to the manifestation inspace and time of an eternal and spiritual reality. As to knowledge, idealismholds that knowledge is man thinking the thoughts and purposes of this eternaland spiritual reality as they are embodied in our world of fact. As to ethics,idealism holds that the goodness of man's individual...
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...others. Being creative, ambitious, and idealistic, I am able to make goals to achieve trusting that I will always do my best. With creativity, I am able express my feelings and thoughts well. In school, I am able to use my creativity in art projects and discussions. Creativity is my ability to think of ideas others don't and create from original thought. I am able to see things from a different approach and make connections between the things I learn to create something new. As an idealist, I imagine the world could be better and have an optimistic outlook in life. I feel that I can achieve if I work hard and strive for my dreams. My aspirations and hopes are what I like to share with others. The art club at my school is a focus of my idealism because, ever since my freshman year, I have hoped to make an impact on the club and resurrect it from its inactivity. Today, the art club has gained over fifty members and held many various successful events. I am the club's youngest officer and next year's certain co-president. Because of my ambitious nature, I do everything with initiative. Unlike others, I will do more than what is required and stay ahead of my game. I actively seek out help and use my resources wisely. If I have a job, I will always use my time wisely to make time for overachievement. Because of my ambition, I am able to be an excellent student rather than an average one. I am open to challenge and hard work because I know that, in the long run, I will be that much...
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...Sommersby Sommersby is a 1993 romantic drama film directed by Jon Amiel. It is a remake of the 1982 French Film Le retour de Martin Guerre (The return of Martin Guerre) by Daniel Vigne. Both of these stories center on a man who returns home after being away many years at war. Yet, the man who returns is an imposter, who appears to fool his family and the townspeople. It is not till near the end of each film, that you learn the truth. Sommersby, is a story that draws in its audience with the American traits of idealism and romance. It is a story about Jack Sommersby returning to his wife Laurel after the civil war. But in reality it is Horace Townsend who returns, playing Jack. It is not until much later in the film that you learn he is an imposter. From Jack’s return home you look at him as someone attempting to live the American ideal of success, as well as the idealistic thought that a person can change for the better. American’s always want to believe that people change, that you can be better and that success is available to anyone who just puts forth the effort. Jack (Horace) epitomizes that belief. So Horace starts the movie with an American ideal that everyone considers at one point or another in their life, the ability to start over. Jack (Horace) came home not the same man that he was before he left, but one who was kinder, more compassionate. Jack was seeking to not only be successful himself, but to allow the town people to be part of the American...
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...Burnout "Burnout is the index of the dislocation between what people are and what they have to do. It represents an erosion in values, dignity, spirit, and will...It is a malady that spreads gradually and continuously over time, putting people into a downward spiral from which it's hard to recover"(Maslach & Leiter, 1997, p.17). Burnout has also been associated with lack of feelings of personal accomplishment and significance. Those that enter clinical practice often do so because they are willing to sacrifice a larger pay scale in exchange for doing a job that gives them a sense of accomplishment. Many social workers enter the field with an idealistic view the impact that they will have on the lives of their clients. When this view collides with the reality of serving clients in a bureaucratic and often unstable system, social workers are at risk of feeling that their work does not have a significant impact. The combination of high ideals, the disappointing realities of the system, and poor compensation can put members of helping professions like social workers at risk for feelings of helplessness, cynicism, depression, depersonalization and ineffectiveness-burnout. Burnout may lead clinical social workers to abandon direct practice for their own mental health. Some of the factors that cause burnout in social workers are excessive workload, role conflict, role ambiguity, lack of training, lack of recognition and opportunity for advancement. A social worker will face...
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...Personal or Political? Cleverly penned to literally mean ‘no place,’ Utopia is an ideal discussed by Thomas More in Utopia. With connotations of eternal and universal bliss, the potential of a Utopian society easily strikes a chord in anyone’s heart to continuously pursue. Therefore, isn’t that ultimately what we are all trying to do, reach our Utopia? It is common knowledge that we are all diverse and individual people, so is a true worldly Utopia possible? We each form our own individual Utopian ideals, and while some theories may connect in ways with another’s opinion, a Utopia is more of a personal ideal and less of a societal or political ideal. The foundation of a Utopia is where most commonalities in opinions are found: job or purpose, happiness, belonging, positive environment, insurance of safety and sustenance, and the perfect amount of order. Getting to a more specific level, however, reveals differences in issues of strong government control or complete independence, stationary communities or nomadic, living off the land or to focus on a life with industrialized advancements, etc. In More’s Utopia, the perfect amount of order is similar to the United State’s House of Representatives, in which one person per city is made the voice of the people. The votes are ultimately out of the public’s control and are the Representative’s own personal opinion of what is best for the people. (More) When the time comes to vote on issues like control, as a country we do our...
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